Coccus cacti

6. a. W. HUBER, surgeon. – March 13th. 30 gr., 6th trit., fulness in stomach with retching all day. – 14th. Same dose, some effect. – 15th. 100 gr., immediately, weight and pressure in stomach. Frequent retching. Feeling as if a crumb were sticking behind larynx. Dislike to food and drink. After taking soup pain in forehead, aggravated by shaking and turning head and even by moving hands; at same time nausea with inclination to vomit. E., in bed, feeling of heat, and like a throbbing all through body. – 16th morning 100 gr. 5th trit. All day as if a stone the size of a fist lay in stomach, and as if a crumb stuck in throat; 3 soft stools mixed with hard lumps. Afternoon, when walking, pricking feeling in anterior surface of thighs, as if heat streamed through skin, lasting 10 m. – 17th m. 100 gr. same trit.In 1/2 h.same feeling in stomach and throat as yesterday. The crumb in throat seems often to move up and down. This feeling lasts all day.; two soft stools. Bad appetite.-18th, m., 100 gr. 4th trit. Soon same feeling in stomach and throat, at same time sensation as if the overloaded stomach (he had eaten nothing) must relieve itself by vomiting. On swallowing fluids felt as if they were jerked down spasmodically. Afterwards burning in oesophagus. Little appetite, food blows stomach out, stomach sensitive to touch. E., heartburn with eructation of acrid fluid. On rising at 5 a. m., the stomach and throat felt all right, but the feeling recurred whilst walking. After smoking, while walking, heartburn and transient jerking pain in left lower canine tooth. – 19th. The symptoms disappeared.

6 b. 25th. 100 gr. 3rd trit., soon pressure in stomach and retching. After 2 hours pressure in stomach increased, the retching was more frequent and a feeling as of a lump the size of a walnut sticking behind larynx caused constant swallowing. Afternoon, heartburn, very troublesome retching, and great pressure behind larynx. 4 p. m., burning feeling behind larynx as from acrid fluid. After a mouthful of wine great heartburn and pressure in stomach till 8 p. m. – 26th. 100 gr. Forenoon, only roughness of throat. Afternoon, whilst walking fast fore part of left foot painful when treading, the articular surfaces of tarsus felt swollen, thereby impairing the mobility; two soft stools. – 27th. 100 gr. 2nd trit., during day transient tearing pains in right little finger and left big toe when moving. E., after lying down, transient tearing pains from left eye spreading up into forehead. – 28th. 100 gr., only slight heartburn. – 29th. 100 gr. 1st trit., after 1 hour. roughness in mouth and throat, feeling of crumb in throat with retching; pressure in stomach. Whilst walking the retching and pressure behind larynx increased; heartburn and great exhaustion. Afternoon, while walking internal hot feeling in chest, especially severe in cardiac region and in lower half of right chest; then sensation as if an artery beat on the surface of the heart, several times (for several morning) while walking. Head, especially in evening, confused as if intoxicated. N., restless, could not go to sleep on account of internal heat. – 30th. On waking morning intoxicated confusion of head. Same dose repeated. Same hot feeling in crown and deep in chest, sometimes amounting to burning, especially in cardiac region. 9 a. m., when walking, warm feeling in whole belly. On anterior surface of thighs prickling as though electric sparks were drawn from it. When this ceased, heat in chest, especially in cardiac region, and occasional pulsating beating in heart. This feeling attended with a sensation as if lower lip were drawn from both sides to the middle. Afternoon, frequent undefinable pain in heart often interrupted by a pulse-like throb; feeling as if everything were forced to the heart. E., throbbing pain in heart with occasional pulsations on surface of heart. Sore feeling at apex of left lung with occasional pulsating sensations, alternating with contractions of lower lip.

6 c. May 31st. 40 dr. tinct., immediately, buccal cavity and fauces rough, as if covered with velvet, for some hour 11 a. m., when walking sore feeling in apices of both lungs with transient chilliness, soon after wards slight pressive headache, increased by treading roughly. Lower lip feels contracted. – June 1st. 50 dr.; soon, uncommon feeling of coldness. After 1 hour throbbing like strong pulsations in heart, middle of chest, and apices of lungs. This throbbing consisted of several beats in rapid succession, ceased for 5 or 10 morning, and then recurred in another place. Forenoon, when making a journey of several miles felt when walking hot feeling in chest, belly, and thighs, with the prickling feeling already described. After the hot feeling had ceased for 1/4 hour, he had a severe sore feeling, pressure and tension in chest, and the pulsating throbbing in apices of lungs. Involuntary deep breathing while walking, yawning with relief. The sore pain was sometimes dull shooting, often slightly boring the seat was often only in pleura and pericardium; sometimes it was felt deeper in lungs and heart with several stronger heart’s beats. Tensive pressive pain now in the left shoulder, now in finger-joints of left hand and in right hip lasting intermittingly till evening when it disappeared. Almost ravenous hunger. The chest symptoms became gradually worse, the sore pain became burning and frequently changed its seat, but was chiefly in heart and lung apices, with desire to draw a deep breath and cough. Cough bad evening; roughness of trachea causing frequent cough. 8 p. m., cold feeling without shivering. Headache after drinking beer. 1 a. m., woke up by cough, could not get to sleep again till 6 a. m. on account of the sore feeling in lungs and cough and the pressive headache; slept restlessly till 7. – 2nd. The sore pain, especially in the apices of the lungs, continues, with dry cough and horse voice; occasional obtuse stitches with throbbing in heart which he thinks he hears but could not feel with his hand. 10 a. m., when writing, severe chill soon followed by hawking and short cough kept up by rough feeling in trachea; head confused and much mucus in nose. 11 a. m., soft stool preceded by griping about navel; this occurred twice in afternoon. All afternoon chilliness along with above systems. 8 p. m., when he went to bed chilliness, especially along back, with thirst. After 1/2 hours dry heat of head and red face while the rest of body was cold, afterwards heat became general and lasted till midnight, when sweat of upper part of body came on and lasted till 5 a. m. Sleep often disturbed by cough, pressive throbbing headache, and pulsating throbbing of heart. – 3rd. Headache continued, tongue furred white, dry, and sore. Some mucus brought up by coughing, it was greenish yellow and sweet like liquorice. After each fit of coughing a burning sensation for some time. The cough was kept up by persistent irritation in bronchial tubes and larynx and made the soft palate painful so that swallowing was difficult; beer aggravated the symptoms. In evening more of above expectoration with the cough. – 4th. On waking head confused voice hoarse, throat rough. Speaking and swallowing increased pain in soft palate. Expectoration as yesterday. Noon, little appetite, white tongue. Afternoon, constant chilliness and thirst. E., increased chilliness with dull throbbing stitches in heart and soreness in middle of chest; hard stool. Before going to sleep rigor with heat of head for 1/2 hour, followed by dry heat and sweat lasting all night with relief of symptoms. Urine red and scanty. – 5th. Hoarseness all day, expectoration increased, viscid, and moist. From morning till noon persistent pain in heart. N., frequent cough with expectoration. M., proof sweat., profuse sweat. – 6th. Hoarseness continues; cough with expectoration increased. viscid, and moist. From m.till noon persistent pain in heart. N., frequent cough with expectoration. M., profuse sweat.-6th. Hoarseness continues; cough with expectoration, the latter increased, is in lumps and has a grey colour. The expectoration comes away more easily and the chest symptoms are slighter. The pulsating throbbing is seldomer, but suffocative feeling, and as if thorax were too narrow, continues till evening; then chilliness, and at night sweat with relief. -7th. Hoarseness less; chest tight like suffocation. Cough continues, but less fatiguing; expectoration easier. E., aggravation after beer, consisting mainly of tightness of chest and more frequent cough. – From 8th to 16th all the symptoms, except cough and expectoration, gone. The fits of coughing mostly morning and evening with expectoration of lumps of tough mucus. – 18th. Pressive pain, swelling and redness of big toe like gout, not very violent, and lasting 4 day – 22nd, morning 60 dr. caused roughness in mouth and shooting and feeling of a crumb behind larynx. – 23rd. 80 dr., white furred tongue; smell from mouth as from disordered stomach; roughness in mouth and shooting and feeling of a crumb behind larynx. – 23rd. 80 dr., white furred tongue; smell from mouth as from disordered stomach; roughness in mouth and fauces, with retching and feeling of a crumb behind larynx; frequent dry cough, rarely bringing up yellow, disgusting sweet mucus. On going uphill dyspnoea and sore feeling in apices of lungs. On waking in morning white tongue and sour smell from mouth. – 24th and 25th, 100 dr., 26th, 120 dr., caused the same symptoms in aggravated intensity, which continued to be felt till 6th July. (Ibid., 534.)

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.