5 c. Jan. 22nd, 1876, 5.30 p.m. took 3 dr. and at 11 p.m. same. At 12.30 next m. had crampy aching in r. instep, relieved by motion. Intermittent pressing outward pain in r. knee, relieved by motion. At 7.30 a.m. took 3 dr. and 3 at 1 p.m. At 3.20 pulsating pain in head of r. tibia, relieved by motion. At 4.45 p.m. took 4 dr. At 5.30, while sitting, pulsating pain in head of r. tibia, sensitive to pressure. Aching in r. upper molar tooth and gum, worse by cold. At 9.50 p.m. took 4 dr. retired at 11. 11.30 p.m. while lying on r. side, aching in r. temple, followed by aching and sense of fulness in r. side of face. Soon after, aching in ankle and r. forearm, deep, pulsating pain in r. gluteal region, near tuber ischii. 24th. 12 m, took 8 dr. 12.30 p.m. dined. 1 p.m. immediately after dinner, aching in body of last r. lower molar. Heat and fulness in interior of r. ear, at same time short, cutting pain in gum of first l. lower molar. 2.20 p.m. took 8 dr. 4.15 p.m. while at rest, drawing sensation and aching, commencing suddenly in r. axilla moving down inner side of arm to elbow. 4.30 p.m. pulsating pain in interosseous tissue at palmar aspect of l. forearm, near wrist, extending up forearm from wrist. 4.50 p.m. pulsating, deep pain in posterior and upper part of r. thigh. 5 p.m. pulsating pain in r. gluteal region near tuberosity of ischium; sensitive to pressure. 6.30 p.m. pulsating pain near upper extremity and outer side of r. fibula. Immediately after, pulsating pain in r. thigh. Sleep was dreamy and refreshing, more like a clairvoyant state. After midnight dreamed of birds singing, which awoke me and caused me to listen with intense interest, but stillness and darkness reigned supreme.

5 d. Feb. 6th, 1876, 3 p.m. took 10 dr. and same at 10.55 p.m. on retiring. Soon after, lying on l. side, drawing sensation and aching in upper part of r. forearm, pulsating deep pain in. r. gluteal region, just above tuber ischii, seeming to be in periosteum; sharp pain just above crest of r. ilium, after which pain in r. gluteal region returned, then sharp pain just above crest of l. ilium, drawing and aching in r. foot, drawing and aching in anterior muscles of r. forearm, pulsating, deep pain in r. gluteal region, sensitive to pressure, drawing and aching in anterior muscles of l. forearm. Drawing in outer side of l. foot extending to plantar aspect, as if foot would cramp, drawing in r. forearm near elbow; return of pain near r. tuber ischia, aching in r. leg, pulsating, deep pain in r. thigh, at inner border of sartorius. Itching on extremities and face. Sleep last n. was light and dreamy: after midnight dreamed I entered a beautiful garden, from which I passed into low woodland, in eastern border of which was a sluggish, broad, shallow stream of water, to cross which dryshod required some exercise of mind. This m. arose refreshed, lighthearted, and cheery. 7th, 7.4 a.m., took 10 dr. 10 a.m. while standing before hot stove, return of pain near r. tuber ischii. 12 m, aching in r. leg. 3.30 p.m. took 10 dr. 3.40, pain in r. side of abdomen, moving downwards, following course of rectus muscle. Pain in r. anterior wall of chest near axilla. Pulsating pain at l. public bone, continuing several h., generally relieved by walking, sometimes felt while walking; pain seems to be in cartilage of 5th rib. 6, drawing sensation in r. big toe, as if toe would cramp. Drawing in muscles of upper r. arm, then in dorsum of r. foot, then in plantar region of same, shifting from place to place as rapidly as symptoms can be written. Aching in r. temple and r. metacarpus, terminating in lame aching and drawing sensation in metacarpal region of thumb and index finger; drawing sensation in r. anterior wall of chest and r. arm. passing down arm to elbow. 2.18, pulsating pain in sacro-iliac articulation. 2.50, numb aching passing down outer side of r. leg to foot, aching and sense of drawing in outer hamstring. 3.5, pulsating pain in sacro-iliac articulation, leaving lameness felt when walking. 9th, 10 a.m. transient drawing pain passing through r. carpus, leaving wrist lame on motion. 2.35 p.m. sharp pain passing down r. temporal ridge and external angular process. Immediately after, sharp pain at r. supra-orbital ridge close to supra- orbital notch; sharp, broad pain passing from lower angle of r. scapula to locality of serrations of the serratus magnus; pulsating pain at posterior aspect of coccyx. 9.25, after a walk in open air, and while in room reading, sharp pain suddenly pierces palmar aspect of l. carpus, traversing dorsum of 1st and 2nd fingers, becoming a drawing pain in its progress to metacarpo-phalangeal articulations of these fingers, then involving all the metacarpo-phalangeal articulations of the hands, drawing fingers closer together and thumb towards palm of hand. whole hand is numb, looks and feels swollen, its temperature is increased. Continued motion relieved drawing, but not numbness, which continued 15 m. 9.32, during numbness of l. hand, sharp pain in dorsum of 1st phalanx of r. index finger, shooting to articulations of its 1st and 2nd phalanx. 10th, 2.35 p.m. while writing, pain in upper and posterior part of l. thigh. 2.45, sharp, sticking pain in r. elbow. 3.33, drawing pain in dorsal aspect of metacarpal region of r. thumb.

5 e. Feb. 15th, at 11.45 a.m. put 2 oz. of cold water and 10 dr. of 1st dec., into a Fullgraf’s inhaler and inhaled for 20 m. 2.5 p.m. eructation of sour, acrid water. 2.45, stinging itching on r. scapula 3, hiccoughed several times; immediately after gaped several times. 3.30, inhaled again for 20 m. 3.40, while inhaling aching in r. forearm commencing in belly of flexor carpi radialis, extending through arm. Arm is sensitive to pressure. 3.45, sense of drawing in r. forearm, extending to metacarpus. 3.47, crampy sensation increasing to aching in 1st phalanx of r. hand, continuing 10 m. relieved by motion of fingers. 4.10,

pulsating pain in neck of r. femur, seeming to be in capsular ligament, creasing while walking, returning when at rest. 4.15, stinging in small spot on dorsum of 1st phalanx of r. 2nd finger. 5, aching in r. anterior wall of chest, extending through to r. scapula. 10.30, inhaled 20 m. Aching at base of r. antrum of Highmore, then at base of l. antrum. 11, retired; soon after while lying on l. side, aching at lower third of sternum, continuing several m. Immediately after, expensive, intense distress in epigastric region, like heartburn, extending through to posterior border of l. scapula, continuing 1/2 h., ameliorated by lying on r. side. 16th. At n. while in bed, pulsating pain in neck of r. femur. This pain felt several times during d. 17th, 10.10 a.m. After walk in open air, soon after entering my office intense acrid eructation, producing momentary strangulation. 10.50, while walking in open air, sticking pain from without inwards in region of cartilages of 6th and 7th ribs. 1 p.m. pulsating, deep pain in neck of r. femur. This pain seems in capsular ligament at inner border of ilio-femoral ligament, and continues 10 h. relieved by walking. 4 p.m. aching in r. temporal bone, commencing in temporal ridge and extending to occiput; whole base of head is very painful n moving head, also sterno- mastoideus and trapezius muscles. 4.36, thread-like pain in r. foot below outer ankle terminating in an aching. 9.30, aching in l. forearm. 18th, 3.25 p.m. drawing, crampy sensation in r. anterior of chest and axilla, extending down arm to fingers and terminating in jerking of little finger. 3.45, drawing crampy sensation in muscles of r. upper arm. After short interval, similar sensation in r. elbow. 10th, 2.30 p.m. inhaled 20 m. While inhaling, drawing, crampy sensation at outer border of r. eye are inflamed. 10.25, inhaled 20 m. While inhaling aching in os frontis and orbital bones. While in bed, sore aching in anterior wall of chest, in muscles of r. arm, and in coccyx. Sticking pain in metatarsal joint of big toe, at plantar aspect. 20th. During d. aching in anterior wall of chest. 2.30 p.m. inhaled 20 m. 3.15, intense aching at posterior aspect of middle of sternum. Inflammation of Meibomian glands continues. 4.30, while at rest in warm room, transient pain passing up wards over inner ankle of l. foot, followed by severe flatulent pain in abdomen, preceding and during a diarrhoeic stool, followed by feeling of weakness and perspiration on face and neck. 7.15, after walk in open air and being seated in warm room, itching in r. side of trachea, producing dry, hacking cough. Soon after, itching in l. side of trachea, producing dry, hacking cough. Drawing sensation in upper r. arm, followed by aching in l. side at floating ribs. 9.45, crampy aching below r. scapula. Crampy aching in r. wrist. 9.50, lame aching at inner side of r. thigh, just above knee, followed by wiry or thread-like pain in r. instep. Immediately after, sore aching at r. scapula. 10.55, took 8 dr. 21st. during forenoon, aching in both and upper arms; r. side worse. 4.35 p.m. took 12 dr. Several times during afternoon sense of weakness, with heat and perspiration on face and neck. Dull aching in forehead, and on moving head a sense of fulness, rigidity, and lameness of muscles of neck. 10, pain in epigastrium as of flatus; at same time aching in dorsal region. Wandering pain in r. side of abdomen; aching in ramus of r. maxilla. 23rd, 9 p.m. intermittent aching in r. tibia. Inflammation of Meibomian glands has subsided. 24th, 4.30 p.m. severe aching at internal condyle of r. arm after a walk in open air and while standing in open air, continuing 5 m. At same time and while arm is resting on a support, sense of drawing at inner side of l. upper arm. 5.10 p.m., after light exercise in open air and while in room, aching in l. maxillary articulation, leaving sense of fulness; immediately after, aching in r. maxillary articulation, terminating in sharp pain. 5.22, after short walk in open air. having entered a warm room, aching in r. maxillary articulation and whole of r. side of head. 5.30, while at rest in warm room, sore aching of gum of r. upper molar teeth. 7, while riding on horseback, drawing sensation in muscles of r. upper arm. 9.20, while seated in a warm room, immediately after supper, intense crampy aching in l. knee, continuing 8 m; not relieved by motion. 26th, 5.44 p.m. while at rest in a warm room, atmosphere loaded with moisture, south wind, drawing, crampy sensation ceases and becomes a bruised aching, extending to external malleolus. Sometimes it extends up tibia and fibula, producing feeling of fulness in these bones. When walking there is lameness. 5.57, drawing, crampy sensation in l. carpus, then in anterior muscles of r. upper arm. 27th, 3 p.m. while at rest in house, return of aching in r. ankle. (J. HYDE, M.D., American Observer, iii, N.S., 593.)

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.