Hpathy Needs Your Help!


VERBENA OFFICINALIS. Chronic lumbago and sciatica for six months. Only able to walk slowly for a quarter of a mile. General health suffered from lack of exercise. Had much treatment but obtained not relief. Chronic rheumatism in neck and shoulders follow influenza five months ago. Pain interfering with sleep and general health.A city man who has suffered much loss and anxiety owing to his philanthropic nature.

MALE. Age 72.


Chronic lumbago and sciatica for six months. Only able to walk slowly for a quarter of a mile. General health suffered from lack of exercise. Had much treatment but obtained not relief.


A peaceful, kindly, generous character, who has lived a life of devotion to his family and friends, and much beloved by all who have contacted him, for his great unselfishness and cheerful personality.


Probably the only fault in a very nearly perfect nature is slight over-anxiety to serve in the welfare of others. The very high ideals of this nature indicate Verbena.



November 7. Third. Two doses.

November 24. Third. Two doses for three days.


There was marked improvement after the first dose; the pain and stiffness became less, and walking easier. After the second series, the condition almost disappeared, and the the general health much improved. Almost normal exercise could be taken. There has been no need for repetition to date, three months later.

MALE. Age 64.


Chronic rheumatism in neck and shoulders follow influenza five months ago. Pain interfering with sleep and general health. Considerable stiffness and creaking or neck joints. Subject to attacks of local rheumatism in various joints for several years.


A man who has devoted many years of his life to church work and the care of the sick and poor. A character of highest ideals and standards, yet a little rigid in though and narrow in outlook.


The high denote Verbena.



October 10. Third. Two doses for three days.

October 27. Third. Two doses for three days.


There was marked improvement following the first doses, and the condition entirely cleared up after the second series. The patient has kept quite free from any signs of rheumatism for the last four months, which is unusual for him during the winter.

MALE. Age 48.


Chronic dyspepsia and colitis for many years. Almost always dragging pain over caecum and gall-bladder regions. No desire for food: condition very poor: weight much down. Chronic nasal and bronchial catarrh. Had treatment in different countries during the last ten years without more than temporary relief.


A city man who has suffered much loss and anxiety owing to his philanthropic nature. Too kindly to take action against those who robbed him. Always getting into serious difficulties through his efforts to help someone in trouble; the motive being of the highest but the understanding not sufficient.


The persistent desire to be of service indicates Verbena.



September 10. Third. Two doses.

October 9. Third. Two doses.

November 6. Third Two doses for three days.

December 23. Third Two doses for three days.


February 5. Third. Two doses for three days.


This patient has been under treatment of some form or other for over ten years, and has derived slight and temporary benefit on many occasions, but the improvement under Verbena has been more definite and lasting than he has previously received. The signs and symptoms of the colitis have practically disappeared; the weight is increasing steadily, and the patient is happier in every way. The nasal and bronchial catarrh been negligible during the winter.

Edward Bach