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ASTHMA. Convulsive shortness of breath; mucous rales increasing breathing difficulty without sensation of fear, when patient has not expectorated for a long time; relief from coughing up mucus.


General remarks–I have found Ambra in the 2nd and 3rd centesimal triturations for dry and senile asthma useful, especially where patients complain of oppression in left side of chest extending to the posterior thorax and between the scapulae, as if originating from the heart, with palpitation, anxiety, dyspnoea. I also found it useful in asthmatic conditions of scrofulous patients–Hartmann.

Antimonium tartaricum

General remarks–The question as to which form of asthma this remedy has specific curative relation we believe can be answered with the aid of pathological and physiological findings. A fact which throws light on many pathological symptoms, and of which we can find immediately a proof, is that local irritation in all parts covered by mucous membrane is able to affect pathologically all respiratory nerves (total or single groups) causing convulsive motions.

This asthma, caused by an irritation (catarrhal or hemorrhoidal) of the respiratory or digestive organs, which always is periodic, has in Antimonium tartaricum its specific action. Carbo vegetabilis is its rival, while Arsenicum album is suitable in asthma from hydrothorax, in organic pathology of the heart or larger blood vessels. Phosphorus, similar to Antimonium tartaricum, is never indicated in phlegmatic patients (according to Lobethal), but prominently effective in asthma of excitable, usually blond patients. Antimonium tartaricum corresponds more to asthma in torpid, quiet patients.

Attacks are aggravated when patient is lying down, forcing sitting up leaning forward to prevent suffocation; amelioration from expectoration of tenacious mucus. Mucous rales.

Antimonium tartaricum is indicated in danger of suffocation due to occlusion of air passages; aggravation evenings in bed, increasing till morning when amelioration comes gradually. While attack is very severe, anxiety is often increased by violent heart palpitation threatening to choke off hearts action. No organic heart trouble was observed–Hartmann.

A girl of 11 had been treated allopathically for two weeks on account of catarrh. Symptoms: Greatly emaciated; face pale, circumscribed redness of cheeks; patient lies on back, sliding down in bed; respiration short, fast; coughing frequently day and night without expectoration; loud rales especially on left side; percussion note sonorous; auscultation shows no change in lung tissue. Skin withered, dry; temperature slightly increased. Pulse small, thready, 120. Not much thirst. Meteorism, but not painful to pressure. Constipation.

Antimonium tartaricum, 2 grain in water, 2 tablespoonful every 2 hours brought continual improvement–Rampal.

A weakly clothmaker had nocturnal attacks of suffocation, followed by cough with increased difficulty in breathing; later cough with mucous expectoration and relief of breathing. When nights were bad, some breathing difficulty remained. Antimonium tartaricum 150, given evenings, cured–Neumann.


General remarks–Suffocative attacks evenings after retiring; oppression of chest from climbing stairs, etc.– Hahnemann.

Asthmatic attacks, especially after suppressed coryza, with panting breathing; gasping for air with sensation as if dust in trachea, especially around midnight and from motion, with groaning and restlessness–Ehrhart.

Asthmatic attacks, especially in clearly nervous or hydrothoracic dispositions, are often helped or at least much relieved by Arsenicum (except in developed hydrothorax where it is deceptive because patients who so long have gasped for air suddenly die. Often have I thought that repetition of Arsenicum in such cases annuls the action of the first dose)–Lobethal.

In no sickness, aside from intermittent fever and cancer, has Arsenicum enjoyed such great reputation among physicians as in asthma. Capillary bronchitis in the aged with tough mucus, rales in chest, difficulty breathing threatening pulmonary paralysis are indications for Arsenicum–Frank.

Severe oppression with anxiety, restlessness, heat, thirst, small rapid pulse indicate Arsenicum–Kreuss.

In most severe attacks, after suppressed coryza, aggravation toward midnight with rales in chest, anxiety, restless tossing about, especially in old patients, aggravation from walking and motion, pressure in region of heart, Arsenicum helps. Later, if there is an aggravation, Ipecacuanha may be indicated; at times, if aggravation occurs the next morning, Nux vomica may be indicated–Hering.

A cavalry man during maneuvers became ill. Symptoms: In stormy weather with thick atmosphere and while walking fast, or in tight uniform, or change from warm to cold, even from laughing loudly, patient developed asthma forcing him to stop. At the same time he feels pressure on chest with fear, and is alternatingly hot and cold. The attacks leave him gradually after expectorating sticky, white mucus. Such attacks may last an hour. Aggravation when entering a warm room. No remedy has helped during these 5 years. Arsenicum 30c in daily doses relieved and cured–Gross.

A man has been sick for 8 years. Attacks evenings when retiring. Symptoms: Asthma with whistling expiration. Oppression in chest and larynx, relieved when leaning forward. Great anxiety with perspiration for 3 to 4 hours, better toward midnight. Working in his wine cellar aggravates. Arsenicum 30c cured , permitting patient to work in his wine cellar 6 to 8 hours daily–Attomyer.

A man of 32, tall, slender, has had asthma for a year. Allopathic treatment did not relieve. Arsenicum 30c one dose cured in 4 weeks–Gaspary.

A man of 78, of gentle disposition, was cured of asthma 3 years ago with Arsenicum. He then developed laryngeal catarrh which a cold changed to bronchitis with asthmatic attacks. His expectoration is difficult. Aconitum relieved in 24 hours. Now his pulse is intermittent and weak; he has rattling breathing with much mucus expectoration; appetite is lacking; insomnia; believes he is dying. Arsenicum 2c cured–Frank.

A man of 46, strong, has for 16 years suffered from flatulence, and during the past few years complained of tightness in chest, dry cough, loss of appetite, anxiety about every 2 to 3 weeks, usually nights, driving him out of bed, must sit up and is sleepless; relief from coughing up mucus. Vexation and exertion aggravate. Arsenicum 30c relieved in 2 hours. A year later still well–Schultz.


A man in the thirties, scrophulous from childhood, has always been asthmatic. Has had at least one attack daily from any physical exertion and after every meal. Asafoetida 9c, a daily dose. cured completely. A recurrence a year later was also cured by Asafoetida–Lobethal.

Bovista An unmarried lady of 21 had been treated for a long time allopathically and homoeopathically for spasmodic attacks of asthma, getting worse continually; aggravation from mental emotion; has several attacks daily. Symptoms: Before attacks, gnawing and stitching pain in throat and cutting pain in tongue as if cut by knife.

This is accompanied by convulsive motions of all facial muscles, followed by hysterical laughing and crying with constriction of throat and trachea, or by sensation as if throat would burst; also contraction in chest making breathing and talking difficult. The usually pale face turns dark-red. All worse before otherwise normal menstruation. Characteristic seemed the premonitory pain in tongue which indicated Bovista which was given in the 18c potency every 4 to 7 days. After 12 doses patient was cured; she remained well after 6 years–Schultz, Sr.


A girl of 16 had suffered from asthma for 10 years following measles, can not walk fast, nor climb stairs without exhaustion; she was cured by 5 doses of Bromium 30c–Hering.

Calcarea carbonica

It cured asthma occurring when stooping–Hahnemann. This remedy was very useful in scrophulous subjects–Kreuss. A girl of 18 had suffered from asthma for 2 years. Symptoms: Sensation as if lower part of thorax were squeezed together; previously attacks had appeared seldom, but became more frequent and now there are really no intermissions. Aggravation mornings and from climbing stairs, as well as from exertion. Eating does not influence, not atmospheric changes. Heart action and percussion normal, as are not respiratory sounds between attacks; but during the paroxysm loud whistling is heard from afar.

Patient has no pain, and all other functions are normal, except that painless copious menses last 7 days without affecting attacks. Provocative moments not known. Nux vomica 6c, Arsenicum 12c, Phosphorus 3c, Lobelia 6c accomplished nothing in three months. Calcarea carbonica 6c soon relieved and cured completely- -Sommer.

Cannabis sativa

It is especially suitable in orthopnea where patient can only breathe when sitting upright with head stretched forward; whistling in trachea; severe action of abdominal muscles; greatest restlessness and anxiety, especially before midnight while lying in bed. Hartmann found this condition only in hydrothorax which was secondary to a progressive cardiac hypertrophy.
