
b. E. J – took 1/6 gr. of Opium Immediately after felt numbness of head, accompanied after 1 hours by increased heat over whole body, and 2 hours later by urging to stool. Numbness lasted 10 m., changing to confusion of head, and towards noon to pressing headache, which recurred from time to time during p. m. Increased heat lasted till 5 p. m.; sleep was disturbed during early part of n. After 1/12 gr. noticed slight confusion of head, and later, weariness, somnolence, increased heat of body, and quickened pulse. Next m. felt some headache, especially from vertex towards left eye, lasting with more or less intensity the whole day (Ibid.)

14. a. Frau CH -, on Aug. 14th, at 8 a. m., took 1/6 gr. After 1/2 hours was seized with confusion and severe pain in head, especially in right half of forehead, becoming towards noon so acute that she could not collect her thoughts. Pulse meanwhile was quicker, larger, and fuller than usual, and skin was warmer than normal. During p. m. frontal headache was less troublesome, but she suffered from general pressing pain over whole head, and from rheumatic pains in left hand and arm. Eyes became hot, misty, and dry. During n. slept well, but next day felt same pressing headache, weariness and lassitude of whole body, and considerable depression of spirits. Bowels were somewhat constipated both days, although she felt movements in stomach and small intestines as if from a dose of aperient medicine. On 16th, at 8 a. m., took 1/12 gr. Similar effects followed, but in addition there was increased heat of whole body, especially in face, and palpitation, pulse being 12 beats above normal, large and full. Palpitation lasted till 4 p. m., but increased heat, headache, and somnolence till bed – time; did not sleep till midnight, and during whole n. sleep was very disturbed; bowels acted at 10 p. m., faces being hard. Next m. felt very tired and weary, and suffered between 8 a. m. and noon from severe stabbing headache, especially over right eyebrow, changing during p. m. to more moderate general pressing ache, which diminished gradually towards e. During a. m. felt also constriction of chest. From 2 to 3 p. m. distressing dreams during siesta, and, later, lowness of spirits. During following n. still felt constriction of chest, which disturbed her sleep. Next day felt still some headache in right frontal region, lasting from 9 till 11 a. m., and same, though in lesser degree, on following d. Bowels during all this time were constipated.

b. Same took 1/2 dr. of tinct. After 15 m. felt slight confusion in head, and 10 m. later uneasy movements in stomach, lasting 1/2 h. After 1 hours confusion of head gradually disappeared. Next day took 1 dr. After 5 m. felt above symptoms, pains in stomach approaching nearer to actual cutting. After these pains had disappeared for 1 hours, felt sinking feeling as from prolonged fast, not relieved by eating. Enjoyed dinner, but immediately afterwards oppression of head, which had never ceased, changed to stabbing headache spreading form forehead to occiput, especially on right side, accompanied by longing for sleep; on sleeping for 1 hours had uneasy dreams and awoke unrefreshed. Headache lasted till 5 p. m., and was accompanied at 4 by giddiness. Bowels only opened in evening after several ineffectual attempts at stool. After 2 dr. same symptoms followed, uneasy feeling spreading to small intestines, and accompanied after 2 hours by sinking, nausea, and general lassitude. After 3 hours there was general warmth; after 4 hours considerable heat and redness of cheeks, pulse being large, full, and hard, and 10 beats above normal. At noon had 1 hours of restless sleep; between 2 and 3 heat vanished, but headache became worse, especially in right half of forehead. Bowels constipated all day, acting at 10 p. m., faeces hard. During n. slept more quietly than at noon, but all next day suffered with general lassitude, weariness, and, except at rare intervals, with headache. (Ibid.)

15. TH. JORG, on August 10th, at 8 a. m., took 1 dr.; almost instantly felt confusion and pressing pain in head and transient pressing in stomach; after 15 m. momentary stabbing in left corner of left eye; soon afterwards weariness, especially in knees, and frequent stretching and yawning. Head – symptoms and weariness became worse towards 10 a. m., and he was also troubled with rheumatic pains in joints and painful sensations in region of spleen and back; by 11 a. m. confusion and weariness alone remained, and by noon these had disappeared. Pulse all a. m. was quickened and excited. Next day took 2 dr.; confusion of head with pressing in forehead followed after 15 m. and lasted till 10 p. m. though moderating towards eve., and accompanied from 9 a. mm. till noon by cutting pains in abdomen, changing during p. m. to distension of intestinal canal. During p. m. and evening nose was very dry, and watered several times. Pulse from 9 a. m. till 2 p. m. was quicker than usual. During afternoon much troubled with sleepiness and distaste for work. (Ibid.)

16. a. WIBMER took, July 26th, 11:45 a. m., 1/4 gr. Opium After 14 hours on rising up felt heaviness and slight stiffness in limbs, which went off after 20 m. In afternoon was very active, not the least desire for sleep. No stool all day, very unusual.

b. July 28th. – After a stool, took, at 7:30 a. m., the pulse being 70, 1 gr Opium The bitter taste lasted some time. After 20 m. head felt heavy, heat of face, pulse increased by 3 or 4 beats. 7:45 a. m., heaviness of head nearly gone, as also the heat of face, but arms and legs felt as heavy as lead, making all movements difficult; at same time slight sickness and inclination to vomit, followed by eructation; pupils somewhat dilated. 8:15 a. m., well, except some heaviness of head and weariness.

c. July 31st, 7 a. m., after stool, pulse being 72, took 2 gr. Opium After 20 m. head heavy, face hot, thinking and writing difficult, pulse 5 beats quicker, pupils not dilated. Ten m. later the limbs, especially thighs, could only be with difficulty. 7:45 a. m., heaviness of head and limbs and heat diminished, but he was unable to work, a kind of giddiness prevented him thinking. 8 a. m., sleepy, slept some m. After 8 a. m. head heavier then every, trembling, slight dim, could neither think nor write. Nausea, eructation, retching and ineffectual efforts to vomit, after which he became easier. In open air, head remained heavy, giddiness and nausea. 12, noon, slept a little and ate his dinner, after which all the symptoms disappeared. ( Opium cit., iv, 72.)

17. OPPENHEIM took 7 gr. at once. He had congestion in head, pulse quickened, vertigo, headache, flickering before eyes, dyspnoea, increased heat, restless sleep. After 4 hours woke exhausted, stupefied, pulse quick. Felt unwell and excited for 24 hours (Ibid., 73.)

18. PURKINJE took 5 gr. After 1/4 hours nausea in stomach, which gradually affected all motor nervous system, especially branches of sciatic, with feeling of great weakness and faintness, so that he could with difficulty walk 1/2 hours; at same time great depression of spirits, always occupied with thoughts of death. All this went off after a glass of wine. ( Ibid., 71.)

19. J. HEUKENBECK, aet. 47, Feb. 8th, 7 and 11:30 a. m., 0.030 grm. 9:30 a. m., restless, a kind of anxiety, oppression of chest, trembling, chiefly of lower extremities and about lumbar vertebrae, frequent eructation, dryness of tongue and palate, then painful pricking in jaws, especially about condoles, confused head. After 2nd dose nausea and inclination to vomit; thereafter a slight counteractive feeling in stomach, rumbling and pinching in bowels, in left leg a feeling of movement as if a fluid moved to and fro in it. Afterwards had, however, extreme faintness, drowsiness and uneasy sleep for 1 1/2 h. After waking staggers as if intoxicated. P. m., after supper all the symptoms went off, except the trembling; soon there came on nausea, eructation, lame feeling in knee – joints with an obtuse pain there, occasional painful twitchings i muscles, especially of limbs, dryness of whole buccal cavity and tongue, bitter rather burning taste, sometimes obtuse headache and staggering gait; slight persistent pain in bowels. All symptoms went off by 8 p. m. No stool this day. – 10th, 8:15 a. m. and 4:30 p. m., 0.040 grm. 9:30 a. m., repeated eructations. After 1/4 hours pinching in stomach, rumbling in bowels, slight bellyache, soon followed by dryness of tongue. 10 a. m., pain in bowels increased, dryness in fauces. 10:45, vertigo. 11:15 a. m., dull headache, staggering gait as if intoxicated, inclination to vomit and dizziness. 11:45 a. m., sad humour, same feeling in knee – joints. 12 noon, creeping feeling in both legs. Slept from 1 till 2 pm. On waking some headache and dryness of mouth, all gone by 3 p. m. 5 joints with an obtuse pain there, occasional painful twitchings i muscles, especially of limbs, dryness of whole buccal cavity and tongue, bitter rather burning taste, sometimes obtuse headache and staggering gait; slight persistent pain in bowels. All symptoms went off by 8 p. m. No stool this day. – 10th, 8:15 a. m. and 4:30 p. m., 0.040 grm. 9:30 a. m., repeated eructations. After 1/4 hours pinching in stomach, rumbling in bowels, slight bellyache, soon followed by dryness of tongue. 10 a. m., pain in bowels increased, dryness in fauces. 10:45, vertigo. 11:15 a. m., dull headache, staggering gait as if intoxicated, inclination to vomit and dizziness. 11:45 a. m., sad humour, same feeling in knee – joints. 12 noon, creeping feeling in both legs. Slept from 1 till 2 pm. On waking some headache and dryness of mouth, all gone by 3 p. m. 5 p. m., eructation. 6 p. m., dryness in mouth, pinching in bowels. 6:30 p. m., trembling of thighs. 8 p. m., pain in stomach removed by movement. 9 p. m., quite well. One stool, hard and grey. – 10th, 8 a. m. and 3 p. m., 0.040 grm. 9 p. m., 0.050 grm. Opium 10 a. m., some retching which ended with eructation. 11:15 a. m., slight lame feeling in knee – joints and transient pain in houghs. 11:30 am., vertigo. 11:45 a. m., pinching in belly. 11.58 p. m., all symptoms gone. Slept uneasily from 3:30 till 4 p. m., dimness and dryness of eyes, which felt stiff; sometimes they were very watery. From 6 till 7 p. m., vertigo. From 7 till 8 p. m., pressure in abdomen and oppression of chest, dry mouth. One stool, hard and yellow. Woke up at 2:30 a. m. with great itching of anus and hiccup. – 11th, 8 and 11:30 a. m. and 8:30 p. m., 0.050 grm. 9 a. m., a transient stitch in cardiac region. 9:30 a. m., alternate watering and dimness of eyes. 10 a. m., much hiccup till 11 a. m., then dryness of mouth. About noon, vertigo with continued dry mouth, and return of hiccup. After dinner slept 1 h. From 1 till near 4, pains in head, after that very cross and angry without reason, with occasional intervals of cheerfulness, confusion of head and vertigo, bitter taste, dryness of mouth, pretty intense thirst. 7 p. m., pain in supra – orbital region. 7:30 p. m., hiccup. 9 p. m., hard stool. 10 p. m., great headache, vertigo, staggering gait. Loss of appetite. Slept well. – 12th, 8:15 a. m., and 2:15 p. m., 0.050 grm., and 9 p. m., 0.060 grm. 9.29 a. m., violent pains in abdomen of short duration. 10 a. m., eructation. 10:30, slight dimness and moisture of eyes. 11:15, formication in left leg. 11:30 a. m., pain in gullet on swallowing. 12 noon, dry mouth, vertigo, trembling of whole body; transient stitch in left hypochondrium. After dinner slept till 1:30 p. m.; quite well on waking. 3.46 p. m., violent pains in abdomen, watering of eyes; abdomen tympanitically distended, slight pressure caused pain in umbilical region. 6 p. m., oppression of chest and choking in throat, weariness of knee – joints, dry mouth, eructation. 7:30 p. m., rumbling in belly, coldness in stomach, trembling, depression of spirits, vertigo, headache and sleepiness. 8:30, quite well. No stool, slept well. – 14th, 8:30 a. m., 2:30 and 9 p. m., 0.050 grm. 11 a. m., dull pressive pain in abdomen. 11.43 a. m., trembling of upper and over extremities. 12 noon, vertigo, stupefaction and a kind of intoxication, not lively, dryness of mouth and sleepiness, little appetite for food which, however, tasted well, slight perspiration when eating, especially in upper part of body. After dinner slept till 2:15 p. m.; quite well on waking. From 4 till 4.44 p. m., slight pain in abdomen. 5:30 p. m., vertigo, drowsy, great noise in ears. 6.16 p. m., very violent pain in chest lasting till evening and causing dyspnoea. Eyes watered in open air. Could read and write by candle – light without spectacles, which he could not do before. 10 p. m., pulse 70, strong slept well. During day frequent dryness of mouth, no stool. – 15th, pulse 65, strong. 8:30 a. m., 3:30 p. m., 0.050 grm.; 9 p. m., 0.060 grm. Good appetite on rising. 7 a. m., not quite wide awake, lazy, obtuse headache. 7:30 a. m., quite wide awake. 9:30 a. m., rumbling in abdomen and stomach. 11 a. m., vertigo and dull pressive pain in umbilical region. 11:30 p. m., perspired when walking. 5 p. m., vertigo with intoxication till 5.32 p. m. Went to bed at 10 p. m., woke up at 3 p. m. with violent pain in stomach, oppression of chest, choking in throat, dry mouth; then slept till 7 a. m., and woke quite well. Pulse at 10 p. m. 68, no stool. – 16th, m., pulse 66. 8:30 a. m., noon 4 p. m., 0.060 grm. Appetite good, but soon satisfied. During day much flatus. The first 2 hours after each dose spasmodic contraction of anus; one hard stool. 7 a. m., on rising pretty well. 11 a. m., vertigo, oppression of chest, lazy and sleepy. Noon, immediately after taking dose stiffness and weariness of knee – joints, vertigo. After dinner till 1 felt nothing, slept till 3:30 p. m.; on waking felt as if he had been intoxicated. 6 p. m., vertigo, weariness of lower extremities, especially knee – joints. 6:30 p. m., sleepiness and laziness. 7:30 p. m., dull headache. On going to bed at 10 p. m., vertigo, formication in legs quiet sleep till 6:45 a. m.; on waking, cheerful and brisk. – 17th, 10 a. m., pulse 66, not so strong as usual. 8:30 a. m., 3.0 and 9 p. m., 0.080 grm. Appetite bad for dinner at noon rest of day good. Quite well on rising. 10 a. m., sleepy. 11:30 a. m., vertigo, confusion of head, intoxication, weariness in knees. Noon, dull headache, trembling of lower limbs, dry mouth. 12:30 p. m., after eating without appetite, symptoms gone, soon afterwards pressure in stomach. 12:45 p. m., cheerful and brisk. Slept till 2:45 p. m., woke thirsty. From 3 till 7 p. m., quite well and cheerful. 7:15 p. m., pinching pain in stomach. 7:30 p. m., violent pinching in abdomen. A hard and lumpy stool. Woke several times at n. with pains in abdomen till 5 a. m. During the abdominal pains, spasmodic closing of anus and difficult flatus. At n. slight sweat, and at 3 a. m. urging to urinate with difficulty of passing urine. – 18th, 8:30 a. m., 3 and 6 p. m., 0.080 grm., and 9 p. m. 0.090 grm. P. m. and evening, bad appetite, no stool. On rising 7 a. m., well. 10 a. m., choking for a short time. 10:15 a. m., stiffness of eyes, sleepiness. 10:30 a. m., vertigo. 11 a. m., trembling of lower extremities. 11:30, well. From 1 p. m., restless, dreadful sleep. 3:30 p. m., intoxication. 4 p. m., vertigo, great gaiety, l and dysuria as if the urethra were closed; this went off at 5:30 p. m. 6:45, nausea and vomiting, afterwards bitter taste, trembling of whole body, cold feet, pressive pain in stomach, eructation, vertigo, headache. 7:15 p. m., nausea, numbness and coldness of right hand. 7:30 p. m., pain in abdomen, staggering gait and drowsiness. 8 p. m., vertigo. On going to bed at 9:45 p. m., intoxication and vertigo. Slept till 5 a. m. On waking difficulty of passing urine, violent pain in chest, dry mouth. – 19th, 98 grm. blood abstracted. 11 a. m., 0.060 grm. On rising 7 a. m., violent pain in chest, dry mouth, trembling of body till 9 a. m. 10 a. m. vertigo. 11:30 a. m., sleepy. 12:15 p. m., trembling and lame feeling of knees. 2 p. m., well. 2:30 p. m., great vertigo till 3:30 p. m., then dull headache, sleepiness, bitter taste and trembling of whole body. 4 p. m., no symptoms. 5 p. m., vertigo, transient oppression of chest. 8 p. m., painful formication in left leg, pressive pain in abdomen, vertigo. All day bad appetite and frequent urging to urinate, with scanty but easy discharge of flatus; one stool, hard and lumpy. During all the proving no inclination for, or power of, coitus. – 20th, 2 stools, the first hard and very painful on account of the spasmodic closure of anus, the second easier. On rising at 7 a. m. brisk and cheerful. 8:30 a. m., vertigo. 11 a. m., sleepy for 1/4 h. The same vertigo and sleepiness at 3 p. m. 6 p. m., sleepy and not brisk, gnawing pains in belly till 9 p. m., then trembling of whole body. A certain amount of laziness and exhaustion lasted for several d. The stools became gradually softer, were frequent (2 in d.) and painless. The hearing has not been so good since taking the Opium In 14 day he was quite in his usual state. – During this proving the blood and urine were carefully examined. It was found, Ist, that the weight of the body remained unaffected; 2nd, that the quantity of food consumed was lessened; 3rd, that the quantity of the urine was increased, to the amount of about 150 grms, but that the quantity of solid matter in it is diminished; 4th, that the amount of the faeces, perspiration and semen was diminished. (BLOCKER, Zeitsch. f. Erfahrungsheilk., iv, pt. 1, pp. 1 – 80; in Frank’s Mag., iv.)

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.