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Convallaria majalis

Proving Symptoms of homeopathy medicine Convallaria Majalis, described by Richard Hughes in his book, A Cyclopedia of Drug Pathogenesis, published in 1895….


Convallaria majalis, L. Lily of the valley. Nat. Ord., Liliaceae. ‘.


1. IRVIN T. LANE. I made a note of my symptoms for only 2 days before taking convallaria, and as I thought this was not as long a period as I should have taken i did not record any symptoms that I could remember ever having before, so I think there will be no symptoms noted that were not caused by the medicine. I was in good health before taking convallaria, wit the exception of a slight coryza. Age 21; health good; eyes blue; hair brown; head large; from stout; features full; habits good; bowels regular; urine normal; chest large and full. December 24th, 1882, I began proving tinct, prepared by adding 7 parts of water and alcohol to 1 of fluid extract of flow’s, 3 times a day between meals. at 11 a. m., took 2 dr. 2 p. m., felt sleepy after coming into warm room. 3, took 3 dr.; feel very sleepy in warm room. 8, took 5 dr. Urine, sp. gr. 1032, contained some earthy phosphates, and, according to more’s est, between 1 and 2 per cent. of sugar. 25th, 8 a. m., urine 1025, contained about 1 per cent of sugar. 12, morning, took 5 dr.; 5 p. m., took 5 dr.; 9, took 5 r. Urine, sp. gr. 1028, contained some phosphates. 26th, 11 a. m., took 5 dr.; 4 p. m., took 5 dr.; 4 p. m., took 5 dr. 8, took 5 dr. Sp. gr. of urine 1026, it contained quite an amount of phosphates. 30th. -awoke about 2 a. m., and was very restless for some time; then after sleeping again for a short time awoke again very restless. 11 a. m., 5 dr. 9 p. m., had a dull colic – like pain in left iliac region relieved by micturition. 11, 5 dr. 31st. – After going to bed had rheumatic-like pain in left elbow, aggravated by motion. Awoke between 2 and 3 a. m.; was very restless remainder of night January 1st, 1883. – woke about 2 or 3 a. m.; was very restless reminder of night 10 a. m., after walking a short distance a dull aching pain in lumbar region, worse on right side, aggravated by motion, taking a deep breath, or sitting up straight. This pain passed away between 11 and 12 a. m. 2nd. – Awoke about 2 a. m., but was not as restless as for the past 3 night. 8 a. m., sore pain in lumbar region has passed away. 3rd. – awoke about 2 a. m.; was restless for a little while, then went to sleep again, but awoke at 5 a. m and was very restless until morning. Sore aching pain in lumbar region commenced about 5 a. m. and continued until about 10, when it gradually passed away. 8 p. m., sharp stinging pains beneath sternum at bout 3rd rib, which radiate in all directions for a circumference of about 4 in. 5th. – Pain in back scarcely noticeable. 6th, 10:15 p. m., took 40 dr. 10:45, felt very sleepy. 7th, 11 a. m., took 40 dr; 4:30 p. m., took 16 dr. Felt sleepy afterwards for some time. 6, dry, suffocation sensation in throat, and colic – like pains in right umbilical region, which come quickly and pass off slowly. 6:40, while at stool had a sore, burning sensation at the anus during the passage; this sensation I have had for about a week but have neglected to make a note of it before; 2 stools to-day 40 dr. 12:45 p. m., had uneasy feeling in abdomen for some time, and on going out in open air had colic, – like pain in abdomen, increased by walking; sleepy feeling when sitting down 4, had pulsating earache on left side with heat in ear, only lasted a few morning 4:30, took 40 dr. 7, after eating had sore, aching pain in middle hypogastric region, which came on gradually and passed off quite suddenly, aggravated by sitting up straight; feel sleepy during pain. 11, took 40 dr. 9th, 12 morning, took 60 dr. At times I have a dull aching pain in hypogastric region, with feeling of fulness and desire for stool, relieved by stool. 11 p. m., took 60 dr. Upon coming into house after a walk saw imaginary grey – coloured spots about 3 in square, in different parts of room; had 2 natural stools to – day. 10th, 9 a. m. was quite restless last night toward morning 11 a. m., took 80 dr.; 4 p. m., took 80 dr. Had a dull, heavy pain in head, more marked in vertex; feeling of fulness with dull pain in hypogastric region, with desire for stool. 8, dull headache, commencing in vertex, extending down to temporal region; full feeling, with dull pain in hypogastric region, causing desire for stool. 10, took 80 dr. Headache still continues, ameliorated by waling in open air; see grey – coloured spots about 3 in square, after coming in from a walk. 10:20, dull pain and sensation of fulness in hypogastric region, mostly right side, with desire for stool; during stool I had colic-like pain in right hypogastric region, which only lasted a moment; the dull pain before stool continued after stool, but the full feeling nearly disappeared; have had 2 natural stools to – day; headache has nearly passed away, there being only a slight dull feeling in vertex on right side. 10:40, sore, aching pain in lower part of abdomen causing me to hold my breath, lasting only a moment, passing off into a dull ache; feel sleepy during the pain. 11, pain in right nipple; came on slowly and increased to a sharp pain, then gradually passed off (I had this pain every 3 or 4 morning for a number of times); sore pain in lower part of abdomen causing me to hold my breath; headache all disappeared. 11th, 9:30 a. m., had dull aching pain in hypogastric region all night, whenever I was awake; until after 5:30 a. m. when in awoke I had the pain; I soon went to sleep gains; after that time, whenever I would be awake, I did not feel the pain. After I arose, when coughing, there would be a sore pain in hypogastric region; also when taking deep breath, but not as marked. 7 p. m., took 80 dr. Slightly thin stool of brown colour and offensive odour; with tenesmus and heat a anus after stool. Had urine examined at the laboratory; sp. gr. 1022 there was nothing abnormal except quite an excess of earthy phosphates. 1:30 p. m., intermittent colic – like pain in lower part of abdomen while eating; would come at intervals of abut a. m. 1:40, sharp shooting pains in left nipple come suddenly and pass off in a moment, leaving a sore feeling. 6, have had a sore feeling in hypogastric region all afternoon, aggravated between 5 and 6. 6:30, colic-like pains while eating, causing me to hold my breath; worse when commencing to eat, aggravated by sitting up straight or leaning back; they cause a sleepy feeling; sharp pain in right nipple. 7:10, sharp pain in right nipple, lasting about halt a. m., then passed off, leaving a sore feeling; also sharp pains in region of right kidney which left a sore feeling; uneasy feeling in abdomen followed by colic causing a desire for stool; tenesmus during stool with only a small passage. 11, took 80 dr. Sore feeling all through abdomen, aggravated by coughing or being in a warm room; feel better in open air or while exercising. 12th, 9:30 a. m., had an examination by Professor Doing of heart, lungs, liver, and spleen; all organs wee normal except the heart; there he found the are of cardiac dulness normal; movements of heart could not be seen by inspection; by palpitation heart could not be felt beating as hard as normal against the chest walls; apex in normal position; no material or tricuspid regurgitation; all sounds normal except being somewhat weak; pulse very weak and easily compressible; when hand was extended above the head the pulse was slightly diacrotic. Professor D – also took a sphygmographic tracing of right radial a which was as is here shown.[*RIGHT RADIAL – TRACING TAKEN BY Dr.DOWLING*] 12:30 p. m., took 80 dr. 1, sore feeling in hypogastric region, with colic – like pains, which commenced soon after beginning to eat, coming at intervals of about 1 morning and lasting about 1/2 morning; pains continued for about 10 morning 6:30 p. m. took 160 dr.; 11, took 220 dr. Face has a pinched ok 14th, 9 a. m., took 240 dr.; 1 p. m., took 280 dr. Feel very weak; head feels dull; face looks pinch, and very sallow; pulse very weak; when holding my arm above the head it was imperceptible; my hand turned pale, became numb, and soon went to sleep. 5 p. m., too 280 dr. Eructations of fat. 8, felt very faint upon having gums touched lightly with point of a knife, so that i had to lie down; feel better in open air 11, took 280 dr. 15th, 9 a. m., 280 dr.; 2 p. m., 280 dr. 4, dull aching pain in hypogastric region, with dull feeling in head; eructations of fat since dinner. 7, dull aching pain in hypogastric region wit dull feeling in head, relieved by stool; 2 stools to-day. 16th. – After exercising enough so that I perspired freely, my face was of a smoked colour, and remained so all day 6 p. m., took 280 dr. Very dark line under eyes. 8 sharp aching pain in left nipple. 9, tenesmus during stool, with inactivity of rectum; 2 tools of natural consistency; pulse, while sitting, 77; temperature 97.1/2 o; my temperature before taking Convallaria was between 99o and 100o. 11, took 280 dr. 17th, 12 morning, took 280 dr.; 6 p. m., 280 dr. Have had 2 stools to-day, and there was an uneasy feeling in lower part of abdomen for time before each stool; stools slightly thin and of very offensive odour. 9:30 p. m., examination of heart and pulse by Professor J. W. Dowing; heart – sounds feeble; pulse compressible, and remained compressed for a few after compressing it; holding my hand above my head, the pulse was very feeble, being scarcely perceptible, and very compressible compared with a very anemic female, her pulse was a great deal stronger than mine. On auscultation anemic murmurs were heard over jugular veins; pulse 76, temperature 98 2 stools to-day; stopped taking med. 18th. – Have had a dull feeling in my head all day, getting gradually worse until now at p. m. I have a very dull headache with a sleepy feeling; pulse 79, temperature 98.3/4o; only 1 stool to – day. 19th. – After breakfast felt very dull and sleepy, as if I had not slept any during night; pulse 75, temperature 98.3/4o. From January 19th to 28th had only 1 stool each day. ( N. A.F. of hours, May, 1883.)

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.