Coccus cacti

sensitiveness of throat, restlessness, chills. – 27th. On waking dry, brown furred tongue, cough with expectoration of globular mucus; sore-throat, bitter disgusting taste, confusion of head, anxiety, and restlessness. – 28th. Lascivious dreams. Sleepy in morning; the roughness in throat, frequent cough, and sneezing all days. – March 1st. The dryness of m. m. continues, yawning and stretching of limbs, tensive pain in sacrum. – 2nd, 3rd and 4th. Same symptoms continue. – 5th. Bitter taste, scraping feeling in throat, causing inclination to vomit; catarrh of larynx and trachea increased; smoking causes cough. Afternoon, heartburn, and tensive pain in throat. – 6th. On rising in morning tickling in palate causing inclination to vomit; vomiting of mucus from rinsing mouth. No appetite for breakfast; later, ravenous hunger. Catarrh continues. – 7th. On waking long- continued coughing without expectoration; no appetite; confused head. Afternoon, dry throat; tensive pain in soft palate, must drink often; violent stitches in left ear. E., griping in bowels, followed by pappy stools with chilliness. – 8th, morning dry cough for some minutes with expectoration of mucus. No appetite; continued inclination to vomit. E., very drowsy. – 9th. Soft palate very irritable, speaking and brushing teeth cause vomiting. During day great restlessness. – 10th. Wakes early; yawning and stretching limbs; lasciviousness without erections; irritation of throat, brushing teeth and rinsing mouth cause cough and inclination to vomit. Coughing and sneezing with mucous expectoration continue. These symptoms continued several day, and only ceased on the 16th. ( Ibid. 518.)

5. a. Dr. HUBER took, February 5th, 25 dr. 6th dil. Frequent quivering twitching of left lower eyelid; repeated pricking smarting in various parts of skin. – 6th, 8 a. m., 40 dr. After 2 hours, voluptuous tickling in both ears extending from external meatus through inner ear to buccal cavity for 15 seconds, with flow of tasteless saliva and smarting – pricking in skin over right clavicle. During day, frequent quivering twitching in left lower eyelid. E., in bed, smarting pricking in right pectoralis muscles and right groin. – 7th, 7 a. m. 15 dr. After 1/2 hour short, smarting pricking in back of right hand; violent stitch on inner border of left patella, like electric sparks; great itching in right concha and external meatus. About noon, smarting pricking in left side of tip of tongue and much tasteless salvia. E., violent stitch in right patella like electric spark. – 8th, morning 25 dr. After 1 hour, while still in bed, dull, digging, intermitting, undulating pain in posterior part of right parietal bone, followed by short shooting-tearing pains in fleshy part of anterior internal aspect of left upper arm. Afternoon, frequent smarting sensation on small parts of hairy scalp, and twitching pricks on left sole near toes; continued rumbling in abdomen under right short ribs. E., dull digging pain in left occiput towards ear. – 9th, 6 a. m., 35 dr. After 1/2 hour in bed had first short tearing pain along anterior internal part of right thigh, then a similar pain on outer side of right upper arm, and later painful drawing in metacarpal bone of right thumb and pricking in right internal malleolus; frequent smarting pricking in gums of the right thumb and pricking in right internal malleolus; frequent smarting pricking in gums of the right incisors, great dryness of mouth and frequent itching in left meatus auditorius. Noon, violent pressive pain near left elbow – joint; intolerable itching in the furrow on under surface of left big toe. After dinner frequent tearing pain from right scapula over anterior outer surface of right upper arm. 3 p. m., 50 dr. 7 p. m. on several points of abdominal integument short prolonged pricking smarting as if leeches were sucking there; 1 hour later some smarting near right nipple and in foreskin. 10 p. m., in bed drawing – tearing pain above and behind left ear followed by continued noise in it. At night vivid, remembered dream about syphilitic sores. – 10th. Work in morning with slight dull digging in right upper molars and dull headache above right eye. 15 dr. 4th dil., no effect; 3 p. m., 30 dr. E., in bed, smarting pricking here and there in skin even in scalp; then intolerable itching in left meatus extraneous, relieved by boring in finger; great roaring in left ear, like a storm in an exposed forest. Woke at 4 a. m. with bruised pain in left clavicle and shooting pain in pit of stomach, on every inspiration, goes off during expiration; this lasted 5 morning, followed by shooting pain in right flank, spreading from border of fails ribs to right side of back, aggravated by pressure and relieved by discharge of flatus. This pain lasted 10 seconds and was followed by drawing pain in muscles of right forearm, itching and roaring in left ear and pricking as from splinters of glass in under surface and tip of left big toe. – 11th, 8 a. m., 40 dr. After 3 hours, violent stitch in interior of right ear followed by slight aching in a right upper molar. Bruised pain in left clavicle continues, increased by moving left arm; when lying changes to dislocation pain in left shoulder. After dinner, pain in right parotid, followed by a similar pain in right salivary gland under tongue, much tasteless saliva; painful drawing in interior of right ear. 3 p. m., continued pressive tensive pain in left mastoid process; simmering noise in left ear, sore pain between left eye and lid as though hair had got in eye. Afternoon, 50 dr. 7 p. m., several violent stitches in left inner malleolus and smarting stitch in right external meatus and right temple. E., in bed, pricking as from glass splinters at one time under nail of left big toe, at another in finger-tips and under nails of right thumb and index. -12th, 7 a. m., 60 dr. After 1/2 hour, griping in bowels above pubes as from incarcerated flatulence lasting 15 morning, relieved by discharge of flatus; bruised pain in left lumbar region and slight pain in left lower molar. After 1/2 hour, drawing – shooting pain from left flank along left hip for some seconds. After rising, diarrhoeic stool followed by pappy stool with prolonged discharge of flatus. 9 a. m., short shooting pain on ribs of cardiac region in a place the size of half – a crown, with raw pain on pressure. 11 a. m., violent smarting shooting on left antitragus, bruised pain in left clavicle with dislocation pain on moving head or left arm or when lying on left shoulder. After dinner, some anxious, rapidly repeated irregular heart’s beats 4 p. m., 70 dr. After 1/2 hour when walking in open air intolerable itching smarting, now in right, now in left antitragus, followed by painful cramp- like drawing in interior of right ear. E., in bed or some seconds digging-shooting pain deep in right lumbar region, apparently in kidney; soon afterwards extremely violent stitch, making him start; shrill ringing in interior of left ear with bruised pain round left external ear, especial in mastoid process; this pain extend along left side of neck to clavicle and thorax; woke at midnight, felt a prick in occipital scalp like a leech – bite. Disquieting dreams, well remembered. On waking morning feeling of a hair in eyes causing smarting, then a short drawing – pinching pain in interior of left ear, dryness of mouth and smarting on tip of tongue as from pepper. After some morning drawing pain in left clavicle worse when lying on left shoulder; drawing tearing pain along front aspect of muscles of right upper arm, when at rest; pressive pain at side of left patella; frequent sore stitches on various parts of skin and scalp, conchae, right side of nape of neck, border of both lower jaws, near nipples, on back, on scrobiculus cordis, axillae, groins. All these symptoms went off when he got up.

4b. February 13th, 6 a. m., 10 gr. 3rd trit. After 2 hours several sore stitches on border of left false ribs between stomach and left flank, deeply seated. All day, pressure in stomach as from indigestible food. Frequent itching in interior of left ear, especially when coming from cold air into warm room; painful pressive tensive feeling in bones close above and behind left ear, especially in mastoid process, at same time much tasteless saliva. Afternoon, tearing shooting along right calf – muscles and shooting pain in muscles in bend of right elbow when at rest. 4 p. m., 20 gr. In bed in evening the pressive-shooting pain in bones about left ear, increased to painful digging undulation involving the left side of neck and clavicle, the left molars and left occipital region; frequent sore stitches in left antitragus and constant tiresome roaring in left ear. Many dreams at night – 14th, morning 30 gr. In 1/2 hour violent prick like a leech-bite in bend of left elbow; short, drawing pain in upper and outer side of left thigh when at rest, then a stronger and deeper prick close in front of left era between antitragus and zygoma; drawing pain in left concha worse when touched; when chewing pain of left maxillary joint close to ear, with cracking in it on swallowing. After dinner recurrence of the pain in mastoid process and clavicle, with constant roaring in left ear 4 p. m., 10 gr. 2nd trit. Immediately a violent prick in front of left elbow and in right patella 10 p. m., in bed, tearing shooting along anterior inner muscles of thigh. Midnight, when half asleep, sudden, very violent palpitation of heart lasting 25 seconds, as after severe fright, shaking whole body in repeated fits. – 15th. On waking, morning bruised pain in left sacro – iliac region. 7 a. m., 20 gr. Throbbing pain, synchronous with pricks in interior of left ear; cracking in it when swallowing; feeling as if ear where stopped, without affecting hearing, accompanied by pressive tensive pain in let mastoid process, which on one side spread over left side of neck in region of clavicle, on the other side to left molars, after 1/2 hour, aggravated by lying on left ear and lasting all day; feeling as if liquid was escaped. 4 p. m., 30 gr. After 1 hour, great dryness of tongue and whole mouth with great thirst for cold water. 4 a. m., woke without cause and then there occurred slight pricking as from a glass splinter under nail of left big toe. – 16th, 15 gr. After 1 hour, disgusting, sickening taste; itching in right external meatus and drawing, sometimes shooting pain in interior of right ear; great roaring in left ear and sore pricks in various parts of skin, even in prepuce, as from leeches. 11 a. m., tearing shooting pain along left sciatic nerve from left glutaeus max. to posterior and outer side to thigh. 3 p. m., 30 gr. 1st trit. After 2 hours, slight confusion of head and prostration of whole body; pressure in stomach as from indigestible food. E., frequent itching and roaring in left ear. In bed before midnight violent pressive throbbing pain in left mastoid process, increasing sometimes to digging outwards, and spreading to interior of left ear, left occipital – nuchal region, left molars, and along sterno-cleido-mastoideus muscle to left clavicle and sternum; these parts when touched are painful as if ulcerated; when swallowing saliva cracking and feeling in left ear as if wax would flow out; at same time tiresome heat and tinnitus of left ear. Sleep restless and not sound, frequent wakened by the noise with a start, with palpitation. – 17th. Woke with bruised pain in left lumbar, sacral, and hip regions; left ear felt stopped, hearing impaired. From 17th to 23rd the symptoms of ear and hearing continued in slight degree. From 23rd to 28th no trace of ear affection except occasional roaring; for a long time momentary drawing or tearing in various muscular parts like splinters stuck in; this pain occurred in the upper arm in bed at night when he exerted the muscles slightly. During proving the urine generally deposited a red sand, and the sexual desire was somewhat increased. (Ibid, 523.)

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.