13. A girl, aet, 20, suffering from tumor albus genu sinistri took, June 4th, 10 a.m. fro 4 to 5 oz. tinct. After a short time she had violent pains in epigastrium, repeated vomiting, stool only after enemata, feeling of tightness of chest, extreme dyspnoea, progressive coldness, very painful cramps in feet, especially l. with very violent pain in diseased knee, pulse grew gradually smaller, contracted, intelligence undisturbed till death, which occurred 28 h. after the poison had been swallowed. P.M. 43 h. after death. Putrefaction had set in. Abdominal integuments and skin of nose green rigor mortis very strong, suggillations over body and limbs. Vessels of piamater and cerebral substance greatly injected especially in posterior 3/4ths of hemispheres, not in anterior fourth, which was softer than the rest of brain, of a green colour and putrid smell. Lungs normal, in both ventricles of heart black coagula with pale red diverticula among columnae carneae. Stomach much distended with gas and containing a few spoonfuls of grayish inodorous fluid, m.m. grey, softened and easily detached. Duodenum contained a little of the same liquid, its mucous glands the size of mustard seeds, in lower third of ileum violet-coloured plaques formed by agglomeration of mucous glands. Liver large, pale, alive coloured, soft. (OLLIVIER, Arch. gen, d. Mli, xii, pt.4,433; in Frank’s Mag, iii, 138.)

14. A boy, aet. 4 May 27th, e, swallowed a quantity of seeds. In n. had violent pain in bowels and frequent vomiting 28th, 1 p.m. he lay in a state of sopor on his back with half shut eyes and audible rapid breathing, features sunken. Hippocratic, dull look, pupils slightly dilated, eyes staring, tongue bright red, its root covered with mucus. On touching abdomen he woke out of his sopor, but it immediately returned. Abdomen distended, tense and hard. The stools 12 h. after poisoning contained seeds of C. Passed a large amount of urine, and had occasionally pains in calves and feet. Vomited food and pale green mucus, pulse small, contracted, skin dry, body hot, extremities cold, great exhaustion, general prostration, unquenchable thirst. After 20 h. gastritis had become developed. Leeches and demulcent drinks, 6 p.m., vomiting continues, hiccup; sometimes transient excitement; extremities cold, face pale, forehead covered with clammy perspiration, a large quantity of urine passed, only one stool, breathing quick sobbing, pulse small, great faintness. 11 p.m. forehead covered with clammy sweat, occasional faintness, waxy complexion, short sobbing respiration retching, vomiting; violent burning thirst, heart’s heats hardly perceptible, icy cold extremities, died between 22 and 1. P.M. on 31st. Face pale, both eyes open, pupils dilated, cornea dim, jaws firmly closed, neck bluish red, hands clenched, abdomen much distended, suggillations all over back. Redness of peritoneum and external surface of bowels; m.m. of stomach softened and in some places perforated in holes the size of farthing to penny; great softening of m.m. around holes, which are as if eroded; rest of m.m. red, sunken and easily detached. small intestines as far as valvula coli, red, swollen and soft, liver hard, red in places, green bile is gall bladder. (FRANQUF, Nassauer Fourn, it pt. 4, 313; in Frank’s Mag., ii, 393.)

15. A man, aet 40, suffering from chronic rheumatism took in e, 3iij of wine of seeds, went to bed and fell asleep. woke at 2 a.m. and had a copious stool and a second toward m. Soon after the first pressure and anxiety in praecordia, frequent vomiting of yellowish-green fluid; this increased during d. so that he vomited all the food he took after severe reaching, or quite easily and by jerks. Thirst extreme, especially for cold drinks. After continuous vomiting for 24 h. great weakness and exhaustion;, face pale and features sunken, blue rings round eyes, skin cool, pulse small, tense, urinary secretion scanty. Next d. hiccup. (BENNEWITZ, Hufeland’s Fourn, xciv, pt. 4. 107; in Frank’s Mag., 11, 699.)

16. An unmarried lady, aet. 57, who had suffered for 4 months from pains in epigastrium and abdomen, got by mistake on Sept, 16th, 7 a.m. 30 grm. tinct. with 15 grm. Glauber’s salt. After 5 m. frightful pains in stomach and bowels, with extreme anxiety and great excitement. Face pale, pinched, eyes surrounded with dark rings, stomach and abdomen intolerably painful, complains of oppression and strangulation, pulse 50, weak, vomiting of viscid stuff, several liquid, blackish, very foetid stools with violent colic. She got 5 centigr. of tart.em. which caused her to vomit and the vomiting was promoted by drinking warm water. All this between 8 and 9 a.m. Iodine water allayed the pains. 10.30 a.m. the vomiting continued and was accompanied by convulsive movements in the cold limbs, hands violet coloured 8 p.m. prostration, vomiting and diarrhoea, convulsive movements in limbs, subsultus tendinum, extreme restlessness, pains in abdomen, pulse 65, only a few drops of urine passed. 17th, m, symptoms continue, pulse 84, general heat, tongue dry, great thirst, urinary secretion quite suppressed, but the convulsive movements and strangulation gone. Leeches to epigastrium, cataplasms, liniments and tisane. In afternoon much better, very copious micturition. 18th. improvement goes on. 20th No more fever, but diarrhoea continues. Oct. 1 st. Quite recovered from the poisoning. (LEROY DES BARRES.Bull. de Acad. Med, xiii, 1013.)


P. 370, title, for “Comoladia” read “Comocladia.” After 1. 4, add

5. a. May 12th, 1875, took 10 dr. of tinct. at 10.30 a.m. and same at 12.30. Appetite for dinner, at 1 p.m. less than usual. At 3 p.m. while reading, had aching in lower incisors passing to r. cuspid and bicuspid teeth, lasting 5 m. Walking in open air at 3.30 p.m. had acrid, rancid eructation. Took 20 dr. 4.30 p.m.; at 5.30, at rest, had soreness in l. lung.

5 b Took 10 dr. June 17th, 1875, at 6.30 a.m. At 10, while resting, had sense of fulness in face over superior maxilla, and sensation as of pimple over r. antrum. Itching inner side of l. thigh, then above r. eye and then on scalp. Eructation of air tasting of drug. Itching at inner border of l. gastrocnemius, relieved by rubbing. Tingling itching on r. side of upper lip, then crawling itching in r. malar region, then itching moving downwards from r. commissure of mouth, then itching on palmar side of r. carpus moving toward palm of hand, then itching at angle of lower jaw, r. side. At 10.55, itching of eyebrow. At 11.40, biting corrosive itching on r. forenoon, over belly of palmaris longus; itching on r. side of face near angle of jaw, on posterior aspect of r. forearm, on dorsal aspect of 1st phalanx of r. index finger. Cheerful condition of mind during forenoon. No appetite for dinner at 12.30. 18th. Slept soundly, arose refreshed and cheerful. Took 10 dr. 30 m. before breakfast at 6.10. Soon after tense feeling on abdomen as it full of flatus. After walking in open air, while sitting, had bubbling in hypogastric region, also (later) pain there as from flatus. While walking, 8.30, sudden lameness and loss of strength in l. ankle. While resting, 10 a.m. corrosive burning on side of lower lip. At 3.30 p.m. after a walk, sitting with r. leg extended on table, crampy lameness just above instep, relieved by walking. Immediately after, while sitting, drawing crampy sensation in hollow of r. foot, passing up to outer ankle and along border of gastrocnemius to knee, relieved by walking, returning while sitting, feet resting on floor, passing slowly upward from outer ankle to knee, then in tibia where it became a numb aching, as if foot would cramp, relieved by continued motion. 19th Took 25 dr. at 6.30 a.m. At 9.15 sensation as of scabby eruption on median line, lower lip, close to vermilion border. At rest at 2.30 p.m. had lame, aching pain in r. upper arm, and, soon after, lame aching pain in r. knee and sharp pain passing through r. shoulder to scapula. At 3.20, intermittent pressing outward pain at l. sacro-iliac articulation, sensitive to pressure, relieved by walking, with lameness and soreness. Pain along outer side of r. thigh. Sense of expansion in oesophagus, as of air ascending slowly from stomach. At 3.50, drawing pain in r. knee extending into anterior muscles of thigh; then pain under lower part of l. scapula; sense of drawing in r. anterior wall of chest; aching in lower incisors that leaves them very sensitive to pressure from upper teeth. During afternoon had itching on different parts of the body. (Further record lost.) 23rd. Took 40 dr. at 4.10 p.m. While at rest, numb, drawing sensation in instep, extending to knee, followed by sense as of warm air, like an aura, ascending halfway to knee. The numbness and drawing concentrate at instep, where it remains a short time, and again the aura ascends slowly to the knee; the tibia and fibula ache; sense of increased temperature and fulness in leg. The numb drawing moved over the dorsum of the foot to the toes where it terminates in a prickling. Relieved by motion, returns when it cases.

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.