
beat strongly; heat in face increased so as to make face quite red, most so about eyes, which watered at light (5 p. m.). first and second dorsal vertebrae (but these only) were painful on pressure. In evening, while walking in open air, pricking shoots, as from needles, lasting 2 m., in skin of chest, back and legs, followed by slight perspiration on chest and back. the frontal headache, weight and embarrassment of head, lasted till bedtime. Pulse at 3:15 a. m. 90, at 6 p. m. 75. Urine dense and strong all day, 2415 grm. 11th. – Headache still felt on rising, but less; went off a. m. Much lassitude and little disposition to mental work. Tongue white coated; pappy stool. At 9, hunger, which increased in spite of much bread and butter. Urine dense, 1215 grm. From 12th to 15th, well, save that he had no stool on 12th and 14th. Sexual appetite, generally vigorous, was depressed throughout proving.

10b. Aug. 16th, at 6 a. m., 0.10 grm. triturated with sugar; pulse 70. At 10, movements felt in bowels, as if diarrhoea would occur, but nothing came save wind. For some m., pressive pains in spleen. At II, in open air and afterwards indoors, peculiar sensitiveness to light, eyes watering when light came fully on balls. At 6:30 p. m., headache for 1 hour, first in forehead, then in occiput. No stool. Urine 2985 grm. 17th. – On rising movements in belly, which is distended and tender. After a good meal, violent hunger, changing to feebleness and malaise, which, however, were transient; continual thirst; considerable inflation of stomach, ineffectual desire for stool. After supper, hunger and malaise. In evening, difficult evacuation of scanty but soft faeces. Urine 1395 grm. In evening, difficult evacuation of scanty but soft faeces. Urine 1395 grm. Spirits depressed all day 18th. – Found in vase de nuit a clinging brick – dust sediment dotted with numerous brown points like urinary calculi, their total weight about 0.01 grm. they were rounded, oval, like kidney; all had a horizontal facet with a nucleus, covered with clearer scales. One of largest showed under microscope several circular depressions of lighter colour. Examined with power of 300 diameters, they were of size of mulberry; and their entire surface had form of a fine group of crystals. In n. 17th – 18th collection of great quantity of viscid mucus in throat, which forced him to cough and woke him. Throughout day frequent emissions of flatulence. Urine 1515 grm., dense and strong, but without deposit. 19th. – No stool. Urine 1515 grm.; after 24 hours deposit of about 0.005 grm. of clear brown corpuscles, which under microscope appeared as conglomerated crystals. they were much smaller than yesterday’s, without depression or horizontal facet. 20th. – Took at 8:30 a. m., fasting, 0.15 grm.; pulse full, strong, 75. Afternoon, continual scratching in throat, and desire to cough, with difficult expectoration of mucosity. At 7 p. m., pressive pain in left chest, very bad on deep breathing, and even worse when prover quickly put left arm behind back. It seemed to extend round chest to back, and ceased when he sat in position as for writing. After an hour it had for the most part disappeared. Pain in throat, with roughness of voice, continued till n. Urine 1980 grm., which by next m. had deposited crystalline conglomerations, looking under microscope like sugar candy, but whose nature could not be exactly determined. At 9 p. m., short lasting, constrictive pains at urethral orifice after micturition.

Although prover seems to have taken no more of the drug, the symptoms excited by it, frontal headache, tenderness in upper dorsal vertebrae, pain in chest, saturated urine depositing crystals, coated tongue, and gastro – intestinal disturbance, continued to trouble him up to the first week in September. The irritation in throat, moreover, causing cough, which began on Aug. 20th, increased and became incessant, developing into a regular angina faucium, and accompanied with daily attacks of hoarseness. [These last symptoms were so severe and so long continued, that, arising after a comparatively small dose, and peculiar to the present prover, we do not feel warranted in giving them in extensor, and note them only for verification. – EDS.] From Sept. 3rd – 9th cough diminished little by little, and finally completely left him. Hoarseness and angina did not recur, even when provoked by violent shocks of larynx. No more crystals were seen in urine. through whole proving, N – had a sickly appearance; he emaciated greatly, and sexual functions were profoundly depressed. For some time there remained great sensibility of body, and he was very subject to toothache. At end of Sept. he had some herpes labialis. His body gradually recovered its elasticity, and digestion became as good as before. (Journ. f. Arzneimittellehre, ii.)

10. L. W.LEONHARDI, medical student, aet. 23, sanguine, brune, in good health, though liable to giddiness and faintness, and pulse easily quickened on exertion. Habits very regular and simple.

a. Aug. 12th, 1838, at 7:30 a. m., took 0.05 grm. four stools in day, first natural, rest liquid, with slight cuttings. 13th – tongue yellow at root, m. Appetite diminished for several day dull pain in splenic region, going off on pressure, but recurring frequently in paroxysms during next few days. 14th. – Frequent yawnings, oppression in chest, attacks of anxiety, prostration. 15th. – No fresh symptoms. Next m. urine had thrown down a rose – red sediment. On supernatant fluid floated several brownish corpuscles which by degrees fell to bottom; total quantity was about 0.01 grm. Under microscope, deposit showed flat crystals of rhomboidal shape and some double pyramidal. At bedtime, another 0.05 grm., and same on waking next m. Splenic pain persisted with same intensity; in m. ineffectual desire for stool; p. m. slight frontal headache; during whole day unwonted serenity and indolence; urine moderate in quantity, reddish yellow in appearance, and next m. showed rose-red sediment, having crystals as before. Pulse, on taking drug 60, was at four times of counting during day 84. 17th. – Urine as yesterday; no stool. 18th. – Towards evening pinching in forehead and head affected; urine soon decomposed after emission and became thick, depositing granular sediment, sandy yellow, of crystalline consistency. No stool; pulse 84 m. and afternoon, 60 evening. 19th. – Pulse 60. From noon till e. extremities, chin, nose and ears cold; dull pains in head, drawings from temples towards mid- forehead; all day torpidity and indisposition to work, till at 9 p. m. walk in open air brightened him up. Splenic pain had entirely disappeared. In evening, natural stools. Urine contained great number of round crystals, which under microscope looked at several points like glands. 20th. – Headache continued all d. At 2:30 p. m. 0.15 grm. Sad and ill – tempered, prover spent afternoon and evening on sofa; idea of work was repugnant to him; he yawned every moment. At n. sleep very restless, disturbed by bizarre dreams, ending by his falling out of bed. Passed 885 grm. of urine, yellowish red, containing about 0.08 grm. of rhomboidal or columnar crystals. 21st. – Headache, lassitude, indolence, yawning. To these were added, during m., shooting in right chest, extending towards shoulders, hindering respiration, relieved by bending body forwards, lasting only a few seconds, but returning paroxysmally during d. Breathing was also oppressed as if chest were bound by a hoop. Belly distended all day; much emission of stinking flatus, and in evening normal stool. Urine much as yesterday, but with mucous sediment also. Great pallor of face and somnolence throughout day 22nd. – As yesterday; urine more abundant and paler, with fewer crystals. 23rd. – As yesterday; urine more abundant and paler, with fewer crystals. 23rd. – Same. Complexion earthy, eyes sunken. Urine 1530 grm., forming sediment like a lemon, 0.06 grm. in weight, crystalline as before. Peaceful sleep. 24th. – Some dartings in left chest; towards evening, heat of face; continuance of headache, somnolence, and sadness. Urine as yesterday, crystals yellow. Dull headache and lassitude continued till noon of 27th, after which gaiety even to extravagance. No crystals in urine of 26th and 27th.

b. 28th, 8:30 a. m., 0.20 grm. No sensation, but crystals in urine as before. 29th. – After disturbed n., full of dreams, rose with burning in forehead and pressive pain there; also pains in both sides of neck, pretty bad on pressure, later passing into larynx, and disappearing towards e. Root of tongue yellow coated since m. Afternoon, headache was mainly temporal; it lessened by degrees and disappeared in e. Towards 7 p. m., all at once cuttings and twistings in epigastric and umbilical regions, radiating all over abdomen and lasting I hour; with malaise, lassitude, and chills. Urine abundant and free from crystals.

30th. – In m. colic of last evening returned, less violent but lasting longer; normal stool; frequent yawnings, but extremely gay humour. Urine more saturated, with some crystals.

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.