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Respiratory symptoms of homeopathic remedy Borax, described by Van Denburg in his book, Therapeutics of Respiratory system, cough & coryza, published in 1916….



Sneezing and fluent coryza, with much crawling in nose. Crust and thick mucus in nose: end of nose red.

Discharge of much thick, greenish mucus from nose.



Dry, paroxysmal cough.

Must press right side with hand to relieve the sharp pains during the cough.

Sharp stitches in right side take away breath.

Dry, cachectic cough.

Especially evening, on lying down, and morning, on rising.

Stitching pains in right side.

Right-sided pleurisy, very painful stitches.

Hacking, violent cough, With scanty sputa from the chest, having a mouldy taste and smell.


None, or scanty, occasional lumps of white or yellow mucus: Only by day, and very scanty, white or blood-streaked, white mucus.

Sputa having mouldy taste and smell.


After cold bathing.

Morning, rising.

Evening, lying down; stitching pains worse, must get out of bed to catch breath.


From washing chest with cold water. From supporting chest when coughing.


Tightness in chest.

Breathing obstructed, or arrested, by sharp stitches in chest, especially the right side.


Crawling in nose.

Pain in right side when coughing.

Pains run through chest, from front to back.

M.W. Van Denburg
M. W. (Marvin W.) VAN DENBURG, A.M., M.D.
Author of "A homoeopathic materia medica on a new and original plan ... A sample fascicle containing the arsenic group."
"Therapeutics of the respiratory system, cough and coryza, acute and chronic : repertory with index, materia medica with index"