28. K-, aet. 24, strong, a great smoker.- Nov. 26th. Began taking daily 0.005 grm. Q. h. m. and e.- Nov. 27th-28th. These 2 d. he could not smoke. Half a cigar caused him to feel extremely ill, cold perspiration broke out, and there was inclination to vomit. On 28th toothache of a rheumatic character in south teeth, the pains increased when cold air or cold liquids came in contact with teeth; increased urging to urinate, especially after going upstairs.- 29th. Toothache continues, not coming on at any particular time, but coming and going. Urging to urinate continues.- Dec. 3rd. Toothache and urging to urinate continue. For the last few d. there is general relaxation and disinclination for work. There came on a peculiar nervous restlessness which drove him out of the house; he was unable to remain in his room he felt so impatient. He was no better in the open air, his restlessness was intolerable. Along with this a peculiar confusion of head, not pain. On the 3rd the restlessness became aggravated to perfect anxiety, which caused him to start at every step heard on the stars, and at every knock at the door. These states became relieved hunger set in, which was completely satisfied with a little bit of bread, so much so that he could eat no supper.- 4th. N. disturbed by anxious dreams. The symptoms of the previous d. recurred with increased intensity.- 5th. Same symptoms.- 6th. Took no med. this m. Somewhat better. Voracious hunger e. Urging to urinate, and toothache as before.- 7th. Better, but not quite well. Urinary and teeth symptoms continue. No med. taken this e. These symptoms continued with varying intensity during the whole provings, which lasted till 15th. The urging to urinate lasted 8, the toothache 10 d. after leaving off. He took in all 0.18 grm. The pulse and temperature were not sensibly affected. (Ibid., 36.)

29. H-, aet. 25, Nov. 27th, began to take daily 0.01 grm. Q h. – 29th. In afternoon, confused head, which increased gradually to actual frontal headache. Constipation.- 30th. The headache reappeared at the same h. with flashing before eyes. Very little urine passed, no stool till e.- Dec. 1st. Headache as before, pressure with vertigo. No stool.- 2nd. Afternoon headache with noise in ears. Appetite increased sometimes to voracity, but was allayed by very little food. Constipation. Headache relieved by drinking beer.- 3rd. N. restless, many confused dreams. The confusion of head increased during d. to complete stupidity with general prostration. In m., slight nausea with heartburn. At noon, after a very hard stool, transient cutting in bowels.- 4th. Slept very ill; while lying awake at n. heard his name called loudly and repeatedly. During d. the pulse intermitted occasionally.- 5th. A bad n. The weakness and stupidity increased during d. The digestion seemed retarded, so that he had in e. eructations of the food eaten at noon.- 6th. When reading, great flickering before eyes.- 7th. He observed that he was much more easily affected by alcohol than previously; 2 to 3 glasses of beer made him quite tipsy. Very irritable the last few d.- 10th. As no alteration in symptoms occurred, he took for 8 d. double the dose of Q. h. The stools remained irregular; every other day bowel were opened 2 or 3 times. The urinary secretion and desire to vomit now became increased. Disposition irritable; the former depression gave place to excitement. The intolerance of alcohol increased every d. The headache went off, but noise in ears frequently occurred. The nights were always bad, the dreams became an anxious character; he often woke in a state of anxiety and fright, having dreamed he was being chloroformed to death. After leaving off the Q. the symptoms gradually declined. Pulse and temp. not sensibly affected during proving. He took altogether 0.58 grm. (Ibid., 51.)

30. E-, aet. 23, strong and healthy except that he is subject to palpitation. He began, Nov. 26th, to take daily, m. and e., 0.01 grm. Q. h.- 27th. In e. felt extreme exhaustion.- 28th. About 9 p.m. excessive exhaustion and prostration, head confused.- 29th. Slept well, but on rising feels the weariness and heaviness of limbs. This well, but on rising feels the weariness and heaviness of limbs. This went off during d., but suddenly recurred in e. as on previous d. Head confused and violent vertigo. This increased on looking at bright objects and became so intense he had to go to bed at 9 p.m.- Dec. 1st. Though yesterday he was quite well and slept well last n., he felt very unrefreshed on waking. He felt extremely prostrated, had no inclination for work he felt weak, as after recovery from a long illness. Better in e.-2nd. No symptoms.- 3rd. Well during d. till e., great malaise, ill-humour, headache. No symptoms until Dec. 10th, when he began taking double the quantity of Q. h. Well during d. till e., when symptoms of gastritis came on. Tongue thickly furred, appetite bad, all food is disrelished.- 11th. Gastric symptoms relieved.- 12th. Gastric symptoms gone, felt very well, but appearance did not correspond. Face bloated, eyelids swollen as if after alcoholic excess. During forenoon frequent attacks of vertigo, vision indistinct, gait unsteady. Depressed spirits, melancholy. In e., quite well again.- 13th. Forenoon, well. Afternoon, headache till e. Very excited disposition till he went to bed. At 9 p.m. he was so tired he had to go to bed.- 14th. Unrefreshed by his good night’s sleep. Violent headache and feeling of great physical exhaustion. Could not get up on account of violent attack of vertigo; disagreeable chilliness over body, eyeballs heavy, tongue furred and pale, too large for mouth. No appetite great foetor ex ore. No desire to evacuate either bladder or bowel as usually occurs in m. About 8 a.m., profuse perspiration of disagreeable sour smell broke out and lasted till 11 a.m. On rising now, no vertigo but headache continued. Anorexia and general prostration. The sensation of thirst much diminished a mouthful of water produces the same feeling of satiety as formerly a full glass. Pulse small and difficult to heel. Though there was still no desire to urinate, he forced himself to do so, and nearly a later of urine of dark colour and intense sour smell was passed. Took the second dose at noon. The weak feeling and headache lasted all d. Occasional noise in ears. No appetite till 4 p.m. No stool to-day. He took no more Q. after this; total quantity taken 0.48 grm. The symptoms soon went off. (Ibid., 55.)

31. G-, aet, 21 3/4, experienced in the same way as the others. The only remarkable symptoms he observed were that he was easily intoxicated by a couple of glasses of beer, whereas formerly he could drink five without being materially affected. One n. he dreamt of worms, lice, and other vermin. He had occasional urging to urinate, sometimes to the extent of 9 times a d., but the quantity of urine was not increased. He frequently had roaring in ears and itching of skin of back.

32. D-, aet. 23, strong and healthy.- July 11th. Commenced taking 0.005 m. and e.- 12th. No effect.- 13th. At 3 p.m. sudden quickening of heart’s beats with excited feeling. Quieted in e.- 15th. Appetite increased, urine scanty, brown, and with sediment. -17th. Same state of urine. In m. slight headache soon going off. Urine copious and clear. 6 p.m., much itching in chest, back, and arms, lasting 1 h.- 19th. On rising, m., pretty severe pain in l. supra-orbital region, which went off during a walk. No stool. E., itching on chest and back.- 20th. Bowels open by pills. The supra-orbital pain comes on 1 h. after rising, and goes off in course of m. From this time the dose of Q. was doubled. 3 p.m., palpitation and praecordial anxiety for 1/2 h.- 22nd. No stool. The supra-orbital pain comes in 1 hour after rising, and goes off in course of m. From this time the dose of Q. was doubled. 3 p.m., palpitation and praecordial anxiety for 1/2 h.- 22nd. No stool. The noise in ears with dulness of hearing, going off in 1/2 h.- 23rd. Restless sleep, malaise all d.- 24th. The pain in head very severe from m. Prostration, no inclination for work, some excitement. No stool.- 25th. Bowels opened by pills. Urine clear and copious. No headache. Excitement continues. Afternoon, in spite of dinner, voracious appetite for salt things for 1/2 h.- 26th. Very restless sleep. Wakes with a start, praecordial anxiety and great prostration. Recurrence of pain on,. of forehead, particularly in supra-orbital region, lasting till noon. No stool, urine copious and clear.- 27th. Normal stool, urine clear, right eyelid red and swollen.- 28th. Swelling of eyelid increased. Irritation and itching all d. in both meat. ext. Urine clear and abundant.- 29th. Sleep disturbed by toothache, especially on left side and upper and lower teeth. M., general prostration, lasting all d., increasing in e. Urine turbid and scanty.- 30th. From 10 to 1 a.m. sleep sound and calm, and then wakes with anxiety and intense pain in l. orbit and ear. Pain in teeth recurs, and is aggravated by closing jaws. Great thirst, noise in ears, vertigo on rising. For 1 h. sleeplessness, then drowsiness, strange confused dreams until 7 a.m.; then great fear; then good sleep from 7 to 9 a.m. On waking great prostration, tending to vertigo. Agitation, nausea, great desire to vomit without result. 10 a.m. easy stool Headache gone, but pain in teeth continues, hindering mastication. Very acute pain under left ear. Urine scanty, turbid, contains urates. After siesta of 2 h. pains all go off.- 31st. Sleep disturbed by pain in head and tooth. Body prostrated, head empty. Headaches goes off, toothache slighter. The pain under l. ear continues. Eyes fatigued by reading. A small furuncle on r. upper eyelid is lanced, and a quantity of pus is discharged. No med. to-day.- Aug. 1st. Symptoms all relieved; pain confined to meatus externus. After another dose vomiting. No stool.- 2nd. Pain in meatus increased, lasts all d. No stool. After the evening dose vomiting.- 3rd. No sleep on account of violent pain in teeth and l. frontal region. Feels very ill. Face bloated, high coloured. Gets better during d. Bowels moved by pills. After dinner disagreeable sensations in ears as if stopped with cotton wool. E., eructations and violent pain in temples with strong pressure in skin, which makes it impossible for him to work. All this removed by a walk.- 4th. The sufferings which were in abeyance during n. recur in m. Eyes feel as if not open enough, or as if something pinched the upper eyelids down, and prevented distinct vision. This recurred several times during d. No effect was observed on pulse, temp., or digestion during proving.- 5th. Symptoms nearly gone. During the next week, when no Q. was taken, from Aug. 5th to 12th, the neuralgia of 5th pair still continued, generally in m., in supra-orbital region; the pain in teeth came at night but these pains were not intense, and did not prevent sleep. Pain in meatus and eyes went off after few d. But several d. later there came on great sensitiveness of gums, which bled at the slightest touch. This lasted 2 weeks. The neuralgic pain in fifth pair went off entirely in the latter half of August, but at the end of this month they returned during the n. of the same intensity, duration, and types as when taking the Q. They spread over the supra-orbital region, l. temple, and both upper lower teeth of left side. They commenced in teeth, spread over head, and ended in nape. Soon the dental neuralgia increased in intensity, and was only allayed by acupuncture and cold water. The sleep was bad, frequently broken, but in the m. pain was gone. After this the neuralgia came on every n. about 3 a.m. From 3 to 6 a.m. the pain was agonising. There was no pain during d. This state of things lasted 1 1/2 weeks. Arsenic in large doses was given for a length of time without effect. Ferrum oxid. in small doses was more successful, and after taking it for a week the neuralgia disappeared. (Ibid.)

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.