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VERBENA OFFICINALIS. THIS is a remedy for those of definite spiritual advancement; who are endeavouring to live lives of altruism and service; and yet through a deficiency of some quality such as wisdom, courage, steadfastness, tolerance, etc., are suffering as a consequence.

THIS is a remedy for those of definite spiritual advancement; who are endeavouring to live lives of altruism and service; and yet through a deficiency of some quality such as wisdom, courage, steadfastness, tolerance, etc., are suffering as a consequence.

They are the people who, quietly and uncomplainingly, make many sacrifices, and whose desire and object in life is to be of service to others. With them the motive is good enough, but they lack some quality to perfect their work.

MALE. Age 68.


Pain and weakness of the muscles at the back of the neck; unable to lift head which hangs forward; both upper eyelids drooping. Some difficulty with speech. Attacks of giddiness and double vision. This condition started six months ago, and has steadily progressed. The patient is now worn out with pain and the tiredness caused by the difficulty of getting about with the drooping head and impaired sight.


A very gentle, kindly farmer; devoted to animals; and utterly regardless of self-sacrifice in his care and attention of them. High of principle in all affairs of life. Much respected for his ability and character. Some weakness in refusing dominating interference of relatives.


The gentleness and self-sacrifice denote Verbena.



October 23. Third. Two doses for three days.

November 12. Third. Two doses for three days.

December 26. Third. Two doses for three days.


January 6. Third. Two doses for three days.


Improvement began immediately after the first doses and was steadily maintained. The pain disappeared first, and then there was a gradual returns of muscular strength of the neck and eye muscles. Since January 10th, the patient has remained normal in all ways: and no doses have been necessary since then.

FEMALE. Age 45.


Sick headaches since a child: at first one a year, then two a year; but for the last two years there has been a severe attack each month, which keeps patient in bed for two or three days. Constipation all life.


Very gentle, with great desire to be of service to others. Devoting her life to the care of children. The excellence of her work was being interfered with by over-anxiety, causing strain to herself.


The gentlemen of nature, combined with ideal of devotion indicates Verbena.



November 16. Third. Two doses for three days.


January 2. Third. Two doses for three days.

February 1. Third. Two doses for three days.


There have not been any severe headaches since the first dose; and the general health has improved. The doses were repeated for the constipation which has been less during the last two months, and is steadily disappearing.

Edward Bach