Coccus cacti

9 b. 27th. 45 dr. 6th trit., after 1/4 hour metallic taste, great flow of saliva; 2 obtuse stitches in rapid succession, beginning in lumbar and ending in caecal region; confusion of head at top; distension of abdomen and sensitiveness of scrob. cordis, especially when touched; spirits depressed. E., metallic taste when drinking beer and smoking. -25th. Woke with griping in bowels, relieved by diarrhoeic stool. During day out of spirits, constant metallic taste; hunger soon after eating. 3 loose stools; palpitation causing anxiety for some morning; expectoration of yellow sometimes reddish, mucus of sour taste. 29th. 50 gr. 5 trit, metallic taste limited to tip of tongue; slight burning in mouth and throat; hawking of mucus and tickling in larynx, followed by 3 short fits of coughing. Frequent fine stitches between 1.5th and 7th ribs, going off on inspiring deeply, returning during expiration. Pains in loins and sacrum. – 30 morning emission. After waking, 2 copious stools. All day drawing and tearing in right shoulder and axilla extending to forearm and index. Rumbling in belly with lumbar and sacral pain. Betwixt 5th and 7th ribs slight burning and shooting, first left then right; hunger. Afternoon, frequent hawking of mucus. Full feeling in abdomen, chiefly in region of bladder; tension and drawing from lumbar region to rectum; on flexing both feet, on ankle and inner surface of calcaneum pain as after a sprain. Frequent urging to stool without evacuation. – 31st. Slight

metallic taste and distension of abdomen, with repeated during to stool without evacuation. – June 1st. 50 gr. 4th trit., immediately the well-known symptoms, salivation, metallic taste, burning in throat, hawking of mucus, afterwards pain in loins and sacrum, tickling in larynx followed by short cough. E., urging to stool and copious evacuation. – 2nd. 50 gr. 3rd. trit., immediately disgusting bitter taste, tickling in larynx with short cough. In left temporal region obtuse shooting pain for some morning relieved by pressure, but when that is removed returning instantly. E., lumbar and sacral pain. – 3rd. 50 gr. 2nd trit., immediately salivation and bitter taste, griping in bowels, sensitiveness to pressure of scrob. cordis and all abdomen, cross humour; itching and smarting on prepuce and glans; dislocative pain on bending fore part of foot. – 4th. 200 gr. 1st trit., immediately great flow of saliva, followed by forcing pain in loins and sacrum; transient oppression of chest, followed by uncommonly cheerful disposition. all day frequent ineffectual urging to stool, followed by 3 stools, with relief to backache. Frequent tickling in larynx and short cough, itching in nose with repeated attacks of violent sneezing.-5th. All symptoms gone except itching and burning of prepuce and glans and pain in foot.(Ibid., 562).

10. a. Mrs. SCHWEIKOFER, aet. 42. -April 29th. 100 dr. 6th dill., soon nausea with spasm in stomach and hunger, which recurred the next day. – May 1st. 100 dr.3rd dil., disgusting flat taste, nausea, sensitiveness to pressure of gastric region, especially scrob. cordis. Joyous disposition; feeling of emptiness of stomach; urging to stool with hard evacuation. These symptoms lasted next day – 4th. 100 dr. 1st dil., nausea retching, hawking of mucus, metallic taste, flow of saliva, retching and constriction in throat proceeding from stomach up oesophagus, mucous discharge from vagina preceded by tearing forcing pains in groins, bladder, pudenda. – 5th. Some symptoms. Menses 3 days too soon, more copious, blood black and thick.

10 b. May 13th. 40 gr. 6th. trit., immediately nausea, disgusting flat taste, salivation, empty feeling in stomach. E., lumbar and sacral pains. – 14th. 40 gr. 5th trit., same symptoms. -17th. 40 gr. 4th trit., same symptoms and besides forcing in bladder and pudenda with mucous discharge from vagina. – 18th. All symptoms gone. – 19th. 40 gr. 3rd trit., nausea, retching, salivation empty feeling of stomach, hunger; greet sensitiveness to pressure of scrob. cordis; later spreading all over abdomen with shooting drawing pains in groins, bladder, and pudenda, compelling her to go to bed. – 20th, 21st, and 22nd. These symptoms gradually went off; the stools were uncommonly firm. – 23rd. 40 gr. 1st trit., nausea, salivation, retching, burning in fauces, empty feeling in stomach, discharge of inodorous flatus, sensitiveness of scrob, cordis, irritability, digging, tension, forcing and drawing in bladder, pudenda and groins. – 24th. Menses came on 7 days too soon, blood copious, black, and thick. The menses lasted a week, and all the symptoms disappeared. ( Ibid., 566.)

11. A. RUDIGER, a boy, aet. 15. – May 22nd. 1 gr. C., only disgusting taste. – 23rd. 10 gr. – 24th. 15 gr.metallic disgusting taste, retching, salivation, nausea and stomach-ache. -25th. 20 gr., confusion of head, 2 loose stools. – 26th. 30 gr., continued retching; feeling as if a thread hung down oesophagus, with constant hawking of mucus; metallic taste; stomach-ache, with sensation as if a large ball were there. Later, violent griping in bowels and headache. For some day afterwards had confusion of head, tiresome metallic taste, stomach-ache, griping in bowels, diarrhoea and faintness, so that he had often to go to bed. (Ibid., 571.)

12. a. Dr. C. WACHTEL. March 30th. 1 hour after breakfast, 3iij 6th dil. 1 hour after dinner, forcing in sacrum spreading forwards and downwards to bladder, and lasting 1/4 hour E. sensation as if a side incisor was seized by cold fingers and forcibly drawn up. – 31st, forenoon, some transient stitches in left clavicle. Afternoon, acute penetrating stitches near left nipple, and dull stitches between shoulders, which spread forwards in a radiating manner. Later, sensitiveness of lower row of teeth as though they were longer. E., pressure on chest, followed by ulcerative pain in cardiac region; slight hoarseness, scraping in throat. – April 1st, forenoon, frequently recurring throbbing shooting in both legs; this pain often ceased suddenly and reappeared in left upper half of chest. Afternoon, tickling and itching in left meatus auditorius, frequently recurring till evening along with pressure in concha. – 2nd. Itching in prepuce and left meatus auditorius. – 3rd, afternoon, when sitting, violent twitching and boring stitches in rectum, which suddenly passed to neck of bladder, then in the course of the ureters to kidneys. E., for 1/4 hour, continued stopped feeling of both ears, with pressing forcing in meatus auditorius. – 3rd, afternoon, when sitting, violent twitching and boring stitches in rectum, which suddenly passed to neck of bladder, then in the course of the ureters to kidneys. E., for 1/4 hour continued stopped feeling of both ears, with pressing forcing in meatus auditorius. Some of the symptoms lasted till 8th, especially the stitches in left half of chest, which were always excited or aggravated by quick walking. The cough was inconsiderable, came in short fits with slight expectoration of grey globular mucus. The quantity of urine was not increased, but the urine for some days was darker more tinted, and smelt like asafoetida.

12 b. May 19th. 10gr. 3rd december trit., soon ebullition of blood to head, with pressive pain in orbital regions, with feeling of flatulent distension of stomach. No appetite for dinner. Afternoon, when sitting, fine stitches in right half of chest along sternum, soon followed by fits of coughing, with expectoration of easily detached grey, gelatinous, globular masses of mucus. -20th. Towards evening hoarseness, with scraping in soft palate. – 21st and 22nd. Stitches in chest, and early waking morning – 24th. Pressure betwixt scapulae, which gradually extended to sacrum and fixed itself in renal region, and frequently recurring tightness of chest, lasting till June 1st.

12 c. June 8th, forenoon, 10 gr. 2nd trit. Soon, feeling of distension of stomach. Later, several violent fits of sneezing, leaving roughness and scraping in fauces as from highly spiced food. Afternoon, dyspnoea increasing towards evening with occasional stitches in left upper half of chest – 9th. Woke early with oppression of chest, going off after breakfast, but soon returning and occasionally troubling him for several day.

a. June 15th. 10 gr. 1st trit., after a few morning inclination to vomit; fit of coughing lasting 1/2 hour; expectoration of much mucus. Afternoon, frequent urging to urinate. (Ibid., 572.)

13. a. Dr. F. WURMB. – February 17th and 18th, then from 21st to 28th, and from March 6th to 11th, always at 5 p. m. a teaspoonful of tinct. – Feb. 18th. Almost all day drawing in teeth on left side. E., frequent sneezing. – 20th, 7 p. m., attack of tickling cough, lasting 5 morning an ending with expectoration of mucus. -21st and 22nd. Frequent cough with mucous expectoration. – 23rd. Immediately after rising morning feeling of roughness in the throat, with fit of coughing lasting nearly 1/2 hour sometimes so violent as almost to cause vomiting; expectoration of a large quantity of viscid, sticky, white-of- egg-like mucus. Cough aggravated by heat of stove, relieved by stopping in cool room. During day frequent coughing up of mucus. Diminished excretion of urine. E., feeling of a foreign body betwixt eyes and lids. – 24th. Coughing up of easily detached mucus. – 25th, noon, drawing in right molars; feeling as if tarsal edges were swollen; very importunate sexual desire; frequent cough with mucous expectoration. – 26th. Chilliness more or less all day; moderately increased quickness of pulse; itching in legs, compelling scratching. – 27th. Frequent micturition, almost every hour in afternoon; itching in legs. 28th and March 1st. Frequent and copious discharge of pale yellow urine. – 2nd, morning, great sensitiveness of teeth on rinsing mouth with cold water. Forenoon, drawing in left molars. Disagreeable warmth in glans penis and left testicle. Discharge of pale urine in larger stream. 1 p.m., very violent twisting pain in neck of bladder lasting 1/4 h., not relieved by micturition or discharge of flatus; disgust at food. 9 p. m., rigor all over body for 1/2 hour; pulse 100. Sleep disturbed by many vivid dreams; woke at 3 a. m. with dry heat and restlessness; alternation of sleep and waking. Towards morning general profuse sweat. 5 a. m., seminal emission. – 3rd. Soon after rising pressive pain in left temple, sometimes extending to left eye, and lasting about a day. M., pappy taste. Noon, soon satiated. E., tiresome drawing in right deltoid muscle, rendering it difficult to raise arm. – 4th, 5th, and 6th. Sometimes itching on legs. – 7th, forenoon, sudden drawing in right lower incisors; pressure in left eyeball. After dinner extreme weariness is felt lasting 2 hours in the room, going off at once when he went out; sleep disturbed by frequent waking owing to vivid disagreeable dreams. – 8th, morning great sensitiveness of teeth to cold water. Forenoon, same pain in right wrist. Afternoon itching in legs and in fingers of left hand. Betwixt 5 and 7 p. m. 3 discharges of urine in thick stream. – 9th. Slight itching in legs and fingers of left hand. – 10th. Frequent expectoration of easily detached mucus. 5 p. m., painful stitch from anus through urethra. – 11th, 12th, and 13th. Gradual disappearance of all the medicinal symptoms, except the cough with easily detached mucus and sensitiveness of teeth to cold water and cold air.

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.