Coccus cacti

13 b. From March 23rd to April 1st (with exception of 2 days) he took early day at 5 p. m. 2 teaspoonfuls of undiluted tinct. – March 23rd. Immediately urging to urinate. 11:30 p. m., woke from tickling in larynx, which caused very violent cough, lasting 10 morning, with copious expectoration of viscid mucus. – 24th. Woke with feeling of coldness of feet and sweat on the upper half of body. On rising, pressive shooting pain in lower lobe of right lung. This pain was very violent, especially when breathing deeply; not affected by movement. Sneezing, which it provoked, was impossible on account of the violent pain; it lasted till noon, and then suddenly departed. Afternoon, frequently coughs up easily detached mucus. – 25th. Immediately after dose, dry feeling in throat lasting 2 hours. Frequent coughing up of mucus. – 27th. Immediately after dose drawing in right meatus auditorius, lasting all evening – 29th. Drawing in right ear, lasting 2 hours; sometimes drawing in left ear. Sudden drawing in teeth and itching in left upper arm. – 30th. Forenoon, sudden drawing in incisor teeth and right meatus auditorius. Between 3 and 5 p. m., chilliness, cutting in hypogastrium, and discharge of much inodorous flatus; the chilliness went off immediately in open air. 6 p. m., feeling of roughness in throat and frequent coughing up of easily detached mucus. 7:30 p. m., sudden drawing in anterior aspect of right thigh above knee, in right big toe and left thumb. – 31st. After dinner, chilliness lasting 2 hours, 4 p. m., obtuse stitch in lower lobe of right lung on breathing deeply. E., scraping in throat and frequent coughing up o easily detached mucus. – From April 1st no more symptoms, except sudden drawing in teeth, which occurred occasionally for several weeks. (Ibid., 579).

14. Professor VON ZLATAROVICH took from February 18th to July 7th, with the exception of a few days, every morning 10 gr. of 1st december trit. – February 18th. Slight scraping in throat. – 19th. After the dose and for some time after breakfast disagreeable sweetish metallic taste; repeated sneezing; frequent discharge of flatus. Noon, pretty severe, shooting, tearing pain on inner side of shaft of right tibia; slight burning in anus. – 20th. In morning after dose disagreeable taste; repeated sneezing; discharge of much flatus; sensitiveness of crown. Forenoon, transient burning under sternum. – 21st, 22nd, and 23rd. Frequent coughing up of mucus. – 24th, evening, severe pressive and drawing pain in lumbar and sacral regions. – 25th, morning pain in sacrum, lasting all forenoon, ceasing for a short time, and then recurring. Between whiles scraping pain in shafts of tibiae and in elbows. – 26th. Woke at 5 a. m., wide awake for

1 hour, then slept till 7. Rumbling in bowels, discharge of much flatus. From 27th to March 6th frequent coughing up of mucus, alternating with dry, short cough; occasional burning in legs. – 7th, forenoon, occasional transient tearing in tendinous expansion of both forearms; when that went off similar pain in both legs. Much flatus discharged. Noon, when urinating slight burning in urethra. – 8th. Slight crawling in anus. – 9th. immediately after dose, slight moving of flatulence, which was then discharged. 1/2 hour after breakfast sudden acrid – bitter taste about root of tongue causing vomiting. For some day past much mucus from nose. E., great confusion of head, with pressive aching pain in crown; burning in skin of forehead, lasting till night – 10th, morning, slight coughing up of mucus. Bad taste after breakfast. All day slight burning in eyelids; mucus from nose. – 11th. Sweat on right leg; occasional coughing up of thick mucus; very severe and burning and itching on right leg.-12th. Woke early with severe pressive burning pain in crown for 1 hour., went off after a short sleep, severe burning and itching on right leg. Soon after dose disagreeable taste; discharge of flatus; blowing of much mucus from nose; rumbling in bowels; groaning in sleep. -13th, morning violent itching in legs; cough in up of mucus. After dose, excessively disgusting taste that remained for some time after breakfast. -14th, morning coughing up of mucus; much discharge from nose. Forenoon, very severe pains in corn on right little toe, making him limp. -15th, morning, after dose, nausea sometimes amounting to inclination to vomit, with eructation of wind. Groaning at night – 16th. Discomfort in abdomen after breakfast, disagreeable bitter taste, eructation of wind. Noon, after exercise tenesmus in anus. – 18th, morning short cough with expectoration of thick mucus. After dinner rumbling in bowels. E., pressure in fauces when swallowing salvia. – 19th and 20th. Frequent coughing up of disgusting thick mucus. – 21st morning, great sexual excitement. Immediately after dose transient nausea. Noon and afternoon, repeated attacks of soreness and pressure under sternum. -22nd, morning, coughing up of thick viscid mucus; burning in right leg; bitter taste. E., after walking, feet very tired; burning in soles;. – 23rd to 27th. Same symptoms. – 28th, morning dry cough. For several day past painless pimple on back, which now discharges a quantity of thick pus. – 29th, morning coughing up mucus; rumbling in bowels; disagreeable taste. After rising, short oppressed breathing. For some day past the front of soles is painful after moderate walking, pain is burning; when seated chances into hot feeling and gradually goes off. – 30th to April 4th. Coughing up of mucus, bitter taste, rumbling in bowels. – 5th, morning, roughness in throat, sticking together of eyelids. After breakfast, nausea inclination to vomit, especially after coughing, which forces water from eyes. – 6th. After dose and breakfast discomfort in stomach, an flatulent distension of abdomen. – 7th. Soon after dose pressure in stomach, nasty sweet metallic taste, and slight nausea; coughing up mucus; much mucus blown from nose; slight burning of tarsal edges; dyspnoea; oppression of chest; moist secretion between nates and at anus. – 8th. Yellow secretion from anus; coughing of mucus; discharge of flatus; much nasal mucus. – 9th. After dinner rumbling in bowels; discharge of wind upwards and downwards; cough dry or with expectoration of thick mucus. These symptoms lasted the next 4 days. – 14th, morning, coughing of mucus; slight burning pain in right leg. After breakfast very disgusting, bitter, astringent taste, mostly in root of tongue and fauces, all forenoon; nasal mucus; frequent short, dry cough; fatigue of vocal organs from speaking; hoarseness. – 15th and 16th. Same symptoms, and yellow discharge from anus. – 18th. Immediately after dose, pressure and burning under sternum near stomach, lasting 1/4 hour – 19th and

20th. Coughing of mucus, slight pressure in stomach. – 21st, morning, flatulence in abdomen; sore feeling in shaft of right tibia; frequent short dry cough. After dinner pinching in abdomen; discharge of flatus; much mucus from nose. – 22nd, morning, not refreshed by sleep. Immediately after dose cold feeling and discomfort in stomach; rumbling in bowels. Forenoon, short dry cough. Noon, after a glass of water sickly, sweet resinous taste, especially at root of tongue; little appetite. After dinner, flatulent distension and discomfort in stomach; tearing here and there in long bones. – 23rd. Fatigue of vocal organs; voice rough and hoarse after a little talking; breathing laboured. – 24th, morning, cough with mucous expectoration. After dinner, rumbling in bowels. -25th to 28th. Same symptoms. – 29th. A painful lump on crown the size of a large lentil; in evening still painful but not elevated. – 30th. After dose flatulence in abdomen, discharge of flatus, burning in right leg. After breakfast pressure in stomach, eructation of air; much mucus from nose; a yellow powdery substance on inner border of nostrils. Forenoon, often short, dry cough from irritation in trachea – From May 1st to 5th. Coughing up of lumpy mucus; roughness and hoarseness of voice; slight burning of eyelids and skin of right leg; discharge of flatus. – 6th. after waking great tension in left cervical muscles, going off on rising. During day dry, sometimes loose, cough. -7th. On walking fatiguing, painful cough from irritation in larynx and trachea. – 8th to 12th. Coughing up of mucus; bad taste; fatigue when walking. – 15th. After dinner some shooting in head on right of coronal suture; painful stitches through brain with impaired hearing. – 16th to 27th. Frequent coughing up of mucus; discharge from nose; discomfort in stomach. – 28th. Drawing and tearing here and there, especially in neck, betwixt shoulders, and in forearms. After dose, rumbling in bowels, discharge of flatus. Forenoon, when speaking tightness of chest. After dinner often transient stitches in right leg near ankle. – 30th, morning, roughness in throat, mucous cough. On penis a pustule. Forenoon, several attacks of pressive stomach- ache with nausea. – 31st, morning, mucous cough; the pustule on penis discharges fluid on pressure. Soon after dose pressive gnawing in stomach; sickly taste. – June 1st. Increase of sexual desire; small sore places on crown; pustule on penis nearly gone. – 2nd to 5th. Expectoration of lumpy mucus; great discharge of mucus from nose. (Ibid., 582.)

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.