What is an indication for the use of Ammoniac gummi?
Humid asthma, with tenacious expectoration and a sensation as if something would be torn loose.
Give indications for Arsenicum.
Attacks of suffocation, especially at night or when lying down; great anguish and restlessness. Cannot lie down for fear of suffocation. Especially useful if the disease be chronic and the dyspnoea habitual.
In what respiratory affection is a Natrum sulphuricum useful?
In asthma. In asthma which is worse upon change to damp weather. Mist asthma, with a great deal of rattling on the chest. the shortness of breath is especially worse in damp weather. Looseness of bowels at each attack, worse from alcohol. Sycotic taint.
In nervous asthma, where the voice suddenly gives out and take on a higher pitch. Great sense of suffocation with tight feeling across chest; face become blue.
What are the symptoms of Ipecac in. this affection?
Spasmodic asthma, with weight and anxiety about the chest; sudden wheezing dyspnoea, threatening suffocation; aggravated by motion; the cough causes gagging and vomiting.
What are the symptoms of Lobelia inflata in asthma?
There is a weal sensation in epigastrium extending up into chest; nausea; profuse salivation; great oppression of chest, relieved by moving about; sensation of lump in stomach;attacks preceded by a prickly sensation through the whole system.
Give indications for Kali bichromicum.
Worse at three or four o’clock in the morning; relieved by raising stringy mucus; relief also from sitting up and bending forward.
Mention three other drugs useful in asthmatic conditions that have peculiar symptoms.
Apis. He does not see how the can get another breath.
Bromine. Patient feels as if he could not get air enough into his lungs, consequently breathe very deeply. This is owing to constriction of glottis.
Grindelia. On falling asleep ceases to breathe and wakes with a start. Humid asthma and acute catarrhal asthma are sometimes benefited by this remedy.
What drug is useful in Asthma which is reflex from accumulation of gas in the stomach?
Carbo veg.
When is Nux vomica the remedy in asthma:
When brought on by gastric disturbance, fulness and oppression worse after hearty meal; most loosen clothing; relieved by belching.
What other drug may be used for Asthma of gastric origin?
Zingiber. With this drug there is no anxiety.
What is the unique indication for Pothos in Asthma?
Asthma brought on or made worse from inhalation of dust of any kind.