Coccus cacti

Proving Symptoms of homeopathy medicine Coccus Cacti, described by Richard Hughes in his book, A Cyclopedia of Drug Pathogenesis, published in 1895….


Cochineal. (The entire insect so named.).


1. Dr. CASPAR, aet. 30, in good health, took the 3rd dil. on 2 days without result. – May 3rd, morning, 10 dr. first dil. No effect. – 4th, evening, 10 dr. first dil. Woke early, then fell into a half sleep which was disturbed by frequent painful tearings in a right carious molar. 5th to 8th., took morning and evening 10 dr. or first dil. – 5th. Slight indescribable pain in pit of stomach and left hypochondrium. Frequent cold feeling in shin or right shoulder and right side of back. Sleep disturbed by tearing in tooth. – 6th. Toothache returned. Pressive pain in stomach. Pressive pain in right temple. On turning head shooting pain in muscles of left side of nape. Sleep with unremembered dreams. – 7th. Pain about navel, occasionally extending to ossa ilii. Shooting pain in nape. Sleep disturbed by toothache and by great dryness and scraping in fauces and especially in soft palate. 8th. Frequently dry hawking and short cough with increased thirst. Shuddering along spine. Pain in both thighs along the course of the large vessels and nerves. Drawing spasmodic pain in right calf. These pains and similar pains in shoulder, foot, etc., frequently occur. Scraping and dry feeling in throat increased towards evening, hence frequent hawking and cough. On lying down violent cramp of 3 last toes of right foot. Woke early. – 9th. Itching of skin on extensor surface of limbs, on belly and back, sensitiveness of tubera ischii when sitting, small red sports and itching papules in various parts of skin; dry cough. – 10th. 10 dr., same symptoms as yesterday, but the cough was loose, expectoration of small quantity of mucus; a small vesicle on tongue; here and there shooting-tearing pains in muscles, especially in right hip-joint, very severe when rising up and moving quickly. – 11th, morning, 10 dr. Easy expectoration of considerable quantity of mucus; pressing pain in occiput with swollen feeling of scalp extending to left cheek and side of nose; frequent cramp-like drawing in right calf. E., 10 dr. Early waking and half sleep, cramp in right toes. – 12th and 13th. 10 dr., slight drawing and pressing in occiput, temples, and right eye; nose dry, stopped up; very frequent cough with moderate expectoration; occasional hoarseness. Though no more medicine was taken the disturbed sleep and pain in muscles lasted several days, also the pain in hip-joint and tubera ischii. Throughout the proving stool irregular; thirst increased, especially morning, appetite variable. The symptoms were worst in afternoon. (Oest. Zeitsch. f. Hom., iv, 509.)

2. Dr. E. H. FROHLICH, April 29th, 8 a. m., 3 dr. 6th dil. – 30th. Shooting pain in a small spot of left side of chest aggravated by walking but not by deep inspiration. – January 12th, morning, 5 gr. 3rd trit. No symptoms. – 25th. 10 gr., feeling of roughness in throat with hawking of mucus. E., difficulty of swallowing, swollen feeling of larynx with difficult speech; sweet taste; feeling of commencing sore-throat. – 26th. Pressure, weakness and bruised feeling in chest, frequent hawking of mucus, slight difficulty of swallowing; soft palate and pharynx slightly reddened; in right arch of palate a pustule the size of a hemp – seed; after talking pain and rough feeling in larynx. These symptoms lasted 5 days. The 3 first day copious loose stool. – Sept. 17th. 10 gr. 1st trit., frequent, not copious, micturition; squeezing, pressive pain in middle of chest. – 22nd. Same dose. Soon left lung affected with fine pricks behind middle of sternum, going off after breakfast, all days frequent and copious discharge of water-clear urine. – 24th. Same dose. Immediately deeper tone of voice. Urine as before. – 25th. 20 gr. 1st trit., feeling of pressure and fatigue of chest; next day prickling in larynx, hot breath, expectoration of large masses of whitish grey mucus; pressure and fatigue of chest, increased by walking in open air; rough feeling during and after speaking; frequent discharge of watery urine; pricking in thoracic integuments and region of stomach on exposing the abdomen. – December 10th, morning, 10 dr. tinct. Immediately pricking pressure in stomach lasting all day – 11th, morning, hoarseness, copious discharge of urine as clear as water, which seemed to have the consistence of oil. At night amorous dreams. ( Ibid., 512.)

3. THERESIA KUMMER, aet.33. April 30th. 2 dr. 6th dil., no symptoms till next day. – May 1st. Shooting pain in left side and left scapula extending to left elbow, increased by moving arm. – 2nd. Pain continues and spreads to sternum with pressive pain in chest, anorexia, and white furred tongue. These symptoms lasted with diminished severity till 4th. – 26th. 10 gr. 3rd december trit. In evening chill all over body. – 27th. Chill continues all days; sore pain in throat, hoarseness. – 28th. Chill continues. In evening slight cough with shooting pain in temples, roughness

and soreness in throat. Menses came on at proper time. – 29th. Sleep broken; after rising exhausted feeling in limbs, shooting pain in temples, with painful fulness of head; nose felt stopped, with watery discharge from it; redness of nostrils and sore feeling there; soreness of throat, hoarseness, short dry cough; slight redness of throat, no pain on swallowing; pressive feeling in middle of sternum, spreading to both scapulae. No thirst, anorexia, pulse accelerated, 76. Headache and fatigue so great he had to sit down several times during a moderate walk. These symptoms relieved by drinking tea. – 30th. Woke at 4 a. m. with same symptoms as yesterday; soon afterwards cutting about navel, every movement aggravates her sufferings. The symptoms gradually decreased.[Ibid 516]

4. a. F. GOTTWALD, surgeon, aet. 33, took from January 27th to February 6th, every other day, of 3rd december trit. – January 27th. Bitter taste, hardness of hearing as though ears were stopped with cotton; cold feeling in occiput as though blown on. E. sacral pains, increased at night 28th. Slight vertigo; pressure in both temples; feeling of fulness and tension in bladder, without inclination to urinate; the tension remained after emptying bladder; after dinner griping in bowels and fluid stools. E. and night, irritation to cough in larynx, disturbing sleep. – 29th. Bitter taste; dry throat as if full of dust; after dinner heartburn for 2 hours. E., increased dryness of throat, accompanied by slight burning in soft palate;. – 30th. Catarrhal symptoms of pharynx and trachea continue slightly; cross without occasions; after eating heartburn. E., uncommonly cheerful. –

31st, morning, great weakness and drowsiness; during day bitter taste. February 1st. Very restless night no sleep; the whole body felt swollen; in semi-somnolent state, imagined his body had turned into a bagful of wool; everything he touched seemed thicker; all day dazed head. – 2nd. Bitter taste, good appetite for breakfast; afterwards confused head. Later, restlessness drove him out of house in very bad weather. – 3rd, morning, violent griping in bowels, then liquid stools, 3 during day. Frequent sneezing, hoarseness, dryness of throat, thirst. E., slight fever. – 4th. Restless sleep disturbed by dry cough; bitter taste; transient vertigo; scraping in throat, relieved by eating; pain in sacrum; irritation to cough; cutting pains in abdomen. E., feeling of swelling of head, anxiety. Later, dry throat, tension in soft palate. – 5th, morning constant dry cough; increased sensitiveness of fauces and gullet, so that rinsing mouth made him cough, and brought on vomiting of thick masses of mucus. After dinner smoking caused cough. E., anxiety. N., heartburn. – 6th. Roughness in mouth, tension, and great sensitiveness of soft palate. Brushing teeth caused violent cough followed by vomiting of mucus. Noon, griping of bowels and pappy stools. Good appetite; after eating, heartburn; confused head, coughing and sneezing; great drowsiness c. – 7th. Increased sensitiveness of fauces; tearing pain in right shoulder and sacrum; griping in belly. In evening the shoulder pain extended to forearm, and was sometimes very violent.

4b. On February 18th, 21st, 24th, and 27th, and March 5th and 9th took 1st december trit. – February 18th. Soon, bitter taste, dryness of throat. Noon, loss of appetite, increased thirst; slight inclination to vomit, relieved by drinking diluted wine. – 19th. Slept well. M., great lasciviousness with slight erections. All day prostration of limbs. After dinner great thirst, drinking cold water to allay it caused unusual chilliness. Must drink cooling liquids to refresh throat. Smoking caused cough. – 20th. Restless sleep at night. In morning confused head with slight vertigo. During day frequent dry cough and sneezing; dryness of m. m. of nose and fauces, relieved by drinking water. Smoking caused burning in fauces. – 21st. A sickening irritation in fauces as if tickled with a feather, bitter taste, dryness of m.m. of nose and fauces. Afternoon, sneezing, coughing, sensitiveness of organs of deglutition.-23rd. On waking dryness of m.m.of mouth and fauces, tongue stiff and hot, cold water moderated the heat. During day frequent discharge of thin nasal mucus; roughness of throat, frequent sneezing, dry cough. – 24th. Frequent waking from dryness of throat; tongue so dry and rough that it makes a noise against the palate; tensive pain on swallowing, relieved by drinking water. In morning tickling in throat causing inclination to vomit; bitter taste. During day dazed head, frequent chilliness; sneezing and cough with yellow expectorations. Thinking of cochineal causes loathing and nausea. – 25th. Slept restlessly on account of sexual excitement. During day very sleepy. E., chills, cough and sneezing. – 26th. Frequent waking on account of dry throat and tensive pain in soft palate; scabs form on outside of nostrils;

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.