In asthma following chest inflammation, or in other respiratory affections, I have found Phosphorus valuable, which, if not curative, is quickly palliative, especially in sensitive usually blond patients–Lobethal.

A boy of 10, scrophulous constitution, gradually become lazy, not wishing to learn his lessons, was cross and sullen. His florid complexion changed to sallow; loss of appetite, but stool which soon located in chest and became almost like angina pectoris. Then he could not get air, face deathly pale, eyes sunken with dark rings. Such attacks lasted several minutes and were repeated often. Phosphorus 19c, four doses, one every 72 hours soon cured–Gross.

My son had crusta lactea when a child, which was then suppressed by external remedies (von Boenninghausen was not then a believer in Homoeopathy. s. w. s.). A few weeks later he suffered from angina pectoris every 4 weeks, often lasting several days. Could breathe only with great difficulty in sitting position; cold perspiration; during attack could neither speak nor move without severe aggravation, while he had to sit in chair during attacks for 6-8 hours, leaning forward; usually without sleep.

Phosphorus in large, often repeated doses caused many proving symptoms and much aggravation. Repeated doses of Coffee, Nux vomica, Ipecacuanha, China, Veratrum, Arsenicum were needed to revert the condition to its former state. The treatment began again with Sulphur 60c one dose; in two weeks Nux vomica 30c. In two weeks the symptoms were again as first reported, and Phosphorus as much indicated as then. Phosphorus 30c brought out a number of primary symptoms, followed by improvement. Phosphorus remained the chief remedy till complete cure was obtained, with interposition of Nux vomica and Hepar when indicated–von Boenninghausen.


This remedy also helps when vertigo accompanies asthma with weakness in head. Insomnia, palpitation, heat in chest are present and breathing is impeded deep in chest–Hering.

It is valuable when asthma is due to hypertrophy of pulmonary mucous membranes, evidenced by raising masses of degenerated mucus, after which examination still detects bronchial respiration as in emphysema (asthma humida)–Hartmann.

A man of 37, choleric temperament, has suffered since early youth from catarrh of throat; after taking cold had the following symptoms: Suffocative attacks every night around midnight awakening him from sleep; cough with expectoration of tough white mucus; the cough is caused by tickling in posterior part of throat, causing quick attacks and gagging so patient could hardly breathe. Also yawning started coughing. Is awakened every night at 12 oclock by mild cough followed by constriction in throat making expiration difficult. After attack of a few seconds with great anxiety, a thrust with expiration ends the attack. Then patient has to swallow a few times. Eructations follows, then urging to urinate.

Moschus helped very little, Sambucus only transitorily, as also Veratrum and Hepar. Finally, when awake before an attack, patient had the sensation as if a mucous film were hanging from palate to tongue causing suffocative attacks. One dose of Pulsatilla cured all symptoms–Neumann.

A woman of 44, weak constitution, had suffered from asthma for four months when menses ceased. Symptoms: Cough with scanty expectoration accompanied by gagging and vomiting of some bitter mucus toward end of attack, especially toward morning, rarely during the day. Severe palpitation during cough and vomiting. Periodic dyspnea after cough and when fresh air strikes her through open window or door. Burning facial congestion with burning in eyes with attacks of chills over body; very little thirst. Tremor of extremities. Loss of appetite; foul taste after eating and drinking, bitter taste mornings. Very emaciated. Great weakness; walking even in room laborious. Mind depressed. Pulsatilla 15 cured in 12 days–Wislicenus.

A girl of 20, weakly, delicate. Difficult menses started when she was 16, and since has suffered from asthma. Symptoms: Chest oppression as if she could not inhale enough air; aggravation from motion, walking uphill. Cough less when she sits, short, produces much mucus after a few coughs. Oppression worse after eating, but especially after evening meal. When lying down in bed, sensation as if larynx were constricted, must then sit up; the same sensation when lying down. Sleep disturbed by attacks of fear, better when sitting up. All symptoms better after 2 or 3 a.m. Menses on time, but lasting only 2 or 3 days; discharge thin with abdominal cramps from back to thighs, preceded and followed by severe asthma with thirst. Mental disposition quiet, mild. Pulsatilla 12c cured completely–Hartmann.


A lady of 49, corpulent; hoarse voice since scarletina when 5 years old. During winters she suffers from severe cough. After a cold, windy draft had bronchial catarrh with suppression of expectoration and increased coughing, giving patient no rest neither day or night. Soon orthopnea, had to sit up nights out of bed with loud, anxious rales; severe soreness and oppression in chest, threatening asphyxiation. After several other remedies, Sepia 3c was given with severe aggravation and chest congestion threatening asphyxiation with sensation as if larynx were constricted; but soon expectoration ended all troubles and patient was cured–Nithak.


A lady of 19, well-built and nourished, had been scrophulous until she was 14, from which period remained swollen cervical glands. For the last 3 months, following a cold, she has suffered from cough and asthma under allopathic treatment. Menstruation has stopped. Symptoms: Head feels full and heavy, as if all blood went to head, with vertigo. Face alternately red and pale. Several small cervical glands are painful. Thyroid gland much enlarged, painful to pressure and when turning head.

Burning in dry throat. Stool daily following pressure and borborygmus. Has not menstruated for two months but, when the flow is due, patient complains of severe backache and abdominal pain. Asthma. Cannot breathe freely; respiration with rales and panting. Every little exertion causes asthmatic attack after which patient feels weak with congestion in chest and head with red face and anxiety as if she would faint. Walking, and especially climbing stairs, very difficult. Worries much about her sickness, fears she will asphyxiate in an attack.

Spongia 12c improved in 6 days, when diarrhea set in with passing of ascaris. Up to 20 days after taking Spongia patient had no attack. After taking Calcarea carbonica menses appeared. Two years later she was still well–Gaspary.


General remarks: Difficult, short breathing with rales and visible palpitation. Nocturnal attacks of asthma with sensation of fullness and heaviness in chest–Hahnemann.

Hahnemann considers Sulphur a chief remedy in asthma, especially when several of the following symptoms are present: In cold moist weather the voice is deep and hoarse; mucus in throat and chest, causing coughing followed by tightness in chest; difficult breathing especially when sitting (more so than when walking). Cannot take a deep breath because chest seems to be constricted. Whistling breathing. Severe asthma after walking, as if chest were compressed. Nocturnal attacks, can then not get her breath; periodic attacks of angina pectoris–Hartmann.

A man of 64, apoplectic habitus, active, has seldom been sick. Symptoms: Hemorrhoids, when mucus swollen, cause asthma and finally nocturnal attacks of suffocation. Under much fear and pronounced chest compression respiration stops. Patient then fights for air, jumps out of bed to get relief in some way. Palpitation following attacks which occur repeatedly during the night lasting several minutes. Sulphur 3c, every 4 days. Soon the hemorrhoids bled and all trouble vanished–Hoffendahl.

A woman of 62 had chronic asthma, was much improved by Sulphur 30c–Schelling.


In chronic asthma Veratrum 24c is indicated where the spastic symptoms are prominent with a small pulse, skipping beats at times, cold skin; nausea; vomiting before and after attack–Kreuss.

Veratrum is often indicated after Ipecacuanha or Arsenicum, especially where asphyxiation threatens even when sitting up and moving around; pain in side of chest, hollow cough and cold perspiration; face and extremities cold. It is especially indicated when lying still relieves slightly– Hering.

Attacks of strangulation of throat to asphyxiation with almost cessation of respiration; contracted pupils or bulging eyes. Very difficult breathing.


Convulsive shortness of breath; mucous rales increasing breathing difficulty without sensation of fear, when patient has not expectorated for a long time; relief from coughing up mucus.
