Oleum animale 4x. It acts on the autonomous nervous system and has pulsating pressure in head; migraine; spasms or paralysis of vascular muscles; palpitation and fainting. Spastic contractive sensation (in chest).

Oxalic acid 10x. Aggravation of complaints when thinking on them; weakness and headache. This remedy is directly related to the central nervous system.

Palladium 10x to 30x. Patient is irritable, blunt and egotistical. Unpleasant sensation in region of uterus and ovaries. Pressure and pain across top of head from ear to ear. (Boericke.).

Phosphoric acid 3x. A general remedy in nervous exhaustion with indifference and dejection; sleep poor, restless, especially after physical sickness or mental overexertion, grief and care. Perspires easily.

Phosphorus 6x to 30x. May at times be indicated on account of nervous and circulatory weakness as also by the total constitution.

Platina 10x to 30x. It has changeable, but especially haughty, moods, also congestions to head, heart and female pelvic organs, with frequent, copious menses; also increased, but usually unsatisfied, libido.

Pulsatilla 6x to 30x. Tender, depressed mood, desiring sympathy. Venosity and general weakness affect circulation and state of blood, and is responsible for conditions of symptoms of aggravation and amelioration, as also frequent change of symptoms. Digestive and female organs are often especially affected.

Sabadilla 4x. Aside from general nervous exhaustion there are spastic symptoms (constriction in throat as from a stuck bolus, or spastic sensation in chest, convulsive sneezing). Inclination to misinterpret symptoms e.g., imagined pregnancy.

Scutellaria 4x. It has many pointing symptoms; scaring excitement and irritability disturb sleep and increase to confusion; pressure in head to migraine; much eructation, swallowing, gagging, bloating in intestines, sense of oppression in chest; tremors and twitching often lead to reflex spasms.

Secale 6x to 10x is closely related to the female organs, especially at parturition and childbed period. But it also acts on the other involuntary muscles, especially of the vascular system which it contracts spastically. It furthermore can cause general tonic spasms with interrupted twitching, or even lead to paralyses. Paresthesias are seldom lacking.

Sepia 6x to 30x. It is here seldom indicated constitutionally. It has the pale yellowish face, the despondent, scary moods, becoming irritable even from bagatelles. It has venous circulatory disturbances, especially in head (hemicrania), heart and uterus stomach-intestinal symptoms and weakness, especially when sitting in bent-over position (needle work). It however acts also on the male sexual glands.

Stannum 6x to 30x is prominently indicated by the sensation extreme weakness from the least exertion, felt especially in the back. it has crampy pains in stomach and uterus, slowly increasing and decreasing, not tolerating external pressure. Yellowish, weakening vaginal discharge due to general exhaustion; prolapsus. The moods correspond to the great weakness: depressed, tearful.

Staphisagria 4x to 10x. Anger, chronic worry and grief, but also sexual excesses, play an important role. Hence, the patients are weak physically and nervous, but also very irritable. Every emotion aggravates, especially the usually present atony of stomach and intestines. The metabolism is also disturbed as evidenced by inclination to skin affections and deposits of uric acid salts.

Sumbul 4x. Moods change quickly, hysterical laughing, crying and pharyngeal spasm. Severe vasomotor excitement (palpitation and congestions) as also meteorism. Libido increased.

Tarantula Hispanica 6x to 30x. Prominent is extreme restlessness, local in fingers and also generally to choreic twitchings and maniacal excitation. Sensation of chilliness is usually complained of.

Valeriana 4x. Severe reaction to every stimulus leads to headache, even from least exertion; fainting, exhaustion and syncope. Anxious, despairing mood corresponds to this weakness.

Vasomotor disturbances in form of congestions, especially evenings, ascending from abdomen to chest, causing oppression, are as frequent as salivation and nausea to vomiting. The excitation may increase to convulsion or only to lightning like pains flashing through body.

Veratrum 4x. Inclination to local and general spasms as well as collapse-like symptoms.

Viola odorata 4x. Weepy moods without real cause; irritable, full of fear. Often there is oppressive sensation, breathing difficulty, palpitation and pressing headache.

Zincum metallicum or valerianum 4x to 30x. Inclination to muscle spasm or contraction, or only constant motion of legs; pressure at root of nose, all characteristic symptoms. Often suppressed discharges are causative. Insomnia is usually present.

Zizia (Thaspium aureum) 4x. Aside from the often changing moods, there is inclination to convulsive conditions of local of general nature. Pathological changes in female organs are often found.

Alexander Zweig
Zweig, Alexander 1881-1934
Alexander Zweig (born June 11, 1881 in Oels [1] , † July 1, 1934 Hirschberg ) was a German physician, homeopath and medical writer.
In 1906 Zweig settled as a practical doctor in the Silesian Hirschberg, where he finally became the owner of his own sanatorium. In addition to his work as a doctor, Zweig did well as a medical writer: Until the 1930s, he published a number of medical reference books and guides.
Author of :
Nervous Diseases: A homeopathic-clinical compendium of the most important nerve diseases. J. Sunday, Regensburg 1927.
Small Vademecum: Introduction to Homeopathy. Willmar Schwabe, Leipzig 1927.
Instructions for the study of practical homeopathy for physicians. J. Sunday, Regensburg 1927.
Local spasm forms (employment spasm, swallowing, calf cramp) and their treatment. Dr. Madaus & Co., Radebeul 1929.
Soul disease. Dr. Madaus & Co., Radebeul 1930.
Allergic diseases and their homeopathic treatment. O. Enslin, Berlin 1930.