
11b. 5th dec. trit. -9th, 6 a. m., 60 gr. Griping in bowels, 3 or 4 loose, greenish stools. Sensitiveness of submaxillary gland, increased saliva. drawing and tearing in both shoulders alternately. 1 p. m., great heat of face, with circumscribed redness of cheeks. 6 p. m., chilliness commencing in back with feeling as if it were continually sprinkled with cold water. Great sleepiness, restless sleep. -10th. No med. Griping in bowels all day 6 p. m., severe chilliness all over. -11th, 6 a. m., 60 gr. 10 a. m., burning on chest, under sternum; dry nose; transient stitches in left side of chest. 6 p. m., severe chilliness with stupefied sleepiness; restless sleep disturbed by tiresome dreams. -12th, 6 a. m., 60 gr. 9 a. m., tearing pain in l. ramus of lower jaw, extending to l. temporal region. Noon, great heat of face, dryness of nose, loss of appetite, remarkable bluish hue of gums, constant yawning. 6 p. m., chilliness all over body for 2 h., with stupefied feeling in head, drowsiness tearing in limbs. N. very restless. M., feels very ill and cannot rise she is so weak. -13th. No med. Weariness, as after a long walk, no appetite, drawing pain in l. temple, extending to forehead, tearing in both shoulders, transient stitches now in r. now in l. elbow joint, then in r. and then in l. wrist; single stitches in both knees; this lasted in alternation 2 h. 7 p. m., rigor coming from back, cold hands and feet, cannot get warm in bed for 2 h. The tearing pains in above places increases. Nausea, with inclination to vomit. Constant yawning. The paroxysms ends after 2 hours in a stupefied, very restless sleep, from which she wakes, m., with extreme weakness. – 14th. No med. 7 p. m., same attack as yesterday, also on 15th and 16th. -17th. A very slight attack, after which she recovered; the weariness of legs and a particular distraction- absence of thought- lasted till 24th. (Ibid)

12. BAUMGARTNER, surgeon, took, March 16th, 100 dr. 30th dil. Up to April 2nd observed following. – On 2nd d., ill- humoured, little inclination to speak, for some day -5th d. A small boil on lower jaw, which filled with transparent lymph, burst and dried to a yellow scab, which remained several day, then fell off, and left a copper-coloured spot, which only regained normal colour after 4 months. – 7th d. right middle finger commenced to be hot and painful, then occurred inflammation at root of nail, which suppurated, and after discharge of matter soon healed. -10th d. Felt a loosening of r. lower incisors, and slight bleeding of gums. This lasted 2 d. – April 3rd, 7 a. m., 100 dr. 24th dil. No effect except increased irritability of temper. -8th. Transient smarting pain at anus. – From 9th to 30th no symptoms. -May 1st, 7 a. m., 100 dr. 18th dil. Nothing except some cough and single slight variable stitches on chest. -6th, 100 dr. 18th dil. 11 a. m., some pain in a small spot on r. index, lasting 3 d., and then gradually going off. During afternoon, frequent small pricks in right knees, especially when walking. In evening transient boring pain in l. frontal region towards roof of nose; from 7 to 8 p. m. difficult breathing, as though he had respired sulphur fumes. After 8 p. m. a liver-brown stool. -7th. Nothing but frequent sensation as if sparks of fire darted out of eyes, especially in open air. -8th, 100 dr. 15th dil. Soon heaviness on chest and impeded respiration, lasting sometime, relieved by cough, with expectoration of white, tough mucus, going off by noon. -9th, 100 dr. 15 th dil., at 7 a. m. Nose painful on pressing it, especially towards root, the pain seemed to be seated in mucous membrane. Frequent tussiculation and first firm, then liquid stool. -10th. Two liquid stools, cough continues. -11th, 7 a. m., 100 dr. 12th dil. Slight shivering after swallowing dose; after some hours rising of warmth up spine for 1 minute; during d. tearing in limbs; when walking in open air, burning-shooting pain on borders of sternum, and cough. Towards evening when lying unusual pulsation in thoracic cavity, frequent yawning, and sore pain at root of tongue. -12th. Pain as yesterday continued, and lasted till n. Cough rather severe. -13th, 100 dr. 9th dil. Cough frequent during d., fatiguing and often with expectoration of white viscid phlegm, all d. out of humour, and the least thing made him cross. -14th, 7 a. m., 100 dr. 9th dil. Cough and expectoration as yesterday; on hawking, burning on throat; nose stopped up. All d. out of humour, and disinclined to speak. In evening the 3rd sound right incisor was painful for a short time. Firm costive stool. -15th. Cough and expectoration less, nose still stopped, sneezing, no stool. – 16th and 17th, 100 dr. 6th dil. -18th and 19th. No med. Cough continued all through 4d., but slighter, and only troubled him m. and e. Constipation till 18th, when he had a hard difficult stool. Frequent indications of toothache in same tooth, and occasional tearing in limbs. Nose free. -20th, 100 dr. 3rd dil. At noon, violent stitches in r. elbow joint; 1 hours after dinner, great pulsation in thoracic cavity and sweet taste, cough severe and dry. -21st, 100 dr. 2nd dil. -22nd, 100 dr. 1st dil. No symptoms except twitching in hairy scalp, occasional slight stitches at anus, and dry fatiguing cough. -23rd, 10 dr. of concentrated tincture. Soon, slight confusion of head, and very frequent fits of coughing, each time followed by transient palpitation of heart, heaviness and roughness in throat. -24th, m., 30 dr. tinct. Soon nausea, with flow of water in to mouth; later, stitches, sometimes in cardiac region, sometimes in l. elbow, sometimes in belly for 1/4 h. Stomach tender to pressure, abdomen distended; visible pulsation in scrob. cordis, repeated fatiguing cough with vomiting; in afternoon, stitches rectum. -25th m. – On waking cough with thick mucus expectoration. 7 a. m., 100 dr. tinct. At noon stitches in belly which went through inguinal ring to thigh, soon fit of coughing with scanty mucus expectoration. Transient erections with deficient sexual appetite. Disinclination for work and laziness. -26th. No medicine, same symptoms. -27th, 100 dr. tinct. Nausea immediately. l. eye become painful, especially when moved; when looking at brightly coloured objects they began to tremble. Cough frequent and more severe, always followed by tightness of chest, dyspnoea, palpitation and heat of face, little expectoration. These symbol lasted till 30th, on which day there was only moderate cough. -31st. During d. 1 1/2 oz. tinct. -June 1st. Flow of water into mouth, constant nausea, distension, 2 hard stools with effort and pains at anus, after passing 2 day without stool. -2nd. Slight cough, nausea in m., inclination to vomit, flow of saliva; in afternoon, roaring in ears, distension of abdomen, good appetite, no stool. -3rd. Slight roaring in ears, nausea, inclination to vomit, distension of abdomen with good appetite; no stool. -4th. Besides yesterday’s symptoms, all day feeling as if an incisor in l. upper jaw were forced out. In evening a very difficult hard stool, with lacerating pain in rectum; great general exhaustion. -5th. Same symptoms, but no stool. -9th. Less nausea, increased appetite, tearing in various joints, especially of fingers. Enormous appetite followed by flatulent distension of abdomen. Stool regular for 2d., afterwards hard and with much pressing, cough almost gone. – From July 10 th to August 8th every day, m. and evening, 5 gr. 1st trit. -1st d. Afternoon, coughed up bright red blood, inclination to vomit, without loathing of food, and with good appetite. -2nd d. Fulness of abdomen with hunger, periodical burning feeling on different part of skin, frequently on sacral region, especially when heated, -3rd d. Severe pain on those parts which had previously been injured; stitches in temple, hard difficult stool. -4th d. Frequent sneezing, slight perspiration and increased secretion of urine; frequent stitches in glans penis in rapid succession; sensation of water running through right inguinal ring into scrotum; diminished sexual appetite; pains in corns. evening, depressed spirits and canine hunger. -5th d. Same symptoms. -6th d. Frequent sneezing and burning in eyes, hot feeling in part of feet and in soles. -7th d. Great inclination to lie down, frontal pain, sensitiveness of eyes to day-light, firm, scanty and difficult stool; great weakness when walking. – 9th d. Pressive pain on l. side of forehead, great prostration; erection without sexual desire, great exhaustion after coitus. – 11th d. Great exhaustion, burning and watering of eyes, inclination to vomit, cutting in belly on inspiration, and when lying on back. -12th d. Great weakness dreams at n. -13th d. On waking frontal headache, pressure in eyes, inclination to vomit and hunger; all day dullness in abdomen. N. restless, many unconnected dreams. -14th d. No change except undefined pain in right hip-joint, going off on walking in open air. -15th. During a walk great hunger, burning feeling on skin along spine, very firm stool; head confused, great forgetfulness. -16th to 18th d. No symptoms. -19th d. Itching all over body, must scratch. -20th d. Itching continues, bitter taste, heartburn after smoking, frequent short cough and palpitation on going upstairs, weakness after any exertion. -21st d. Great prostration, wished to lie in bed, increased hunger; excoriation on nates. -22nd. Inclination to vomit, with hunger, some cough, great excoriation and prostration. -23rd d. After waking, irritable disposition, nausea and inclination to vomit after smoking. Hunger, oppression of chest, tickling in throat making him cough almost all d. Sleep disturbed, many dreams. 24th d. Heartburn, heaviness on chest, frequent sneezing with coryza, burning on skin along spine, very little movement causes excoriation. -25th d. Soft painful stool. Excoriation and hunger less. -26th d. Fulness of abdomen; difficulty of swallowing fluids, as if oesophagus at entrance were contracted. Frequent cough. -27th and 28th d. Cough somewhat more severe and tightness of chest. -29th d. Difficulty of swallowing solids, with increased hunger, soft but difficult stool. Afternoon, burning in stomach, inclination to vomit, and eructation of air. evening, burning in l. eyeball and roaring in head, cough less. No more medicine was taken, and the symptoms gradually subsides. The difficult stool lasted longest, it was soft but could with difficulty be expelled. (Zeitsch. d. Verbascum day hom. Aerz. Oesterr., i, 166, 1862.)

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.