
b. Aug. 11, noon, 5 gr. 2nd trit. No effect. – 14th, noon, 5 gr. Ist trit. At midnight, after sleeping 1 hours, profuse perspiration. – 16th, noon, 10 gr. Sweat at midnight. – 19th, 1:30 p. m., 15 gr. Soon weariness in knees, elbows, and masseter muscles. Difficulty of swallowing food or drink on account of spasm of oesophagus. – 21st, 1:30 and 2 p. m., 10 gr. Weariness in legs and forearms. Pressure against external meatus auditorious; spasm of oesophagus during and after swallowing. After 1 hours indistinctness of seeing and heaviness as if slightly intoxicated; this went off after 2 h. Increased secretion of urine; with a full bladder difficulty of urinating on account of spasm of sphincter vesical; the full stream is sometimes interrupted all day – 24th. At same time 12 gr. Slight intoxication, which, however, did not interfere with his thinking or work, for which he had greater inclination and capacity than usual. Redness and heat of cheeks and feeling of burning in them; increased discharge of urine. All right in 2 h. Sleep at first restless, afterwards sound, refreshing. Stool next m. at usual time, but passed with greater effort. – 31st, 1, 1:30, and 2 p. m., 10 gr. (= 3 gr. pure opium). Pressure in maxillary joint and malar bones with heat and burning there, also in lobes of ears, slight noise in ears, pulse large and quick, disagreeable buzzing in ears when talking or whistling; heaviness of upper eyelids as if they were swollen; increase of urine; frequent interruption of the stream of urine, which only came after long delay on account of twitching in sphincter vesicae drowsiness when reading. Next day there appeared on wrist and flexor aspect of both forearms thickly set inching wheals, the size of hemp seeds, which went off during n. (Ibid.,65.)

30. a. Dr. L. TEDESCO, aet. 42, March 16th, 6 a. m., 5 dr. 30 dil.; 20th, 12 dil.; 24th, 6th dil. No effect. – From 28th to 31st, 5 dr. 6th dil. 3 times a d. On 29th pressure in stomach for several h. On 30th a liquid stool. – April 28th, m., 5 dr. Ist dil. 2 p. m., pressive frontal pain till 10 p. m., after a refreshing sleep he woke quite well. – May 2nd, 7 a. m., 5 dr. In afternoon scraping, rough feeling in fauces. – 6th, m., 10 dr. After dinner pressive pain in forehead and occiput, confusion of head, giddiness, altered taste, dislike to tobacco, increased salvia, slight nausea, feeling of water – brash, lasting all afternoon, gradually going off in evening – 11th, m., 15 dr. Afternoon, pressive headache as before; at midnight a liquid stool. – 12th. 20 dr. Afternoon, frontal headache, liquid stool. – 13th to 17th, every day 25 dr. Every day frontal headache in afternoon till late in e. Also each day 1, 2, and 3 liquid stools of whitish colour.

b. May 29th to June Ist, every day 5 dr. tinct. No effect. – 2nd. 10 dr. Some hours after dinner, dizziness and confusion of head, passing into pressive pain over eyes to nape. Dislike to tobacco and unusual taste in mouth. 3rd, m., 15 dr. Same symptoms in afternoon. – 4th to 9th. 15 dr. no noteworthy symptoms. – 16th, 20 dr.; 17th, 25 dr.; 18th, 19th, and 20th, 30 dr. No effect more or less pressive frontal pain. – July 13th. 10 dr., only constipation. – 17th. 10 dr., no stool. – 18th. 10 dr., no stool, sight dim. – 19th. 10 dr. sight still dim. – 20th. 10 dr., in afternoon pressive, sometimes throbbing headache from back to front along median line. Sight so bad that when writing the letters ran together. Stool insufficient and hard. – 21st. 15 dr., eye symptoms as before, no stool. – 22nd. 15 dr., eye symptoms continued. 9 p. m., a normal stool. – 23rd. 15 dr., eye symptoms less. – 27th. 20 dr., dim vision, constipation. – 28th, 29th, and 30th, 25 dr. Same symptoms. A hard stool on 30th. – 31st, and Aug. Ist and 2nd, no med. On 2nd day 2 fluid stools at 9 and 12 p. m., with slight griping. – 3rd, 4th, and 6th, 30 dr. Only the above mentioned symptoms in moderate degree. As the smell of the medicine caused loathing, stopped the proving. ( Ibid., 69.)

31. I have tried many experiments with doses from gtt. 1/100 to gtt. ij of tinct., and in every instance the pulse has been quickened, and sometimes rendered sensibly fuller, in 2 or 3 m., e.g. from 66 to 68 and from 70 to 76. After a longer or shorter interval, e.g. in from 5 m. to an hours, determined by the dose, the beats return to what they were at the beginning, and sometimes afterwards descend a little below this. (SHARP, Essays on Medicine (1874), p. 724.)

32. a. Nov. 2nd, 1876, at 12 m. pulse being 64, I took 1 dr. of tinct. in a little water. At 12.3 pulse had been risen to 70, at 12:10 and 12:30 it was 68, and continued thus for a considerable time. On the 4th, at 7:25 a. m., pulse 68, 5 dr. were taken. In 15 m. pulse was 70, in 35 m. 74, in 60 m. 76, at which point in remained for an hours, after which it fell gradually to 68, remaining thus for some h. At 25 m. there was flatulence, and after dinner at 1:30 considerable indigestion.

b. In Nov., 1876, Mr. S -, while continuing his usual habits and his active occupations, took (at my request and without knowing what it was) 1 dr. of Ist dil. n. and m. for 10 d. The only effect which he noticed was a considerable increase of appetite. At another time he took 5 dr. of the same dil. n. and m. for 10 day, under similar circumstances. The result was the same – a decided increase of appetite, so that he thought I had been giving him tonic.

c. Mr. S -, at 6 p. m., having jut finished tea, pulse 72, took 10 dr. of tinct. and sat down to read. Pulse fell, somewhat irregularly, during next 2 hours, so that at 1:10 m. it was as low as 53; it then began to recover, and at 9:15 (after supper) it was 64. At 70 m., when it had fallen to 62, it is noted as “very weak.” The only other effect observed was drowsiness.

d. On another occasion Mr. S – took 6 dr. at 12:30 p. m., pulse being 54. In 25 m. it had risen to 58, after which it fell to 52 (40 – 45 m.). When diner had been taken it rose to 64. (IBID., The Action of One Dose, p. 13.)

32. I frequently tested the pulse of a pupil, aet. 16, in health, and always found it 90 – 108, when not quickened by exercise. I now rubbed into his leg a mixture of jij of laudanum with of olive oil till the whole was absorbed. In 10 m., when nearly half was rubbed in, pulse was 88, soft. In 20 m. it was 84; he was drowsy, and complained of being cold; eyes look heavy. In 50 m. pulse was 72 feeble, and small; continuance pale; coldness continues, and is accompanied with disagreeable sensations. In 60 m. pulse 76, weak, and not quite regular; complains of great weakness. Pulse rose through following 60 m. to 108, and grew regular and stronger. Disagreeable sensation did not go off till after super, which he ate heartily. Experiment was repeated 2 day later, of laudanum being used. Pulse, 95 before applying the O., fell in 30 m. to 83, and became soft and weak; he complained much of being cold and felt so; looked sickly and dull; felt depressed and drowsy. He ate breakfast greedily, and was soon relieved of disagreeable sensations. He said the word “horror” well described the extremely unpleasant coldness he had experienced (WARD, Med, and Phys. Journ., vii, 136.)

33. Mrs. G. W -, aet. 34, well save for paraplegia, had mvj of tinct. inject hypodermically. After 1 hours pulse accelerated 10 beats; no somnolency; had felt uncomfortable, and was now faint, and gave way to hysterical crying and sobbing. After 2 hours, pulse week, accelerated 16 beats; had vomited twice, and now retched violently, and threw up mucus with bile; face pale and anxious. After 5 hours, pulse small, feeble, and intermitting, accelerated 20 beats; had vomited bilious matter twice, and experienced constant nausea, with considerable drowsiness, but was restless, distressed, and unable to sleep on account of illusory objects which continued to pass before the vision as soon as she closed the eyes; surface cold. Nausea, repeated action of bowels, somnolence, giddiness and faintness continued up to the 11th hours, when she went to sleep for the first time, and slept throughout n. with much dreaming and wandering. Pupils and tongue remained unchanged throughout. (HARLEY, Old Veg. Neurotics, p. 130.).

34. Opium taken in the dose of 1 gr. always in me after 12 hours a diarrhoea that lasts at 24 h. The evacuations are not frequent, from 4 to 5 times in the 24 hours, have a whitish colour, are pappy, l and cause burning in anus that lasts for 1/4 hours (STRECKER, A.h. Z., xii, 133.)

35. At first I took 1/2 gr. O for dose, always after a meal, but experienced no effect, whereupon I took 1 gr. and this did not act. But if I took it shortly before bedtime, my sleep at n. was often broken by waking up, and it was long before I could get to sleep again, so that once I got up at 3 a. m. When I took 2 gr. in the form of pills, they caused headache, sleepiness, red congested face, quickened pulse, and profuse sweat. The largest dose I took at once was 4 gr. in pills. One hours after swallowing it had violent headache, my face became redder, pulse accelerated, profuse sweat broke out; there was drowsiness, I could not sleep quietly, and 5 hours after the dose I vomited 8 times without much straining, a thing I am not used to, and it caused great exhaustion. (WALTL, A. h. Z., xxii, 160.).

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.