Hpathy Needs Your Help!


EDITORIAL. Pardon another hell on this crooked literary edifice, but as to the abrupt deletion of insulin and substitution therefore of the carefully selected homoeopathic potency someone writing in the Recorder some years ago advised and reported its successful use. This writer has found that practice to be quite successful.


THE RATIONALE OF HOMOEOPATHY. Now we come to the problem of treatment. Having become disgusted with the vague,untenable and daily changing theories and the purely speculative and lawlessly empirical methods of treatment prevalent in his time,Hahnemann set himself to thinking if,in the realm of medicine also,there was some law of Nature which could give a simple, quick and dependable method of healing the sick.His quest was not in vain.


SYSTEMATIC PROVING. The Kentian system with its mathematical repertorization is a most interesting and highly developed branch of Homoeopathy, maybe the most perfect possible method of healing. But I am afraid we will not increase in number, as we ought to do, if we cannot offer a more logical teaching of materia medica, based upon pharmacological descriptions of the drug pictures with an indication of the differentiating symptoms.


HYSTERIA. Patients complains of headache with sensation of hollowness and vertigo with trembling and paralyzed feeling. In general, this remedy has great inclination to exhaustion. Besides, there may be general or local spasms especially of respiratory organs, pharynx, esophagus, stomach with vomiting, intestines (tympanitic), and uterus.


EFFIE E HOWE TURTON. Effie E. Howe Turton’s death after fifty years devotion to homoeopathy will be greatly felt by those whose own adherence to that field had brought them into close association with her. To Dr. Turton’s family, the Recorder extends its sincere sympathy.


ANTERIOR PITUITRIN IN A COMPLICATED CHRONIC CASE. Severe headaches starting in the shoulders and back of the neck, at times reaching the vertex. Ameliorated by heat. Eyes focus slowly. For many years recurring, abortive styes. Appetite poor. Craves fruit and juicy things.some thirst for cold water but it is apt to chill her. Frequent, explosive, copious stools after meals, from milk, or from apparently no cause.


HOMOEOPATHIC ALUMNI REUNION. The officers of the Southern wish that all readers of this notice offer their suggestions on this new adventure in Convention planning and write to the President, Dr. J.A. Swartwout, 4817-14th St., N.W., Washington 11, D.C., or to the Secretary. Dr. Benj. Goldberg, 22 West 7th St., Cincinnati 2, Ohio, if you are not on the mailing list of the Southern please send in your name so that you may receive all information and programs.