Hpathy Needs Your Help!


CLEMATIS ERECTA FLORA. There is a complete return of interest in daily life, and every effort is being made to get well. All sad memories of the past have disappeared. The speech is quite understandable to strangers. There is less spasticity in the leg with more natural and easy movement. The patient has walked five miles without undue fatigue. There has begun a return of power sensation and movement in the right arm and hand.


SOME FUNDAMENTAL CONSIDERATIONS OF DISEASE AND CURE. In this world we are all on the same path, fellow-travellers on the road to perfection. We have ultimately to gain all the knowledge and experience which can be learned on earth: to change completely self into selfless, and to develop all the virtues to the utmost purity.


They tend to form too strong attachments to other personalities and place themselves under their power; this is voluntary and without fear, and may be associated with deep affection and the desire never to be parted. The stronger personality may use his influence adversely during life; or after death, call his partner over,hence the absence of fighting disease..


CICHORIUM INTYBUS. As indicated in “THE HOMOEOPATHIC WORLD” of December, 1930, the Cichorium patient is possessive and dominant; desirous to control others. They will use any means in their power to attract attention to themselves, and to interfere with the happiness and freedom of others. They are often talkative, fussy, nagging, and may simulate or use illness to obtain sympathy.


This is a remedy for those of definite spiritual advancement, who are endeavoring to live lives of altruism and services, and yet through a deficiency of some quality, such as wisdom, courage, steadfastness, tolerance, etc., are suffering as a consequence. They are the people who, quietly and uncomplainingly, make many sacrifices, and whose desire and object in life is to be of service to others.


VERBENA OFFICINALIS. Chronic lumbago and sciatica for six months. Only able to walk slowly for a quarter of a mile. General health suffered from lack of exercise. Had much treatment but obtained not relief. Chronic rheumatism in neck and shoulders follow influenza five months ago. Pain interfering with sleep and general health.A city man who has suffered much loss and anxiety owing to his philanthropic nature.


One feels with them that thee is a tragedy beneath, though they rarely admit it even to their best friends. Inside, they suffer torments; great fear of the present and especially the future, which may drive them to suicide. they care nothing for danger, and are reckless in all ways. They have no peace,are active, restless,always going require little sleep retire, late.


VERBENA OFFICINALIS. THIS is a remedy for those of definite spiritual advancement; who are endeavouring to live lives of altruism and service; and yet through a deficiency of some quality such as wisdom, courage, steadfastness, tolerance, etc., are suffering as a consequence.


This is too laborious for some who are lazy; to infra dig. for others who desire to play the part of the fashionable profess to their deluded dupes that they can “see their case at a glance”, allotting to the investigation of their condition a brief modicum of time, equivalent to about three minutes per corpus vile. The painstaking method has its reward.