
13. BLAUFUSS, Nov. 21st, 1859, took 1 gr. of powdered lycop. at 8 a. m. About to felt mouth fill with saliva, and on spitting it out same thing recurred. At back of tongue and palate sour taste all d. On 22nd,, 2 gr., with same result. On 28th, I gr. of 1st trit. at same h. In forenoon, itching in groin and scrotum. An hours later, rush of blood to head; painful micturition, last drop with difficulty expelled; urine of deep colour, with much mucus in it; frequent erections. In afternoon, same symptoms. At n., emissions with amorous dreams. 29th. – Same symptoms, only apparently more violent; great excitement of whole body. Symptoms lasted all next day, and only disappeared on day following. (MARTIN’S provings, Hom. Vierteljahrschr., x, 52.)

14. GRAEFE, Nov. 22nd, took 1 gr. fasting without effect. 23rd. -At 7 a. m. 2 gr. About 10 remarked that pulse was somewhat quicker (86_88); he was at same time in very good spirits, without any particular reason for being so. About 3 p. m. was seized with violent stitches in chest and oppressed respiration, especially when running. At n. very restless sleep, and great rush of blood to heart. 24th. – At 9 a. m. palpitation, lasting 10 m. until he had drunk a glass of salt in water. At noon, immediately after eating, cramp-like contraction in nape, and in afternoon violent headache. 25th. -Quite well. (Ibid.,53)

15. GUNTHER, Nov. 27th, at 6 a. m. took 1 gr. of 1st trit. At 4 p. m. slight headache, and some tearing in temporal region, which however, together with the headache, went off about 8. 28th. – At 7 a. m. took same. Again headache and (11 a. m.) shooting in temple, with a very peculiar itching, conjoined with shooting diagonally across chest (between 4th and 7th ribs). No appetite, and burning thirst, which had to be assuaged with water all day long, with sour bitter expectoration of which he could not get rid. Are nothing all d. At n., little or no sleep, much perspiration, and terrible itching desire to pass water, which caused great tickling in urethra, urine ran away almost involuntarily, and he could not completely expel it, it was of orange colour and smelt rather strong. 29th. -After taking a third dose same symptoms occurred, only with much severity, so that he was unable to work on account of the horrible headache, and could scarcely take a step without getting a king of vertigo. He also remarked on both wrists, as also on left thigh, elevated red pustules on which were small points filled with pus; this eruption lasted 5 d. Headache continued all next week, pain in chest till Dec. 3rd, bitter taste and itching in urethra till Dec. 7th; tongue was moderately furred, and nights rather sleepless. (Ibid.,53)

16. HILPERT, Nov. 21st, at 7 and 11 a. m., took 1 gr. without effect that d., but in after noon of 2nd d. he had most violent headache, especially to l. of frontal sinus and in left malar bone. On 23rd and 25th repeated dose, without effect; but on 27th bad on rising violent shooting pain from ensiform cartilage and right hypochondrium to dorsal vertebrae and scapula, oppressing breathing. This state continued with aggravation and remissions till noon of 28th. – 7 a. m. took 1 gr. of 1st trit. P. m., confusion of head with transient pain l. temple. 30th. – At 7 a. m. took same. Pulse full and quick; considerable sediment in urine; constant shooting in shoulder, soon going off, in evening great drowsiness. Dec. 1st. -Same dose. P. m., transient spasmodic jerking in thigh; shooting pain in bowels, especially right side; rumbling in stomach. 2nd. – Same dose. About 11 a. m. constant buzzing in l. ear; in e; very sad disposition with confusion of had. 3rd. – Drawing in limbs, spasmodic jerking in knee; p. m., cramps in forearm and drawing in upper lip; in evening, pricking in lip and shooting in right patella; 9, transient shooting pain in left sinciput, from temple to forehead; all n. long violent discharge of flatus. 4th. -P. m., violent tearing in vasti muscles, extending to patella; pimple on knee. 5th. – One pimple on forehead and two behind l. ear; for some d. past inflamed upper lip, and a vesicle there. ( Ibid.55.)

17. HORN took, Nov. 21st, 1 gr., and 22nd, 2 gr at 6 a. m. On n. of 2nd d. violent spasm at stomach, and for several d. very cheerful disposition and great appetite, yet much drowsiness. 27th. -At 5:45 a. m. gr ij of 1st trit. At 1 a. m. sinking in stomach, going off after coffee. At 10, attach of spasm in stomach, soon passing off. All d. constant yawning. 28th. – At 6 a. m. 2 gr of same. Same sinking about 8, not so severe; constant yawning, sometimes tasteless eructation. 29th. – Rose at 5:30 a. m. but did not breakfast till 11 on account of want of appetite. Stool at 4 p. m. instead of in m., very hard. All the time in very cheerful humour. Till Dec. 2nd stool hard and urine very cloudy, complexion changed very often. After this sexual instinct much aroused. (Ibid.,56.)

18. KUNTZMANN took, Nov. 23rd, 1 gr., and same on 24th, in m., fasting. Noticed nothing same that he perspired in head towards m. On 25th, took both same dose, and on 30th and Dec. 1st took 1 gr. of 1st trit., on both occasions labouring under a severe cold when doing so. The first time drug seemed to check cold suddenly; the second, catarrh lasted unusually long. On July 13th, took 4 gr. of crude drug m. and evening, without effect save dreamful sleep; and on 14th repeated same, observing only some loose motions. (Ibid., 576)

19. a. MARTIN took, Nov. 21st, in m. fasting, 1 gr., well rubbed up with 4 gr. of milk sugar. In. 6 m. violent aching in stomach, and contraction as in sickness, terminating in unusual urging to stool and discharge of flatus. In 1/2 h. headache in from to head, with disposition to eructate; twisting (quivering) in right upper eyelid; painful tension in scalp, particularly persistent across forehead; same painful drawing about root of nose; burning rising upward in oesophagus; shooting in r. flank, recurring several times in day; remarkable condition of head, but not of mind, and after an hours amelioration by sneezing. Thereafter cutting in l. chest and hypochondrium, especially on stretching; dizzy feeling; then severe aching in posterior mediastinum and scrobiculus cordis, with general confusion and lassitude. About 3 h. after still aching in scrobiculus; much stuffiness (as of a cold) in head; want of steadiness in all limbs as if intoxicated; after going out, toothache (unusual). At 5 p. m., after a walk, during which cold in head seemed worse, belly-ache like spasm. 23rd. -Took I gr. In 5 c. m. confusion of head; some nausea; urging to stool; slight scraping of throat. After breakfast, tearing pain in l. shoulder, shooting under l. scapula; afterwards, headache as if intoxicated. 26th. -I gr. In 1/4 h. pain under right scapula, continuing like an aching; soon afterwards disturbance in bowels with call to stool; tearing shooting in scalp. As on previous days, frequent quivering (painful twitching) of r. upper eyelid. Much flatus; slight tearing in l. upper arm; great secretion of mucus in fauces; head long confused; taste insipid, and yet great appetite. 27th. -In m. fasting gr. j of 1st trip. Soon after, drawing in l. upper arm, which increases to tearing pain and afterwards extends to shoulder and supra-clavicular fossa, and lasts a long time. Much quivering of r. upper eyelid; unusually early call to stool, and unwonted appetite; painful drawing also in right shoulder; quivering in several parts of hairy scalp, recurring in evening; violent aching in right eyeball, so that tears flow. 28th. – Increased hunger; in evening, great itching in anus. 29th. -In m., gr. j of Ist trit. In 1/4 h., tearing in l. arm down into dorsal side of metacarpal bone of thumb; at same time feeling of dryness and heat in arm. About 10, toothache in l. lower jaw. Much itching in anus; quivering of r. upper eyelid. 30th. – Frequent recurrence of quivering of eyelid; early in m. tearing in limbs after an uneasy dreamful night; in evening toothache. N. very restless. In m. gumboil at seat of toothache (a carious molar); very great appetite. 2nd. -Gumboil painful; much nasal mucus; tearing towards first finger-joints of l. hand. 3rd. – Swelling of right cheek with pain. 4th. -Very restless n., full of annoying dreams. By day, much rheumatic tearing headache. The gumboil only subsided on the 6th. 19b. June 12th, 1836, took 4 gr. Soon afterwards, drawing in face that goes off by sneezing; drawing aching in left forearm as if in ulna. 13th. -In m. slight pain in urethra as if from a foreign body in it; great flow of mucus from nose; painful itching and burning in anus. These symptoms went off in course of following day 18th. -At 7 a. m. 4 gr. Great lassitude in afternoon and e. At root of r. canine tooth, between gum and lip, a small ulcer. (Ibid., 59.)

20a. OEHLER. Nov. 23rd, at 7 a. m., I gr. No symptoms during day, but 7-8 p. m. shooting pains in both temples, and especially behind mastoid process. 24th. -2 gr. No effect. 25th. -About 8 a. m. shooting pains in l. hypochondrium, and p. m. same in r., lasting till 4 p. m. next day 26th. -About 9, shooting in l., and on following day in r., iliac region. From II till I, tensive pain across chest, oppressing respiration. 27th. -At 7 a. m. gr. j Ist trit. 7:30, some shooting under r. scapula, growing always more severe, and extending to head and nape. 9, flying shooting pains over whole body. 10, cough with mucous expectoration, then collection of large quantity of sourish watery saliva in mouth. About 6 p. m. these symptoms abated somewhat, but at 11, as he lay in bed, there was a shooting pain in chest that gave him great uneasiness. 28th. -At 6:45 a. m. same dose. The shooting pains came on immediately on taking the powder, but did not alternate as rapidly. At 3 they went off. Cough and saliva as on 27th. A small furuncle on hip. At n., uneasy dreams. 29th. -At 7:15 a. m., same dose. Shooting less, but towards noon some headache. Cough and expectoration as before. 30th. -Shooting went off p. m., then occurred coryza; cough still slight, expectoration not increased. Dec. Ist-Great burning when passing water; frequent call to micturate; urine clear. Painful erections. 2nd. -Throughout day constant scalding when passing water, which was at first clear, but afterwards mixed with purulent-looking, colourless mucus, p. m. streaked with blood. 3rd. -In m. more coryza, but no cough; alternate rigor and heat; pulse at noon 84. All day lassitude and burning in feet (latter went off about 4 p. m.). In afternoon again heat and rigor, with at 6:30 some headache. Later in evening violent shooting pain as if in a ring around abdomen, and pain in small of back. Increase during day of purulent discharge from urethra, with burning pains during micturition; during n., which was quiet, discharge most copious but clear; in m. streaks of blood again appeared. 4th. – From afternoon onwards decline of pain in micturition and urethral discharge. Otherwise as on previous day; alternate heat and rigor; headache till 7 p. m., with great appetite and increased perspiration. Following n. good, with rapid amelioration of urinary ailment; there still remains some yellow mucous discharge.

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.