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In general this remedy has great inclination to exhaustion. Besides, there may be general or local spasms especially of respiratory organs, pharynx, esophagus, stomach with vomiting, intestines (tympanitic), and uterus. Menstruation with cramps, painful and very weakening, and yet relieving because, if retarded, all complaints are increased.

[ Translated by S.W.S. from Nervenkrankheiten.].

Aconitum 10x [ All potencies are the lowest recommended.] is of importance not only on account of its influence on vasomotility, but also as to its moods of fear and anxiety leading to great restlessness.

Agaricus muscarius 6x to 30x causes jerkings and ecstatic conditions with inclination to rhythmic or passionate motions and similar mental behaviour. From intense excitability small causes lead to serious and grave excitation. The jerkings and twitchings may be local or general and often the patient has tonic symptoms with opisthotonus.

Ammonium carbonicum 4x. It causes weak circulation with fainting. Tearful moods, but also irritability; is easily offended.

Angustura 4x. It has local spastic symptoms of respiratory organs (larynx) and pharynx.

Apis 6x to 30x. Must be considered because it has great, anxious restless, even delirious conditions, becomes weak, has congestions, fainting, exciting dreams, talking in sleep. There is severe pressing headaches, stupefaction and vertigo; spastic jerking of eyelids and extremities; chest oppression, eructations; nausea and vomiting. It is especially related to ovarian symptoms.

Aquilegia 4x. Clavus and globus hystericus with copious vomiting; insomnia; sensation of trembling with dull pain in ovarian region.

Argentum nitricum 6x to 30x. It acts strongly on brain and spinal cord (pressure in head to migraine with temporary blindness, vertigo, tremors, paralyses, convulsions, disturbed coordination), but there are also stomach symptoms, meteorism, ovarian pain; sensation of enlargement of affected parts. Patient reacts strongly to mental emotions.

Asafoetida 4x to 12x. Indicated on account of general and local symptoms. There are globus hystericus and pharyngeal spasms, or also general spasms; bloating of stomach and intestines, at times with foul or rancid tasting eructations; clavus-like pressure on top of head. Disposition changes quickly. Functions of body and mind change incalculably. Eliminations are often disturbed.

Asarum europeum 4x. Very sensitive to noise; nervous exhaustion and nervous chills are prominent.

Aurum metallicum 10x. Aside from disturbed circulation (congestion to heart and female sexual organs), depressed mood with suicidal thoughts and actions, often from self-accusation, are observed.

Baptisia tinctoria 4x. Spasms of esophagus and heart.

Bufo 10x. It acts on excited sexual organs, not only in masturbation, but also in convulsive attacks with aura pointing to these organs, or which occur during or following sexual acts.

Calcarea carbonica 4x to 30x is especially useful on account of its constitutional relation to scrophulosis. It is often indicated where there are heat on top of head, moist hands and feet, in menstrual disturbances and in convulsions. Sleep may be very poor with exciting visions. Calcarea phosphorica acts similarly.

Cannabis 4x. Extreme psychic and sexual excitation to spastic or ecstatic conditions are prominent in this remedy. Urination may be disturbed by spasms.

Cantharis 4x is similar to the former. The symptoms on the part of the urinary and sexual organs are even more outstanding.

Castoreum 4x. It is a remedy for nervous weakness, especially after exhausting causes. Spirit, soul and nerves are affected.

Caulophyllum 4x. All symptoms, especially headache and psychic disturbances, are aggravated before and during menstruation.

Chamomilla 4x to 30x. Patient is very irritable, angry, pathologically reacting to bodily or mental events. There is inclination to jerkings and spasm followed by laming or numbness. The female generative phases, especially pregnancy and parturition, often demand this remedy. It is also very often suitable for children.

China 4x to 30x is frequently indicated in general symptoms of weakness and its results, but it has also especial relation to stomach, intestines, circulation and composition of the blood.

Cicuta virosa 6x. It has clonic, but also very pronounced tonic, spasms during which the head is drawn backward, unconsciousness and between attacks head pressure.

Cimicifuga racemosa 4x is valuable on account of its abundance of characteristic nervous symptoms; Bursting vertex pain, insomnia, great restlessness; moods change frequently, as also the bodily symptoms; depressed or anxious frame of mind; twitching and convulsions. All symptoms are related to the female organs, which themselves are not normal, and the complaints are dependent on the generative phases.

Cocculus 10x and 30x is also especially a female remedy with close relation to the spinal cord and brain on the one hand, and otherwise to the chest and abdominal organs. Patients complain of headache with sensation of hollowness and vertigo with trembling and paralyzed feeling. In general this remedy has great inclination to exhaustion. Besides, there may be general or local spasms especially of respiratory organs, pharynx, esophagus, stomach with vomiting, intestines (tympanitic), and uterus. Menstruation with cramps, painful and very weakening, and yet relieving because, if retarded, all complaints are increased.

Coffea 10x. Great mental and physical vivacity which causes insomnia, etc. Headache as from a nail driven in.

Conium maculatum 6x to 30x. Depressed, dissatisfied mood; weakness and vertigo; sensation as from a rising ball. Female organs; Itching, stitches, downward pressure, menses weak, lacking, instead corroding leucorrhoea. Sexual dissatisfaction is supposed to play a role, perhaps also masturbation.

Crocus sativa 4x. Frequent changes of temperament with prominent motor hysterical restlessness. Jerking of single muscle groups, chorea. Circulation increased (pulsating, congestions, uterine haemorrhages). Characteristic is the sensation of something alive in abdomen (pseudo gravidity).

Cypripedium 4x. Severe mental hyper-irritation and exhaustion with insomnia.

Gelsemium 6x to 30x. Aside from congestions to head with migraine, and to heart, the paralyzing character (eyes, pharynx, larynx, bladder) is pronounced.

Gratiola 4x. Spasmodic intestinal symptoms with bloating.

Hyoscyamus 4x to 30x causes severe excitation with mental symptoms, especially jealousy, which are often leading to exhaustion. Motor excitation or alerting with twitching, even local or general spasmodic affections. This may lead to delirium and attacking bystanders; indecent exposures and other actions of increased libido. During attack face is pale.

Ignatia 6x to 30x. Depressed, introvert disposition; patient takes everything hard, often the result of grief and disappointment. However, this may change suddenly, and without reason to laughing, or convulsions, exalted screaming and dazed condition, or lead to them. Globus sensation, worse from eructation, is found as often as parietal pressure; also local spasms (cough, muscles of respiration, eructation, stomach) are often seen. It is also indicated in paralysis.

Lachesis 10x to 30x. Related to ovaries. The extreme sensitiveness to touch exists not only as to ovaries, but also to neck with sensation of suffocation and of foreign body in throat. Great loquacity with rapid change of theme. Aside from disturbed circulation which causes headache and oppression to heart, there is characteristic aggravation from sleep.

Magnesia muriatica 4x has reflex symptoms from stomach and intestines (violent eructations, waterbrash, nausea, diarrhoea); pressure in head, tremors, fainting and aggravation from large meals and during menstruation; relief from eructations and pressure (headache).

Mephitis putoreum 4x to 10x has great exhaustion, indicated in nervous excitation and convulsive conditions, loquacity, head pressure, restless sleep.

Moschus 4x to 12x. Vasomotor disturbances (vertigo, chilly sensation in body, pale face, fainting, palpitation) are most prominent; there is also extreme nervous weakness often expressed by impotent aimless activity. General spasms without loss of consciousness and local spasms of larynx, respiratory muscles and intestines. There may be semiconsciousness or loud delirium; hysterical laughing and crying. Increased libido.

Murex 4x, has much increased sexual irritation in females Nymphomania.

Natrum muriaticum 10x to 30x acts depressingly on brain, nerves and organs. Aside from a pale face and symptoms of irritated weakness of heart and entire circulatory system (scanty menses) as well as of stomach, intestines and metabolism, we find mental symptoms (indecision, distraction, sadness which does not wish “to talk it over,” which would make patient angry, and they have to be similarly evaluated.

Nux moschata 4x to 12x. Here also weakness outweighs not only the mentality as to comprehension and stability, producing not only strong variations of moods, but also confusion which may lead to improper laughing, etc. Fainting happens easily and also distention after light meals. Constipation from intestinal paralysis occurs often. There may be tonic-clonic local or general spasms. Characteristic is sensation of great dryness of mouth. Often we notice reflex symptoms from the female sexual organs.

Alexander Zweig
Zweig, Alexander 1881-1934
Alexander Zweig (born June 11, 1881 in Oels [1] , † July 1, 1934 Hirschberg ) was a German physician, homeopath and medical writer.
In 1906 Zweig settled as a practical doctor in the Silesian Hirschberg, where he finally became the owner of his own sanatorium. In addition to his work as a doctor, Zweig did well as a medical writer: Until the 1930s, he published a number of medical reference books and guides.
Author of :
Nervous Diseases: A homeopathic-clinical compendium of the most important nerve diseases. J. Sunday, Regensburg 1927.
Small Vademecum: Introduction to Homeopathy. Willmar Schwabe, Leipzig 1927.
Instructions for the study of practical homeopathy for physicians. J. Sunday, Regensburg 1927.
Local spasm forms (employment spasm, swallowing, calf cramp) and their treatment. Dr. Madaus & Co., Radebeul 1929.
Soul disease. Dr. Madaus & Co., Radebeul 1930.
Allergic diseases and their homeopathic treatment. O. Enslin, Berlin 1930.