P. 129, l. 14 from top, before “2nd” insert “Sept.;” l. 19, for “lemon coloured” read “clay coloured;” l. 27, for “malaise” read “nausea;” l. 28, for “to give discomfort” read “to crack.”

P. 130, l. 10, for “1858” read “1838;” l. 20 and 35, for “malaise” read “nausea.”

Analysis of crystals in Piper’s urine passed on Oct. 14th (p.124): Crystals as clear as water: four-sided prisms with four- sided facets terminal point, 1/4 gr. from 10 oz. urine. They consisted of phosphatic salts of magnesia and ammonia, no lime; whether the form of crystal which different from that of pure phosphate of ammon. and magn. showed the presence of soda could not be determined.

Noack: analysis of crystals in urine of Aug. 18th (p.125); also Leonhardi, Aug. 22nd (p. 127); Sand like, round or oval, and kidney shaped, with light-coloured exterior and dark nucleus. One of the largest showed under microscope several rings of lighter colour. They contained urate of ammonia and purpurate of ammonia mixed with phosphates.

Noack: analysis of crystals in urine of Aug. 20th (p.126); also Leonhardi, Aug. 24th (p.127): Crystalline conglomerations like yellow sugar candy, as on 18th, only more earthy.

Leonhardi: analysis of crystals in urine of Aug. 15th (p.127); Rhomboidal, flat, roundish, sherry coloured, clay coloured and brownish-yellow crystals, double pyramids, glandular, and many pointed, single pillars, uric acid and phosphates. Leonhardi, Aug. 28th (p. 127): Clay-coloured sediment containing brilliant water-clear crystals, of pillars and dice with many facets, of urate of ammon., phosphates, and Ch. sulph. (?).

Chininum arsenicosum.- After I, 1, insert the following:

2. Dr. TRITES took 15 gr. of 2x, trit. at 8 p.m., Nov. 15th, 1882. In 15 m. peculiar pain at base of left chest, dull and with sense of pressure, as though caused by flatulence, quickly coming and going several times. At 8.30 p.m. took 10 gr. more, and repeated this dose at 8.40 and 9. At 10.45 sharp stitching pain at base of right chest in front, very persistent and worse during inspiration. 16th.- After good n., at 9.30 a.m. took 20 gr. 10.30, some aching pain 2 in below umbilicus and 1 in to r., seat could be covered with end of finger, transient, but recurring; position did not affect it. Also felt sore aching pain in 1st phalanx of l., and later of r., thumb; same also near l. elbow and knee. 2.15, aching tired pain in l. biceps, for some h. 2.20, took 30 gr. 2.45, aching along front of lower two thirds of l. tibia; violent but transient aching in l. great toe and little finger, and in region of l. olecranon. 6, palms dry and hot, dull confused headache, pain is both frontal and occipital (in latter region at protuberance). Pains in extremities also continuing, suspended medicine. 17th.- Felt better, still had pains, but less severe. He continued to feel them, gradually glowing less, for several d. 29th.- Feeling very well, at 2.25 p.m. took 30 gr. in water. At 3.15 pain as before at back of r. thigh and in calf; also persistent severe aching in 1st joint of l. ring finger. 4, sore aching in l. forearm, and in l. sole at root of little toe; dull aching in left chest 2 in below and 1 in to l. of nipple, unaffected by breathing. These aching fleeting pains continued for a d., attended with feeling of tiredness, then gradually ceased. (Hahn. Monthly, May, 1888.)

Additional proving made with hydrochlorate (Ch. muriaticum). [* In the following provings the pulse and temperature were carefully noted; but as no appreciable changes were noted in them we have omitted the record.- EDS.*]

25. B-, aet. 26, strong and healthy, on July 11th commenced to take Q. h. 0.005 grm. every m.- 11th. No symptoms observed.- 12th to 14th. Diarrhoeic stools 3 times a d. (probably caused by too new beer). Diarrhea ceased on 14th.- 16th. Towards noon slight pain in l. temple till e.- 19th. After a restless n. – Waking out of confused dreams – feels poorly; is exhausted, apathetic, listless. In m. has slight shooting pains in l. frontal and temporal region, lasting till noon, but the weakness and prostration last all d.- 20th. From this time he took daily 0.01 grm. Q. h.- 22nd. Sleep restless, disturbed by dreams. In m. headache recurs, especially severe over l. supra-orbital border. Still bodily weakness, disinclination for mental work. No stool to-day. Urine not very copious, but frequently urging to pass it; it is turbid and deposits a sediment.- 23rd. Sleep again disturbed and not sound, but feels better. Headache is still present but slight. Stool normal.- 27th. No stool. In m. slight eructation, feeling of fulness in epigastrium, colicky pains in abdomen, flatulence all d.- 28th. The disorder of digestive apparatus continues till a copious loose stool is passed at noon. – 30th. Towards m., after restless sleep frequent waking with precordial anxiety he has the headache in l. temporal and supra- orbital regions. 1 h. after taking the dose of palpitation of heart and excitement; this lasts 1/2 h., during which time he walks restlessly up and down in room. After this the previous prostration, weakness, and apathy come on and last all d. 31st. – Sleep still disturbed by confused dreams. Headache returns but is slighter. Feels pretty well. – Aug. 1st. No stool, feeling of fulness in epigastrium empty eructations, flatulence all d. The headache in left frontal and temporal regions recurs punctually in m., and for 1/4 h. there is along with it slight shooting pain behind left ear. This goes off, but headache and pain behind ear recur and last almost all d. Stool at noon, but without allaying the disagreeable full feeling in epigastrium and flatulence. Appetite poor.- 3rd, 4th., The headache recurred both m., and lasted till noon. – 4th. Feels well, hardly a trace of headache.- 6th. Headache recurs more severely m., lasting till noon. No stool. M., eructations, flatulence, rumbling in belly, colicky pains. Bad appetite. Last dose of Q. taken this m.; in all 0.22 grm. Q. was taken. During next week he had slight l. semilateral headache every m., lasting till noon, when it went off. On 7th a copious stool, after which digestion went on properly. (SCHULZ, Virchow’s Archiv, 1887, cix, 25.)

26. C., aet. 26, subject to catarrhal affections.- July 11th commenced taking daily 0.005 grm. Q.- 19th. Noticed nothing except a slight increase of appetite. He now took daily 0.01 grm. Q. h.- 22nd. Restless n., many dreams. M., slight pains in region of r. supra-orbital border, going off in course of forenoon, but recurring in afternoon for a short time. – 23rd. Slept better, but the pain in r. supra-orbital region came on in m., lasted for a short time, and recurred frequently during d.- 28th. During last 4 d. the supra-orbital neuralgia did not recur; to-day he felt poorly, sleep restless, frequent waking with anxiety from confused dreams. As a consequence felt in m. very weak and prostrated, frequent violent drawing pains in temporal and supra- orbital regions, increasing in intensity during d. and not going off entirely. Disinclination for mental work all d. Appetite not good. No stool. 29th. Slept better but still weak, apathetic. The pains in l. (?) half of head recur, but not so frequently as on pre-eructations. Took at noon a spoonful of castor-oil, which caused a stool in afternoon, after which the stomach affection went off. During d. appetite not very good. E., voracious hunger for sour things, which, however, he resisted, and it went off after 1 hour.- 30th. About 1 h. after rising there occurs for about 1/2 hour singing and buzzing in ears; after its cessation shooting pains in right meatus lasting all d., as did also the supra-orbital pains, which came on in m.- 31st. Feels better than the previous days. Headache almost completely gone, but still has the slight shooting pain in meatus.- Aug. 1. No stool, rumbling in bowels, slight colicky pains over whole abdomen, flatulence, appetite increased to voraciousness, frequent urging to urinate. Mere traces of the head pains.- 2nd. Restless sleep, frequently disturbed, head pains more intense, eructations, pressure in stomach which does not go off after stool at noon, flatulence all d. Urine very scanty, although there is frequent urging to urinate. Slight and transient precordial anxiety and palpitation p.m. Appetite middling.- 3rd. Though he has slept well is weak and prostrated. Appetite very bad, inclination to vomit. Urine as yesterday. No head pains.- 4th. Feels better though still no appetite. No stool.- 5th. The last dose was taken on 4th; in all

0.205 grm. (Ibid.)

27. J-, aet. 22 1/2, in good health., From his ninth to twentieth year had a tendency to epistaxis, but not since. – Nov. 26th. Began n. and m. 0.005 grm. Q. h. daily.- 28th. No stool. – 30th. In m. much flatulence, pappy stools, one m. after rising, the second after dinner. Feeling of fulness in stomach as though whole epigastrium were filled. After a walk p.m., about 8 p.m. extreme drowsiness combined with feeling of weight in head.- Dec. 1st. Yesterday’s symptoms continue. Flatulence but no stool m. Slight heaviness in sinciput, going off p.m. E. a pappy stool.- 2nd. Stool only after dinner, not affecting feeling of fulness in stomach. 2 p.m., weight in eyes, lids can only be raised by an effort. 4 p.m., conjunctivae slightly injected, expression of eye dull.- 3rd. With yesterday’s symptoms (the stool after dinner is liquid) there come on p.m. some palpitation, congestion of blood to head, face red and bloated, conjunctivae injected, flickering before eyes. Slight epistaxis at 7 p.m., after which congestive symptoms were relieved.- 5th. No stool on 4th, but on pappy stool after dinner on 5th. On both d. palpitation are 2 p.m., lasting 1 to 1 1/2 hours. Conjunctivae injected and lids adherent in m. since 3rd, feeling as if eyeball were too big for orbit, feeling of sand in conjunctivae. Both d. slight epistaxis.- 6th. To yesterday’s symptoms are added a marked increase of urine with constant urging to urinate. The palpitation lasted 1/2 hour only. -8th. Stool in m. Urging to urinate continues. Slight mucous discharge from urethra with strong erections. Better after a walk, but could not get rid of symptoms by mental work. After dinner, palpitation, heaviness in eyes, and feeling as if eyeball rubbed against orbital walls.- 9th. Stool after rising, normal. Eyelids heavy, conjunctivae injected. Urinary secretion increased, urging to urinate tiresome, inclination to erections, and mucous secretion from urethra. After dinner transient palpitation.- 19th. From to-day the dose was doubled. Urging to urinate continues. Normal stool, m., after much flatulence.- 11th. M., on going upstairs epistaxis. Eyelids heavy, eyeballs feel too large for orbits. 11 a.m., pain come over orbits, gradually increasing, it has often a jerky character, goes offer from right side after a longish walk, but remains on l. side till 6 p.m. At same time complete disinclination to work, numbness and fatigue in head. Severe palpitation after dinner.- 12th. Heaviness in head and eyes as yesterday, relieved by a walk. No med. taken to-day. Tendency to erections recurs. -13th. Flatulence, constipation. The feeling in eyes continues. Last night may uneasy dreams. Quantity of urine increased, but urging and erections diminished. Orbital pains continue. In afternoon a liquid stool. Irritable and depressed, general malaise, better after a walk. Expression of face like that of a person given to excess in alcohol.- 14th-16th. The symptoms of the 13th continue with equal intensity. The orbital pain is especially severe and jerking on stopping. Stupid feeling, disinclination for work, all somewhat relieved by walk. On 15th after rising a peculiar numb feeling in both ears, as though he heard sounds through a curtain; this lasted 3/4 hour. The climax of the action of the drug occurred on 16th. Awoke in m. with same symptoms of head and eyes, which increased by noon to an intolerable height. Inclination to vomit relieved after dinner. Humour irritable, face oedematous. In afternoon violent jerking pains in head only slightly relieved by a walk. Feeling as if about to vomit. 9 p.m., humour a little better, extreme weariness, must go to bed. No more Q. taken after this. Had taken in all 0.26 grm.- 17th. For the first days he felt no change in symptoms, the orbital pain especially was persistent. He set out on his intervals on 21st, felt much better, but on 22nd all the disagreeable symptoms of previous week returned, with the exception of the urging to urinate. For many days after getting home the orbital pain recurred regularly about 3 p.m. and lasted till 5 p.m. (Ibid.)

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.