
Four weeks after appearance of blood with leucorrhoea, catamenia appeared naturally. (Ibid.)

13. I administered to myself, at various times during winters of 1826 and 1829, repeated doses of ch., taking altogether more than 60 grm. I was then in excellent health. My observations were made from 9 p. m. to 2 and 3 a. m., while lying in bed and preparing lectures.

13a. During the 46 days of my first experiments, 5 times only pulse rose 2 – 3 beats, and 3 times out of 5 this rise could be otherwise accounted for. Otherwise it always fell by 4 – 12 beats, especially when taking larger doses (4 grm. in course of e.). When doses did not exceed 1 grm. I felt gay and my head free, though a certain uneasiness pervaded my whole body. Larger doses caused somnolence, disturbed thoughts, tinnitus, and hardness of hearing. Once, having taken between evening and 10 next m. about 4 1/2 grm., pulse, which at first was 64, fell only 8 – 9 beats, but became weak; I became sleepy earlier than usual, and perspired much during n., though it was winter; I awoke without vigor, depressed, deaf, and my head dull. In getting out of bed I became giddy, and walking was difficult. This condition lasted till dinner-time, when affection of hearing and general malaise ceased; but I remained weak till next d. Generally, appetite was increased; mouth was clammy in m., but never after eating; urine varied in quantity; stools were unchanged. (Taking once 75 centigram. after 60 grm. of rum, which had quickened pulse by 8 beats, it fell 7 beats as he slept, and next m. was 12 below normal rate.) (GIACOMINI, op. cit.)

14. a. Main in strong health, sanguine temperament, took (pulse 75) 3 hours after dinner 20 gr. After 2 hours pulse 84, small; but nothing felt save slight drawing in abdomen. He took another 20 gr. In 1 1/4 hours vertigo, he felt as if tipsy though mind was clear and steady; complained of roaring in ears and of intense heat all over skin. Pulse 80. took a third dose. Tipsy feeling increased so that he could not walk, limbs not obeying will; frequent shuddering; roaring in ears so great that he was nearly deaf; heat of whole body, followed by perspiration; pulse 100. No pain anywhere and no abdominal disturbance. N. sleepless and agitated. Next m. all symptoms had disappeared save the tinnitus.

14b. K-repeated experiment on other persons with results generally the same. Having himself taken 20 gr. he felt trembling in limbs which he could not restrain and agreeable warmth all over body. “This heat,” he says, “gradually increases and ends in perspiration; tinnitus lasts long and there is no pain or abdominal disorder; pulse always quicker, but never strong, hard and full as after alcohol.” [* “Each day’s observation proves more strongly that Chi. in full doses excites in a great number of subjects a very marked febrile movement. The characters of this fever, and the epoch at which it manifests itself, vary much in different individuals. Most frequently tinnitus aurium, deafness and a sort of intoxication precede the invasion of this fever; a light rigor then is added, a dry heat accompanied by headache succeeds the first symptoms, subsides gradually, and ends in moisture” (BRETONNEAU, quoted by Trousseau and Pidoux *](KREMERS, L’Hon. Mil. 1878.)

15. Dr. FAIRER, of Boghar, in Algeria, took from Jan. 10th, 1847, daily doses of ch., beginning with 4 decigr., and doubling dose every 3rd day till he had taken 18 grm. He was somewhat plethoric at commencement, and for first 3 day felt lighter and better. For next day he had tinnitus; more frequent craving for food, without real increase of appetite; pulse lst force and frequency, falling from 57 on 10th to 50 on 16th. From 16th – 19th somnolence; confusion, or rather vacancy of ideas; more intense tinnitus, with deafness; no appetite, but drawing in stomach as when there is need of food. During last 3 days weakness was extreme; he longed for sleep, solitude, darkness; was deaf; pulse scarcely perceptible, 45, even 40; he felt like one exhausted by a too prolonged fast. On leaving off drug, symptoms soon disappeared and strength returned. (RABUTEAU, Elem. de their, bet de pharm., sub voce.)

16. KERNER took daily increasing doses. When he had got beyond 1 grm., he found that gymnastic exercises which would ordinarily raise his temperature more than 2 cent. Now did so by only 0.2 or 0.3. also, usual free perspiration of summer became greatly diminished or even suppressed while under its influence. (PFLUEGER’S Archiv, 1870.).

17. a A healthy man, 75 kilos, in weight, whose urine was quite clear when iodine in solution was added, took at 11:20 a. m. 0.1. 11:35 a. m., urine not affected by iodine, straw coloured. 11:55 a. m., darker colour. 12:20 p. m., colour of urine still darker. 1 p. m., urine dark orange, slight sediment. 3:30, colour darker and sediment more apparent. 4:30 and 8 a. m., same as at 1 p. m.

17b. Same man took at 4 p. m., the urine being quite clear, grm. 0.2, 4:30 p. m., no difference in urine, feeling of fullness in epigastrium. 5 p. m., beautiful thick sediment, and opacity of urine. (Binz, Virchow’s Archiv, xIvi, 166.)

18. a Mrs. E -, aet. 20, nervous. – March 15th, 8 p. m. 10 gr. At 8:45 p. m., great roaring in ears, weakness, fatigue, pale face, pulse slightly quicker. 9 a. m., very pale, weak, especially in feet, cannot walk, roaring in ears louder. 12 p. m. very pale, weak especially in feet, cannot walk, roaring in ears louder. 12 p. m., vertigo and palpitation of heart; slept ill in consequence of palpitation. Next m., pale, loud roaring in head and ears. – 19th, 8:15 p. m., 6 gr. In I hour roaring in ears. – 20th. 9 a. m.., still roaring in ears. Pulse slightly accelerated; temperature very slightly increased.

18b. Mrs. L – aet. 27, healthy – 14th, 8 p..m., 5 gr. In 1/2 hour, roaring in ears, which increased after another 1/2 hour 9:45 p. m., roaring in ears less, temp. and pulse slightly increased. Next m. quite well, temp. fell 0.4. – 15th, 8 p. m., 10 gr 8:45 p. m., excited, face and eyes red, pupils dilated. 9 p. m., less excited. 12 p. m. noise in ears, resp. and pulse accelerated, temp. slightly diminished; slept well. – 16th. Felt quite well. – 19th, 8:15 p. m., 10gr. In 1 hours, roaring in ears, resp. slower, temp. slightly diminished. – 20th, 9 a. m., resp. and pulse slightly quicker, temp. slightly increased.

18c. Mrs. S -, aet. 26, in good health. – March 14th, 8 p. m., 5 gr. In 1 1/2 hours, roaring in ears, increased after 1/2 hour 9:45 p. m., roaring in ears diminished. 12 p. m., pulse slightly accelerated, resp. slightly quicker, temp. fell 0.3. – 15th, 8 p. m., 10 gr. 8:45 p. m., roaring in ears, otherwise well. 9 p. m., pulse and resp. accelerated, complains of roaring in head and ears, temp. normal. – 16th, 9 a. m., noise in ears, resp. accelerated, temp. normal. – 9 a. m., noise in ears, resp. accelerated, temp. normal. – 19th, 8:15 p. m., 10 gr. in 1 hour roaring in ears. – 20th, 9 a. m., resp. and pulse slightly accelerated, temp. slightly diminished. (JERUSALIMSKY, Ueber des phys. Wirk. das chinins, 1875.)

19. Dr. NORTON, on July 9th, 1851, took 1/4 gr. 3 times. 10th. – Usually good appetite at breakfast time. Took gr. twice, and gr. j once. 11th. – In course of m. some nausea. took gr. 1 1/2 once and gr. ij once. 12th. – Took 2 gr. and 3 gr. doses. Scarcely any nausea. 13th. – Nausea and tenderness at epigastrium during d. At 5 p. m., 3 gr. 14th. – Defecation attended with much wind, faeces indolent and inclined to be relaxed. Took 4 gr., 4 gr., and 6 gr. doses. About 1/2 hours after last painful or uneasy sensation at anus, somewhat relieved by straining. In evening after coffee buzzing in right ear spreading through head. 15th. – Slept well; noise in ear gone; soreness at anus still there, but less severe. Took 5 gr. at 11 a. m. while out walking some slight febrile heats (most usual with him) with tingling or stinging in front or both thighs. About 3 p. m. stool, first part flatulent and jelly – like, second natural., At 4 p. m. 6 gr. In an hour had some tea, soon after which ringing in right ear returned. On 16th and 17th no medicine; symptoms same. 18th. – Took 12 gr. in course of d. Nausea; ringing in both ears, but specially right; trembling and weakness; cough with a little mucous expectoration; urine increased in quantity. face has become pale and sickly looking. More than usual perspiration during sleep. 21st. – At 11 a. m. took 40 gr. Soon after was seized with swimming in head and ringing in ears; fell forward upon a table in room; recovered in a few m. with head full and heavy. Bowels moved 3 times during day; faeces pappy, frothy, and flatulent. above symptoms continued a few days and gradually subsided. (Brit. Journ. of Hom., xvii, 463.)

20. Dr. BURT, temperature normally 98-98 1/2, proved ch. with view of observing effect on bodily heat. Jan. 11th, 1871, took 2 gr. at noon. 98, took 4 gr. At 8, 98 3/4; at 10:30,, 12, and 3, 99 1/2; at 10, 98. 13th. – At 6 a. m., temp. 98; at 7, 98 1/2; at 10,99; at 12 and 4, 99 1/2. 14th. – At 7, 98 1/4; at 12, 98 1/2; at 9,98. 15th. – At same hour always 98. symptoms caused by these 3 doses were, light hollow feeling in head; memory confused; frightful dreams with restless sleep; constant ringing, hissing sound in ears; intensely acid stomach for 4 days, with distress in epigastrium; constipation for 1 day; great weakness and weariness of arms and legs. ( Cinchona officinalis, 1871.)

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.