
These symptoms of intestines and urine continued with slight variation still Sept. 4th. On 11th, drawing frontal headache, inappetence and thirst occurred, followed next day by lassitude and fresh deposit of crystals. These continued 2 days more, with occasional headache. The equilibrium of the functions seemed now restored though face continued pale. This prover also noticed depression of sexual functions. (Ibid)

11. a. FRITZ, medical student, aet. 25, robust, but liable – since an intermittent two years ago – to headaches, and to blood – spitting with shootings in chest. Aug. 11th, 1838, took at 5 a. m., with tinnitus aurium and general heat. Soon after taking it, malaise lasting all day; besides this frequent eructations, movements in abdomen as if diarrhoea would ensue, and emission of much flatus. These symptoms were accompanied with prostration. After troubles sleep he woke earlier in m. than usual; all symptoms persisted, bit in less degree. They disappeared during day, and no trace was left on morrow. On 14th took at bedtime 0.05 grm. N. calm; on waking in m. head felt empty, with frequent but transient tinnitus; sensation as if he had fasted, with unusual thirst and excellent appetite. For 4 days from this, tongue was coated with thick yellow slimy fur which he could not remove; and throughout time he felt peculiar feebleness and lassitude. On Aug. 20th, at 5 a. m., 0.08 grm. towards noon violent pain in region of left temple, extending to eyebrow, forcing prover to lie on sofa, and seek cool place on which to press for relief; continual ringing in ears, dry mouth, thirst, heat of face, were concomitants. Emission of much flatus and movement in bowels, with soft stool (he had been constipated on previous days). Urine seemed augmented, it contained a great quantity of orange crystals, some having form of rectangular prisms or columns, others rhomboidal. On following day no symptoms; but in evening of 22nd frontal headache recurred, less violent than on 20th; dorsal vertebrae tender on pressure. N. sleepless from dry heat all over, and insupportable pickings in skin, followed by sweat, especially on face. This was accompanied by a certain sense of anxiety which several times forced him to get up. On rising he took 0.15 grm. towards noon began pain in forehead and in temporal region, increasing gradually till evening, when it attained a great height, with beating in temporal arteries, heat of head, and ringing in ears. Whole body felt prostrate, he could hardly stand upright. He had lively thirst and drank much, passing also much urine, but without crystals. Anxiety also persisted all d. On 24th, after a fair n., without crystals. Anxiety also persisted all d. On 24th, after a fair n., headache had much diminished in violence, now mainly dull and empty feeling. Tongue coated with slimy mucus, yellow at back; buccal cavity very pale. Appetite good, and in evening even stopping. After eating, however, he had pressure on stomach and cutting in epigastrium and mesenteric regions. Anxious feeling was increased, and became actual anguish, as if he had committed a crime. 25th. – State as yesterday; cuttings in epigastrium were particularly strong. 26th. – Abdominal pain aggravated by pressure with hand; prostration and trembling of limbs (especially knees); diuresis. Next day same, but trembling most in feet. On 28th and 29th nothing but the headache and dyspepsia to which he was accustomed; but on 30th abdominal pains recurred, descending from stomach to umbilicus. They continuously next day in same force. Trembling had quite disappeared, but ankles still ached. Towards 11 a. m. shudders with pale face, frontal pains and tinnitus. Appetite strong, and unusual thirst obliging him in e to drink freely. Much lassitude and sadness. Next day pains in belly had ceased, and headache and tinnitus were less. Took at noon 0.30 grm. Towards 4 p. m. headache again as on 23rd; rest of body in unwonted excitement; face pale; thirst great; much weakness and benumbed feeling in feet on walking. 2nd. – As yesterday; from time to time, sweat over whole body while at rest. From m. through whole day violent abdominal pains, with such distension, especially in left hypochondrium, that he had to unbutton. To this next day were added shootings there, but headache had ceased. Urine after passing became troubled and full of mucous flocks, forming a lemon-colored greasy sediment. On 4th, all symptoms had disappeared, and for next day he felt in his normal health.

11b. Sept. 6th in evening, and 7th in m., took 2 doses of 0.20 grm. each. In n. no sleep save a few hours towards m. Perspiration so great that bed was soaked. About 9 a. m. headache came on with extreme violence (especially, as on last occasion, on left side), with vertigo and tinnitus, also prostration as after a long illness. Appetite strong, but at same time thirst, eructations, and malaise; much flatus. From this time maxillary joints commenced to give discomfort when he opened mouth. 8th. – As yesterday, with in addition pains in throat, especially on turning neck or swallowing. 9th. – To – day also loose cough; swelling on neck, not tender, behind right sterno – mastoid; continual renal pains; he looked ill and eyes were sunken. 10th. – In m. throat at its worst, tinnitus; vertigo on stooping; pains under sternum, almost lancinating, felt especially on deep breathing or rapid movement. These did not cease entirely till 14th; but save slight headache, he was otherwise well. On that day, at 11 p. m., took 0.440 grm. N. was calm; on waking tongue thickly coated yellow at root. On opening mouth, cracking in maxillary joins as before, and same in shoulders on raising arms, audible to others. Head as if benumbed, and pain, especially in left temple; tinnitus and transient deafness (left ear, in which also tinnitus seemed chiefly seated). Great thirst, drank much more than he passed in urine. Appetite of twice its usual force. Pulse 75, regular, weak; prostration; looks ill; face pale; eyes sunken and grey – circled. same on 16th and 17th, appetite and thirst continuing great. On 18th, immediately on rising, headache more violent than before, especially on bending or turning head; tinnitus all.; cracking of joints move frequent; transient but recurring substernal pains as before; cuttings in belly without stool; hunger became a veritable bulimia. For 2 days more state continued same. In n. 19 – 20th sleep disturbed by great heat and thirst; headache and tinnitus considerable on rising. Belly swelled and tense, going down after free emission of flatus. On 21st, at moment of rising, pretty severe pain in right chest, lasting till noon; at same time feeling as of suppuration within liver; both recurred for a few hours next m., and very slightly on 24th. By 25th health was perfect; but pallor of face lasted some weeks yet. (Ibid.)

12. a. JEANNE BADER, aet. 17, brunette, very subject to coryza, and (for last 3 years) to dyspnoea and oppression of chest on rapid movement. No catamenia yet; but for some time past a bland leucorrhoea. Abdomen a little large and tense. On Aug. 29th, 1858, took in m. 0.05 grm. In course of m., some pains in hypogastrium, pressing towards pubes, quite unusual. On 30th, in afternoon, was seized with chill lasting 1 hour; temp. of air, from 8 a. m. – 2 p. m. plus 15 right, at 45 p. m. was plus 20. This day and next, irritation of throat provoking cough without expectoration. No leucorrhoea to – day; but next day it returned, mixed with blood, and vagina was found hot and turgid. Sanguinous tinge continued on 4th, but had ceased by 5th. On 6th, took in m. 0.15 grm. Increase of thirst and appetite, and next day slight frontal pain after food. On 10th at n. and 11th in m. 0.15 grm. Towards noon, malaise for an hour with frontal and left temporal pain; inappetence; trembling and coldness of limbs, pallor of face; no leucorrhoea. No symptoms for next 3 days save some temporo-frontal pain on 14th and 15th, with on former day some tinnitus and diarrhoeic stools. On 16th, took in m 0.55 grm. shootings soon came on in left breast, preventing deep breathing, and lasting without cessation till next day, when they gradually went off, but had not quite left up to 20th, when there came also drawings in hands and feet, and also in forehead and left temple, lasting some d. On 24th, at 6 a. m., 0.60 grm., without effect save very dreamful sleep on 24th – 25th. On 26th, in m., vertigo and turns in head, and during day inappetence. For 2 days more perfect health.

12b. On 28th, at 1 p. m., took 1 grm. After 1/2 hour felt so ill at ease that she went to bed. She had vertigo, turnings in head as if there were a windmill there, tinniest aurium so loud that she could not hear; at same time veil before eyes, and frontal headache so violent that it seemed as if head would burst; malaise; vomitings; diarrhoea with violent colic traversing abdomen. At first there were chills, and strong trembling of limbs; on getting to bed great heat, frequent yawning and sneezing, followed by profuse perspiration. She could not sleep till midnight. Next m. slight traces of attack of yesterday, which soon disappeared, leaving only lassitude for some d.

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.