Hpathy Needs Your Help!


ANTERIOR PITUITRIN IN A COMPLICATED CHRONIC CASE. Severe headaches starting in the shoulders and back of the neck, at times reaching the vertex. Ameliorated by heat. Eyes focus slowly. For many years recurring, abortive styes. Appetite poor. Craves fruit and juicy things.some thirst for cold water but it is apt to chill her. Frequent, explosive, copious stools after meals, from milk, or from apparently no cause.

All that is known concerning the medications for anterior pituitrin in potency is based on a study of its function as an endocrine and the symptoms produced when the extract is given in toxic doses or the gland itself has become diseased. As far as I know, it has never been proven.

It is well known that mal-function of the pituitary is one of the causes of obesity. Sagas (Analytical Cyclopedia of Practical Medicine) is of the opinion that this gland governs, by way of the spinal axis, the functions of the sympathetic nervous system, and through this, among other organs, the thyroid and the adrenals.

Thus deficiency of its secretion may result in a diminution of the secretion of the thyroid gland also; and with the obesity, there may be deficiency of its secretion may result in a diminution of the secretion of the thyroid gland also; and with the obesity, there may be deficiency of nutrition of the skin and nails,I shall not go into this further, but merely state that I reached my decision in the selection of pituitrin on these grounds, and also on the fact that a high potency of a drug may antidote its ill-effects when given in crude form. the case of Mrs. R.B.C., age 46, is not only an example of the action of a remedy according to the well-known tenet that cure is from within outward, but may provide a future basis for the application of this endocrine in disease.

July 13, 1945-The patient is light completed,blue eyed, weight 199 pounds, too heavy for her height, which is about 5 feet 6 inches.she has been ailing for ten years and has been under the care of at least two old school doctors, whose only medication was endocrines and pain killers. During most of this period she took ten grains of thyroid daily with only a few short periods she took ten grains of thyroid and posterior pituitrin was yielding the best results.

Cheerful, as a rule; laughs too readily but inclined to week; at times spells of melancholy in the evening after going to bed, accompanied by nervous tension and anxiety as if she had to hurry. This may have been a drug symptoms because it was accentuated by the thyroid.Weakness with drowsiness, also, made worse by the thyroid tablets.Perspires profusely and on slight exertion. Sensation of intense heat recurring every four hours.

Severe headaches starting in the shoulders and back of the neck, at times reaching the vertex. Ameliorated by heat. Eyes focus slowly. For many years recurring, abortive styes. Appetite poor. Craves fruit and juicy things.some thirst for cold water but it is apt to chill her. Frequent, explosive, copious stools after meals, from milk, or from apparently no cause. Stool preceded by sadness and chilliness which are relieved afterwards. Involuntary escape of urine on coughing or sneezing for many years. Interscapular lameness and stiffness, especially turning in bed, for the past two years. General sore, bruised feeling, bruises easily, small wounds slow to heal.

Menses moderate in amount and of short duration. Nails ridged, brittle; finger tips crack; inflammation, soreness and swelling at the base of the nails. Irritation, burning and redness between the fingers and on the palms, which are dry, scurfy and inclined to crack- this since she was thirteen years of age, always accompanied by dryness of face and lips, and stiffness of the hands, aggravated in the morning,better as the day goes on. Ameliorated in the open air, but dreads the cold; is always chilly, worse even from uncovering the head or hands, Rx, Anterior pit 200, one dose.

May 16, 1945-Improved, but symptoms returning.Rx. Anterior pit.200.

May 30,1945-Much better in every way except that she lacks energy. A black ulcer, three inches in diameter, due to the coalescing of several sores due to the hypodermic needle, is healed, all but a small spot which still oozes purulent fluid.Rx. Sac. Lac. all but a small spot which still oozes purulent fluid.Rx. Sac. Lac.

July 16, 1945-Backache, but only while in bed. Has gained twenty-one pounds since July.Rx. Sac. Lac.

August 5, 1945-Rx. Anterior pit. 200.

October 4, 1945-Rx. Anterior pit.10M.

November 4, 1945-Has been unusually well for her. One or two attacks of diarrhea from no apparent cause. Backache worse Eyes focusing more readily.No gain in weight. Walked six blocks, stood for awhile and walked back again-has not been able to do this for seven years. Rx.Sac. Lac.

November 22, 1945-Pains in knees, hips,and sacrum (an old symptom). Has gained weight but feels better in general. Rx. Sac. Lac.

December 19, 1945-Rx. Posterior pit. 22, three doses by mistake.

December 30, 1945-One severe headache but otherwise feels very much improved.Rx. Sac.Lac.

January 14, 1946-Sudden, acrid coryza with easy chilling. Rx. Hepar 1 M.

January 30, 1946-Weary, sleepy. Has lost some weight. Rx. Posterior pit.200, three doses.

February 17, 1946-Improving, feels better in herself. Menses last five days and are more profuse never before in her life Rx. sac. Lac.

March 3, 1946-Rx.Posterior pit. 10M.

May 11, 1946-Hands worse, interscapular pain. Rx. Posterior pit.200. three doses.

May 28, 1946-Rx. Anterior pit. 200, three doses.

May 7, 1946-Stronger and more cheerful. No headaches until past three days. Rx. Sac.Lac.

July 7, 1946-Stronger and more cheerful.No headaches until past three days.Rx. Sac. Lac.

September 17, 1946-Improving. Rx. Sac. Lac.

January 27, 1947-Stronger, small wounds and cuts heal quickly now, no headaches since Dec.25th when she had a bad one. Hands crack, but feels very chilly. Rx. Sac. lAC.

February 11, 1947-Head better.Condition of nails better, three diarrhoeic stools every other day, urgent with cramps, nausea and vertigo, weakness after stool. Rx. Sac. Lac.

March 27, 1947-Head better.Condition of nails better three diarrheic stool,s every other day, urgent with cramps, nausea and vertigo, weakness after stool. Rx. Sac Lac.

May 14, 1947-Better in general.Diarrhea better, but nails split, cracks at the corners of nails and on finger tips. Rx. Sac. Lac.

June 1, 1947-Several headaches,feels hurried, pains in joints, worse damp weather, Otherwise improved. No gain in weight.Rx.Sac.Lac.

July 7, 1947-Feels “wonderful,: mentally and physically; nails better.Rx. Sac. Lac.

August 8, 1947-Feels “wonderful,” mentally and physically; nails better. Rx. Sac. Lac.

September 15, 1947-Backache. Headache and diarrhea, but attributes this to the hot weather. Irritation between fingers, cracks on palms “cured” by niacin and ascorbic acid combined, every time she took them.But energy vastly improved. Rx. Sac. Lac.

October 6, 1947-Cracks and stiffness of hands. stiffness worse, but no weepy spells. Rx. anterior pit. CM.

October 21, 1947-All nails that had broken off are now growing out grain. Rx. Sac. Lac.

November 7, 1947-Improving. Rx. Sac. Lac.

November 29, 1947-No complaints.

January 12, 1948-Flushes two or three times a day hasn’t had them for months. Anxiety, sadness, wants company.No headaches but diarrhea worse. Rx. Sac. Lac.

March 7, 1948-Rx.Anterior pit. CM.

March 31, 1948-Vague anxiety, sadness, wants company. No headaches but diarrhea worse. Rx. Sac.Lac.

July 24, 1948-Much worse, headaches severe,flushes more frequent,sore, cracked finger tips, diarrhea daily for a week. Rx. Anterior pit. AM, three doses.

June 25, 1948-Rx. Calcarea carb,. 10M.

July 7, 1948-Definitely better, nails continue to grow out. Rx. Sac. Lac.

July 13, 1948-Better in herself, though tires easily. Scaly hands better, hot face not any better, diarrhea during the day, but a formed stool in the morning, Rx. Calcarea carb. 5cm.

December 12, 1948-Better. More energy but bowels still

loose. Rx. Sac. Lac.

January 23, 1949-No headaches for a month until today. Rx. Sac. Lac.

February 5, 1949-Rx.Calcarea carb. 5CM.

The patient reported continued improvement at her several visits up to June 14th, when she said that she had no complaints to make except that in spite of having lost two pounds in five months,she still thought that she was too heavy! One could scarcely blame her !.

The question now is, what to do about it ? As soon as she was taken off the thyroid,she began to put on weight; Pituitrin, either anterior or posterior, brought her to a point where Calcarea carb, was plainly indicated.Both preparations of Pituitrin undoubtedly worked curatively, as the record shows. But even the Calcarea failed to reduce her weight to any appreciable degree. She will return for observation, in a month or so, when some solution to the problem may present itself. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS.

Harvey Farrington
FARRINGTON, HARVEY, Chicago, Illinois, was born June 12, 1872, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, son of Ernest Albert and Elizabeth Aitken Farrington. In 1881 he entered the Academy of the New Church, Philadelphia, and continued there until 1893, when he graduated with the degree of B. A. He then took up the study of medicine at the Hahnemann College of Philadelphia and graduated in 1896 with the M. D. degree. He took post-graduate studies at the Post-Graduate School of Homœopathics, Philadelphia, Pa., and received the degree of H. M. After one year of dispensary work he began practice in Philadelphia, but in 1900 removed to Chicago and has continued there since. He was professor of materia medica in the Hahnemann Medical College of Chicago, and was formerly the same at Dunham Medical College of Chicago. He was a member of the Illinois Homœopathic Association and of the alumni association of Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia.