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Respiratory symptoms of homeopathic remedy Aloe Socotrina, described by Van Denburg in his book, Therapeutics of Respiratory system, cough & coryza, published in 1916….



Coryza, with burning and pain in the nose.

Sneezing, with stitches in the abdomen.


Scraping in the larynx.

Voice husky.

Cough, with scratching in throat.

Cough with stitches in the right side of larynx; sputa yellow, tenacious.


Congestion of chest, dry cough, bloody expectoration.

Stitching pains from spleen to chest.

Weakness of chest.


Repels everyone; hates people.

Restless; easily frightened.

M.W. Van Denburg
M. W. (Marvin W.) VAN DENBURG, A.M., M.D.
Author of "A homoeopathic materia medica on a new and original plan ... A sample fascicle containing the arsenic group."
"Therapeutics of the respiratory system, cough and coryza, acute and chronic : repertory with index, materia medica with index"