That four-letter word cure is a big one. The question arises: Do we or does homoeopathy ever provide a cure that is permanent for a lifetime? It, genuine homoeopathy, certainly does in some instances as far as the particular disorder complex is concerned.

Yet my fallen human nature is prone to resent the implication that successful treatment after the lapse of twenty years was merely palliation. I hate that word anyhow. Palliation is a word that may be applied to prompt suppression which fails to evince the quality of vital reaction that disposes of the malady. Now when a malady has been checked for twenty years is it reasonable to assume it has been sleeping merely, or just lying in wait for another spring all those twenty years? What was it that Hahnemann said about a healthy child taking on disorder from some certain miasm or infection? That is, a child of strong physique suddenly exhibiting the characteristics of profound infection? I was told by an able homoeopath that H. believed this.

No, if we are to rise to the high eminence of permanent cures from the similar remedy we must try to know what is cured. Was it the disorder presented by the patient? Was it from loitering effects of unconscionable drugging prior to homoeopathy? Was it the culmination of infantile or adolescent pathological tendencies? Was it from the daily outcome of unhygienic routine that can hardly be discovered by the physician?.

The quest sometimes seems well nigh hopeless.

Yet we do know that permanent cures for a lifetime do take place. I dont mean that the patient has never again any ailment, but I do mean that that particular …. disorder for which he asked relief and which appeared to be the crux of his disturbed health was eliminated.

I share with all my confreres a dislike for that loose application of the word “cure” to simple superficial relief from a minor complaint. So often the complaint is but a shadow of the real disturbance perhaps deeply seated. But when we have a deeply seated malady that is looked upon by all the “great ones” in medicine as incurable, and it departs completely for twenty years, I submit with all modesty that it was a cure for twenty years!.

Oh, no doubt the make-up of that patient favored that assault on its integrity, but I ask you-just what preserved that integrity for twenty years? Was it not the cure exercised by the remedy? Why, personally, I could have been happy over such a result if it had lasted but five years !!!.

Mind you, I am not exalting my humble act at all. No doubt the remedy was as plain as the nose of the face. No doubt other remedies were used at the outset. I do not recall about that at all. The big fact is that homoeopathy however unskilfully applied accomplished something for twenty years. How I wish I could see it done again!.

As far as I know, Cocculus is preserving the health of that patient from further evidence of Menieres. There has been no need to change from a very low to any high potency.

My chief interest in this case is that while I hear all the time of the disease being unhelped by dominant medicine, it is possible for homoeopathy to help if not cure it.

John Hutchinson