
21. J. C.P -, aet. 41, in good health. Jan. 25th. – Temp. at 9 p. m. 98 1/4. 26th. – Took 5 gr. at 6 a. m. At 7, temp. 97; at 9, 99 1/2; at 10 and 12, 100; at 3, 99 1/2; at 9., 98. 27th. – Temp. m., noon, and n., 98. ringing in ears was produced, with sensation as if they were stopped up. ( Ibid )

22. Mr. Gill and I investigated the effects of large doses on pulse and temperature.

a. A healthy girl of 13 had a pulse of 60-64, and following tables show effects of a daily dose: Dose Rise began Reached gr. 8 in 35 minutes 94 gr.10 in 15 minutes 72 gr.12 in 95 minutes 72 gr.20 immediately 120 gr.20 in 50 minutes 96

In the last observation the pulse, for the first 30 m., fell in frequency; but this did not occur in the other instances. Pulse was at its fastest when (see b ) the temperature began to fall. The increased frequency continued, after gr. x, 170 m.; after gr. xx, 195 m. In every instance there was loss of force with increase of frequency. [* A serious of experiments were made to determine action of Ch. on pulse, various doses from 2 to 20gr. being taken every 1/2 h. Almost no effect was produced on number of beats, but volume was increased(AM. Journ. of Medorrhinum Sc., n.s., lii,97*]

b. On same girl, and on boy of 10, convalescent from rheumatic fever, we studied effects on temperature. The following table shows results:

BOY GIRL Dose Effect on Dose Effect on temperature temperature Effect on

gr.10 None gr. 8 Fell gr.10 Fell 0.2 gr.10 None gr.10 None gr.10 None gr.20 Fell 1 gr.20 Fell 0.4

The depression under the two doses of gr. xx occurred in 55 and 80 m. respectively, and lasted between 3 and 4 hours on the first occasions, for 45 m. only on the second. (RINGER, Opium cit) “Drs. Wood and Reichert show that cinchona alkaloids increase both heat formation and heat dissipation, the latter being much in excess of the former”(IBID).

23. Dr. RANKE took gr. xx in 2 doses, to ascertain effect on urine. He found quantity of uric acid fall from 0.544 to 0.317 grm. Five similar experiments on 3 persons were made with like result. (Medorrhinum Times and Gaz., 1857, i, 537.) This fact has been confirmed by Kerner, who found that when about 9 gr. were taken in of course d. urea was decreased note quite 1/8, uric acid little less than 1/2, creatinine slightly increased, and nitrogenous matter decreased about 1/9. When 38gr. were taken in m., urea and creatinine were decreased about 1/4, as was also collective nitrogenous material; phosphoric acid about 1/5, and uric acid about 4/5(H.C.WOOD). BARTHOW thinks he has ascertained that while Ch. lessens excretion of uric acid, it does not diminish that of urea (Mat.Medorrhinum, sub voce).

24. J. C.MORGAN, M. D., bilious temperament.

24a. took gr. 1/2 or 1 of 3x trit. once or twice a day for 14 days from March 17th, 1874 After first done in a few m. feeling behind mid – sternum as if food had failed to go down; and on bending over table, throbbing in head and shoulders. Forgot this on going out; but, streets being quiet, felt gloomy, as if evil were impending, for coldness (after dose) while writing in a warm room; more force and buoyancy than and fell asleep again. During day when conversing with patients in warm rooms, very drowsy; eyes and frontal region feel heavy. Transient neuralgic pains about face in evening 22nd. – Recurrence of feeling of impending evil. 28th. – Again pains about face. 29th. – After 1 gr. in 15 m. noticed feet getting cold, with sneezing.

24b. March 30th, at 1 p. m, took 1/2 gr. granule (sugar coated). Soon after, on suddenly rising to a standing posture, quick stitch in left upper parietal region. Sitting with right arm in malposition, rheumatic threatening in r deltoid muscle; later, in the course of musculo-spinal nerve to back of forearm and hand, riding in car and resting in the palm on seat; also in lunar nerve, adjoining pisiform bone. Walking, tired feeling in upper front of thighs, as if overworked. Have made a number of mistakes in talking during last few days this evening at 6 took a nap with hands joined over top of head, lying on back. Was awakened at 6:45, heart beat with abnormal impulse, felt through large part of chest, and too frequently; better by lying still a while, then stirring about moderately. Hungry this afternoon. Whilst writing the above, stitch at inner left eyebrow. 11:25 p. m., took another 1/2 gr. Another on 13st, at 8:45 a. m. Soon after this slight eructation, empty, then slight sensation in breast, left of sternum, as of spasmodic state of oesophagus from indigestion. Postponing stool, it proved scanty, with habitual protrusion. Defective tooth in right lower jaw (bicuspid) somewhat sensitive, or rather its socket; subject to it in cold, damp weather, but weather to-day mild and pleasant. 12, m., another granule. 2 p. m., drowsy feeling like warmth about eyes and down to throat; directly another little cutting stitch outer left groin, subcutaneous, whilst sitting. Warmth extends downwards (subjectively) to external chest. Throat feels a little full; clogging of upper pharynx by mucus, slowly detached by repeated swallowing. Twitching of terminus of left lingualis muscle while writing. Later, warmth is felt mainly in forehead, then from occiput over whole space of trapezius muscle and to upper arms. Renewed sensitiveness of right lower bicuspid (I often have this also after a glass of ale); slight palpitation, – these symptoms after returning upstairs and commencing to write. Again I mistakenly wrote left instead of right 5.30 p. m., warmth now felt down left side of face. After repeated titillation in upper right nasal passage, sneezing, followed by snuffling and slight flow of water. After going downstairs (5:30 p. m.) sticking in left meatus auditoriums, very slight, but recurrent; similar sensations in anterior teeth, especially left side. Later, walking in the open air, noticed that the raising of mucus by cough was renewed, and that I kept my teeth involuntarily pressed together, as has been the case frequently during proving, but having had the same formerly at times overlooked it. Cool air blowing on right side of face, felt dull pain in zygoma, malar, and nasal bones, extending to side of head, with slight tingling in nose as before sneezing. Began also (still walking) at same time to feel as if bones at inner half of right knee-joint did not fit, impeding locomotion, increased to drawing in inner part of popliteal space, and up inner hamstring muscles; thought I should have to stop walking; did stop once or twice and shook limb to relieve tension; it caused awkwardness of gait. It subsided whilst making a call. At 7:30, after supper, going from one room to another, tingling in left side of nose, sneezing, and flow from the right side. At 9:15, whilst sitting in warmish room in shirt-sleeves, writing the above, left arm feels slightly cool; single strong sneeze, tingling and snuffling afterwards; slight sense of stoppage alternates with the snuffling. After eating ice cream it seemed to cause a continuing coldness in stomach and slight uneasiness, less when clothes were loosened. Later, eructation, tasting of ice cream. 10:25, took another granule. soon after, whilst standing holding head down, a little dull stitch in upper left parietal, felt also to root of nose, left side. Then, sitting, tingling within nose; slight. On holding head up suddenly to right a little shock across lower occiput; just before going to bed hips felt tired as if from a long march; almost a stiff bellying, I side most. Woke in m. feeling inert; dull feeling in head; hard to get up. April Ist. – At 10 a. m. took a granule. During day felt rather old and “wooden; ” motions and speech unusually deliberate. Proximal palmar portion of last phalanx of right thumb felt sensitive to pressure, as in incipient felon. 11:40 p. m., at various times to – day, rheumatic feeling in one or other deltoid muscle extending half way down outer arm when limb happened to be in malposition. The feeling like a felon little shocks or pricks like neuralgia or rheumatism in divers places, as supra-orbital nerve, right ear, right elbow, right knuckles, &c. sitting now in office, inclining to left side, slight left-sided colic. At 12 took a granule. At 12,15 decided laryngeal tickling; cough, raising and swallowing mucus; then whilst writing, dull ache, right side, extending as a sharp neuralgic sensation to right outer brow, and, dull, later to right mastoid process; returning slightly to brow and up temporal ridge same side. Again in ear, right side, then back to brow. Later, a catch in middle of right sterno- mastoid muscle when turning head that way. Later, standing, notable cramp in left colic region causing me to give down somewhat. April and. – This m. as daylight approached, frequent waking, sleep almost semi-conscious. Was called up at 6 a. m. and went out. Felt weary. Breakfasted at 8:30. At 10:30, took two granules (gr. j). For some time felt as if they had lodged halt way down; directly afterwards, in street car, felt drowsy and heavy. Walking from it, muscular system felt inert, the will also. Stooped forward in walking that gravitation might supplement the inertia. found my will forward in walking that gravitation might supplement the inertia. found my will positive in insisting on professional orders, but self-restrained and deliberate. At 4:30 p. m., at home, felt watery and drowsy. Slept from 5:30 until roused at 6:30 for supper. Hard to get awake, felt very heavy in getting to supper, and ate almost mechanically, although with good relish. Previous to sitting down, whilst moving arms, felt chilly creep over left shoulder blade, and side of neck. After sitting down, the room being rather warm, felt warm about face, shoulders, and downwards and backwards, gradually all over, with throbbing of heart and arteries, to feet and hands; whilst eating, found pulse 76, 72 after writing the above, full, forcible. Now and then a feeling as if perspiration might follow (about neck and face). When warmth got to feet, an inactive corn on left little toe began to twinge under pressure of slipper, passed off on changing its position. Repeatedly whilst eating took a long inspiration, wearily, followed by loud singing, heaving, groaning expiration. Having written this, feeling as if I would perspire, spreading from right scapula to left face and hard, forehead, and nape of neck and down back successively. found my underclothing slightly moist with general slight perspiration. Ate some pickle at supper. Putting on my boots again, right foot feels a little swelled. Going out and whilst in the street, repeated yawning and long expiration, with inclination to end in an audible ha! ho! 11:30 p. m., craved and chewed some fresh orange peel, then ate some white sugar and drank some cold water after it. Immediately, as repeatedly heretofore has happened, dull bit smart pressure in sub – ensiform space, preceded by salivary tension and flow; afterwards repeated shuddering of the head, no chilliness. This attack differs from others in being more instantaneous. Relief after a few m. by eructations. Frequently at present, I find sudden motions cause catching or spraining pains, e.g. in outer fibres of deltoid tendons when raising arms; in tendons in front of left ankle, when flexing joint suddenly. Prior to proving had a sprained feeling in last articulation of right little finger, especially when shaking hands with others; it seems worse of late, especially after doses. April 3rd. – Having to visit vineland, N. J., on important surgical business to-day feared to take a dose last n. or this m. On arriving attended to consultation, dressing wound, &c, then walked out, whilst doing to sudden transient sounding in right ear like tone of a bell in Eb, then neuralgic twinge at inner right eyebrow. Returning in a close railroad car, very drowsy; fell asleep. 7 p. m., sitting in office, sudden neuralgic twinge in right side of head from brow to lambdoidal suture. 9:45 p. m., walking in open air another neuralgic twinge, right side of head, lingering some time in upper right temple. Perspiration of parts pressed by clothing, and dorsal, axillary, and perineal regions. Sticking above right external condyle of humerus, then, sitting in office, in dorsum of r. forearm, then left brow, then colicky in transverse colon; commotion in rectum, pressure of flatus. Sticking in left upper 2nd and 3rd molars. (From beginning of proving have had an habitual symptom considerably increased, i.e. disposition to contract eyebrows.). Whilst writing the above (11:15 p. m.) neuralgic pain in left supra-orbital nerve, slight. Palmar inter metacarpal sticking, right hand, between Ist and 2nd fingers. Increasing stale and disagreeable flavour of mouth, as has been pretty constantly the case for a week or move past; odour somewhat affected likewise. Pressure of flatus and commotion in rectum; sitting. Neuralgic twinge again, outer right brow, 11:30 p. m. Itching, dorsal, right side; friction, voluntary by clothing, caused chilly creeping, round from back to side and front of chest. 12.20 a. m., neuralgic pain from outer right brow, up that side of head. Then slight twinge in outer end of left eyebrow. sunday, 4th. – after breakfast went to church; sitting, felt neuralgic twinge in right supra-orbital nerve. Pulse (in temporal artery) beat very strongly under finger, bounded, counted 90 to 100 per m.; no other sign of fever; skin soft, and general feeling fair; heart’s action subjectively perceptible-this whilst sitting partially doubled up. After going home neuralgic twinges in left supra-orbital sitting partially doubled up. After going home neuralgic twinges in left supra- orbital nerve. when about to dine, and whilst standing, return of twinge, from outer right brow to lambdoidal suture, left evening, above temporal ridge. Sticking in dorsum of right forearm, when putting the hand behind me. P. M., visiting a patient; neuralgic twinges from last left upper molar to zygoma. Slight crampy feeling at angles of last true rib, right side. Neuralgic twinge behind trochanter; felt afterwards in walking; also similar crampy feeling at inner border of right scapula. then, chilly creeps over whole tract of trapezius muscle; later from spines of scapulae to shoulders; and still later, on taking hat off in the house, from trapezius, over occiput, to vertex, and behind ears. Twinges above right outer brow, and various other places. rheumatic feelings in tendons of both deltoids, and of left biceps, from muscular effort or strain from time to time. 10:15 p. m., considerable tickling at bifurcation of trachea (behind upper end of sternum); cough, and raising and swallowing of phlegm. for some days have had a sore pimple, like a small boil, concealed by beard, on right upper part of chin; culminating yesterday; pressed it, watery discharge; it is much reduced. At 10:45 p. m., five broken granules, left evening, gr. less, pulse being moderate; caused and left a good deal of bitter taste in back of mouth. In 10 m., neuralgic twinge in front of lowers end of fibula. A few m. later, feeling as if something indigestible had been eaten, behind lower sternum; better, temporarily, from slight eructation. Threatening of dull headache, left occiput. Repeated slight eructation, tasting of supper mainly. then rising of ingesta whilst sitting bent. 5th. – Slight neuralgic sensation, right inner brow, when bending forward. Slight and transient resonance in right ear. 10:50 a. m. sudden fullness of head (head leaning to l.), especially left side and top, after writing. Then (sitting), heart’s action subjectively felt, extending to head; having just had an incomplete stool, after postponement to attend office patients. 11:30 took 4 gr., previously feeling a little drowsy whilst standing. Went out, took street car. Rheumatic feeling in left shoulder; sticking in right ear. whilst waiting on doorstep, sneezing. Later, continuous pain in left lower jaw, like pressure of dull knife- blade downward and forward from Ist molar. Later, in car, flashing in branches of infra-orbital nerve, same side. all day eyes feel as if they had been in a glare, or as if atmosphere were too dry, as if parched; drowsiness feeling in front of joint; afterwards, in walking, similar feeling on both sides of astronauts, within joint down to attachment of internal lateral ligament; later, under inside of left instep. At dinner, 6 p. m., took 4 gr. In a few m. whilst writing, slight and transient pain referable to left lunar nerve in middle third. On rising from seat, rheumatic feeling about lower end of right fibula. full feeling in stomach. On going out, looking over a letter with head down, sharp neuralgic twinges in and behind left parietal protuberance; then in forearm, in dorsal branches of radial nerve; then, suddenly and sharply, in digital nerves of adjacent sides of Ist and 2nd fingers of left parietal protuberance; then in forearm, in dorsal branches of radial nerve; then, suddenly and sharply, in digital nerves of adjacent sides of Ist and 2nd fingers of left hand, middle phalanges. At 7:30 p. m., in street car, riding in a smart draught of cool air blowing on by left shoulder, felt less rheumatic sensations than I ordinarily do in like circumstances. Walking in the wind just before, I also observed the cessation of the parched feeling in the eyes; and in the right there was lachrymation. 8:35 p. m., walking; increasing tension in rectus muscles of thigh; got almost rigid; obliged to pause to allow it to pass off. The morale from the first has resembled the physical symptoms; dull feelings in both coexisting; in both simultaneously, sharpness; the former in the beginning, the latter at present. the several shifting neuralgic pains, in the localities most frequently mentioned, have recurred at other times, in slight degree, in addition to those here recorded; also, once or twice, in ball of right thumb. Whilst writing the above (2:20 a. m., after sleeping) rheumatic feeling in right deltoid. (Some of upper deltoid pains should perhaps be rather referred to insertions of spinatus muscles into tuberosities of humorous; some of the lower, perhaps, to the brachialis anticus-at least, as participating therein. Being rather transient, it is difficult fully to test this by muscular movements; and especially, as they usually cease with change of position.). 3:15 a. m., reading bent forward, steady neuralgic pain from right supra-orbital foremen, straight up to vertex in a narrow line, ceased after sitting up straight. 6th, 11 a. m. this m. symptoms all seem wanting for first time. Whilst writing, with head inclined to I, side, dull headache on left side (similar to early symptoms), extends to l, side of neck and throat, and right mastoid process, then to vertex, then to occiput; shifting then to brows (varying with position of the head); new, pressing in both temples, extending over coronal suture. Later, neuralgic aching in dorsum of right forearm, 2 in. below head of radius (over belly of supinator longus); neuralgic twinges, or rather sticking (like sharp whites), in dorsum of right wrist. 12:30, noon standing, bent forward. rheumatic feeling in small portion of left gluteus maximum. 12, midnight, during day have had alternations of former symptoms, as rheumatic feeling in tendon of r. deltoid; in street car, crampy feeling in right side of chest, 4 in. outside of and below nipple; then sharp neuralgic twinges in inner digital nerve of left. 2nd finger; then rheumatic pain along inner border of left rectus femoris whilst walking. Since supper I taste of now and then; and when sitting doubled up, eructations, and a sense of fullness and uneasiness in stomach. Itching in vertex and occiput, 1. side. Whilst writing above, similar itching above edge of frontal hair both sides; then below right zygoma; then right side of top of head; then left vertex, right chin, left post-mastoid surface, inner eyebrow, &c. 1 a. m., sitting, preparing medicine for mailing, eructation of half-digested matters quite frequent; causes me to loosen my clothes. Slight pyrosis. Dull, crampy pain at left border of left upper rectus abdominis, whilst going about, recurring more sharply when sitting. Recurrence of dull cutting in left lower jaw. Neuralgic twinges alternating in both brows, rather dull in character. Before going to bed, whilst making some motions with the arms, sharp cramp in anterior half of left deltoid.

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.