d. May 27th.- The patient was sent to Dr. Little to-day for examination, and the following report of the state of his vision was obtained:- “Sight failing for about six months. Vision of

right eye is equal to 18, and of l. is pale with a faint haze at some points in the margin. The fundus of each eye is healthy in other respects. The field of vision is much contracted in each eye for white and blue, while red and green are absent.” (Ibid.)


For the following note upon the chemistry of this drug we are indebted to Mr. Wyborn. In describing it as we did we followed Dr. Black (Brit. Journ. of Hom., xxiv, 476.)

“A solution of ammonia, with some ammoniacal derivatives such as amides and amines (artificial alkaloids) and oxidised organic matters. If incautiously distilled, traces of alum, lime, or potassium sulphate may be mechanically carried over into the receiver. At the temperature produced by the slaking of lime water is decomposed, oxygen and hydrogen being set free in the nascent state. Oxygen in this condition acting upon organic matter in the air combines with it and forms various compounds, and, again, nascent hydrogen is by an indirect process or otherwise combined with the nitrogen of the air and thus ammonia is formed. Amides are derived from ammonium salts by abstraction water. Amines are derived from hydrocarbons by substitution of amidogen (NH2) for an equivalent quantity of hydrogen by various processes, and from more complex nitrogen compounds by decomposition.”

Cedron.- (Additional provings.)

10. A.W. W-, man of 20, in good health, Dec. 1st, 1866, at 7 a.m., took 5 dr. of tinct. In 10 m. felt flush or feverish glow over body, pulse 10 heats quicker, burning and smarting in mouth and fauces. At noon 6 dr., with same result. At 5 p.m., 15 dr. Pricking and tingling in throat and fauces, seeming to extend some way down oesophagus; bad taste in temples; febrile symptoms as before. All had disappeared in 2 hours. 2nd.- At 7 a.m., 30 dr. Besides former symptoms, metallic taste and pain in bowels – these for but a few m. At noon, 50 dr. Besides former symptoms, some pain in region of kidneys, profuse secretion of urine, smarting and burning in urethra. At 6 p.m., 60 dr. Only new result was uneasy feeling in lumbar region, with feeling as if there was a drop of urine in glans penis. 10th.- Again took 60 dr. at 7 a.m. Profuse secretion of urine; warm feeling over surface of body; pain in kidneys; burning in mouth, fauces; oesophagus, and stomach, as if m.m. was raw; colicky pain in small intestines; continued pain in temples, passing from side to side; pain and burning in urethra when not voiding urine; feeling as if there was a drop of urine in urethra, or a constant dropping from it. (Dr. STENNET’s Provings, Wess. Hom. Obs., ii, 11.)

11. S.M.P-, man of 24, healthy and not susceptible to medicine. Dec. 1st, at 7 a.m., took 5 dr. of tinct. At 10, sharp cutting pain in both elbows; pain under scapula and in pelvis. At noon, 15 dr.; at 4.30 p.m., 30 dr., after which profuse discharge of light-coloured urine. 2nd.- At 7 a.m., 50 dr.; at noon, 60 dr., after which sharp darting cutting pains under both ribs, continuing till 4 p.m., also profuse secretion of urine, with numb, uneasy sensation in urethra. At 6 p.m., 100 dr., which caused in 1/2 h. all above-named symptoms, with pain right side for 3 hours. 3rd.- Pain s in side and under scapula returned at 3 p.m., although no medicine was taken; also at 4 p.m. next d., though les severely. 5th.- At noon 60 dr. Pain under floating ribs and right scapula, also in elbows; abundant glassy mucus in nose; copious urine. (Ibid.)

12. a. S-, man of 27, in good health, but very susceptible to drug. Dec. 1st, at 7 a.m., took 10 dr. of tinct. In few minutes burning and scraping in mouth and throat, with profuse discharge of thin saliva. At 8 tingling sensation in mouth. At 9 took 10 dr. Caused same symptoms as before, with heat over entire body; pain in occiput and forehead; slight pain in kidneys. At noon, 15 dr. in 1 hour severe pain in kidneys, and soon after profuse discharge of thin, clear, transparent urine. At 3.30 p.m. severe shooting pain over left eye; numbness in right leg; numbness and dead feeling in right hand and forearm, so that he could not hold pen; felt debilitated. At 4 p.m., 20 dr. Some pain and numbness again, lasting 2 hours. 2nd.- At 7 a.m., 40 dr. Caused all previously noted symptoms, with excessive pain and burning feeling in kidneys and along ureters, as if boiling water were passing through them; colic and cramp in small intestines; slight nausea; pressure on chest, as from a heavy weight; malaise; profuse secretion f clear, thin mucus in bronchi; acrid tears, seeming to scald cheeks. These symptoms passed off in about 4 hours. At 9 took 40 dr. Could not sleep; restless and very nervous; all above-noted symptoms again present save pain in temples, and continued till 5 a.m. next d. 3rd.- At 7 a.m., 50 dr. New symptoms were profuse discharge of thin, clear, acrid mucus from nose; smarting and burning in eyes, with great discharge of tears, At 11 took 65 dr. Pulse somewhat accelerated; pain over right eye and in temples, with numb, dead feeling in legs, as if much enlarged; sleepy and drowsy. At 6 took 75 dr. Severe sharp, griping, cutting pain in lower abdomen; profuse secretion of saliva, with metallic taste. Last-named symptoms increased in e. and lasted through night into next day. 6th.- Having got well again, took at noon 150 dr. No new symptoms. At 7.30 p.m., 150 dr. Only new symptom present was a sort of jerking and twitching of tendon of legs, especially of tendo Achillis and in right foot. All old symptoms likewise present. 7th.- Took 100 dr. Neuralgia pains, soon followed by numbness over entire body, with smarting and burning in nose, were produced by this dose, with all urinary symptoms much aggravated. These distressing pains continued with more or less severity for nearly 3 d., by end of which the y wee all gone, having disappeared gradually. 12th.- 200 dr. All old symptoms, strongly marked, came on in about 1 hour. Urine very high-coloured, and, on standing for some time, threw down a branny precipitate. 15th.- 300 dr. during d. Burning in mouth, throat, and stomach; colic and cramp in small intestines; pain in kidneys, burning in urethra and along ureters, profuse secretion of urine; oppression on chest; numbness of hands, arms and legs; and all previously noted symptoms were present during next d., and those affecting kidney lasted for 2 d. They did not pass away as rapidly as they came on, and seemed to take a deeper hold on the structures affected than had been the case before.

b. Same proved powdered nut. Dec. 18th took 5 gr., on 19th 15 gr., on 20th 80 gr. Symptoms were not different from those produced by tinct., but seemed longer in coming on. 21st.- Took 160 gr. Profuse secretion of tears, which instantly ran down face; also burning in urethra, and thin gleety discharge day and night with feeling as if ants were crawling over body. Pain in kidneys was excessive. 22nd.- Took 20 gr. Before-noticed symptoms came on again to-day, and lasted some 36 hours. For 2 d. more or less pain in kidneys, with slight derangement of biliary secretion, evinced by colour of urine and by stools. (Ibid.)

P. 49, l. 3, for “urine” read “wind.” L. 6, before “All” read “Nearly.” L.9, for “very small” read “rather small than large.” L. 29, for “burning” read “stiffness.” [* For these corrections we are indebted to Dr. Guerin Meneville.*]


At the time of preparing our article on this drug we were unable to obtain the original of I. 9-12, and had to take them form the French version of the Rev. de Mat. Medorrhinum Specifique. We have since been more fortunate, and comparison with the author’s ipsissima verba enables us to furnish the following corrections:

P. 124, l. 1, after “was” read “during very stool;” l. 11, before “sensation” add “with;” l. 3 from bottom, after “head” add “of face.” P. 125, L. 1, between “restless n.” and “urine” insert “5th;” l. 3, for “burnt” read “broken up;” l.4, for “80” read “94;” l. 18, for “a.m.” read “p.m.;” l. 29, for “6 p.m.” read “10 p.m.,” and for “dense” read “saturated;” l. 33, for “dense” read “saturated;” l. 8 from bottom, for “feebleness” read “qualmishness;” l.6, for “stomach” read “abdomen;” l.5, for “malaise” read “nausea;” l. 2, for “calculi” read “gravel;” l. 1, read “a dark nucleus.”

P. 126, l. 1 for “clearer scales” read “lighter-coloured coat;” l. 6, after “flatulence” insert “2 p.m., call to stool, with cutting in bowels;” l. 7, for “dense” read “saturated;” l. 11, delete “horizontal;” l. 16, for “round” read “through middle of.”

P. 127, l. 11 and 15, for “84” read “45;” l. 12, for “pinching” read ” prickling;” l. 20, for “stool;” l. 21, read “looked like glands of shape of many painted blackberries;” l. 15 from bottom, for “sunken” read “lustreless;” l. 14, for “sediment like a lemon” read “clay-coloured sediment.”

P. 128, l. 16, for “malaise” read “nausea;” l. 2 from bottom, for “mesenteric” read “umbilical.”

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.