Marriage of epileptics is to be dissuaded, not only because of the false opinion of relatives regarding harmful results from sexual abstinence, but mainly because epilepsy is a degenerative, progressive, transmissible disease, hence propagation of such individuals should be prevented as much as possible, not to mention the many other dangers and cares which threaten such unions.

From his Nerve Diseases, published by Johannes Sontag, Regensburg, translated by S. W. S.


Acidum hydrocyanicum 6x.: Indicated in grave cases with icy coldness. Consciousness is disturbed and memory weakened. Spasms of pharyngeal muscles is prominent. In poisoning we see the picture of attacks similar to epilepsy.

Aethusa cynapium 3x.: Reflex spasms in children with primary or secondary gastrointestinal symptoms (dentition).

Agaricus muscarius 6x. to 30x.: The attack begins with twitching of single muscle groups of face or fingers, preceded by a sensation of a cool air current coming from the back, or prickling or formication in single extremities. Also in attack- free periods circumscribed twitchings is noted, e.g., eyelids. The seizures are usually not severe.

Antimonium tartaricum 6x.: The jerkings and epileptic attacks are often associated with inflammation and serous exudation of the meninges and general cerebral hyperemia; spells are frequently followed by stupor or excitation to delirium, and there may be nausea and vomiting.

Apis mellifica 6x. to 30x.: Here also the meningeal and hydrocephaloid irritation are causative.

Argentum nitricum 6x. to 30x.: Important indications are restlessness and tremulous conditions before an attack, as also dilated pupils and connection with menstruation during which the spells occur. Following there may be mental disturbances to aggressive delirium. Sensation of enlargement in head is characteristic for this remedy which he has close connection with the central nervous system.

Arnica 3x. to 30x.: Is especially indicated in traumatic epilepsy, or also in epilepsy from arteriosclerosis.

Artemisia absinthium 3x.: Its poisoning causes serious nerve disturbances like epilepsy. Multiple attacks alternating with pauses; seizures are tonic as well as clonic in character, and also like petit mal, which latter are especially reported in which the psyche suffers intellectually.

Artemisia vulgaris 3x.: It is mentioned by most authorities and has cumulative attacks similar to the preceding remedy. It is especially indicated where they occur after violent mental emotion which may have been causative in suppressed menstruation.

The spells may be accompanied by ill smelling perspiration. It is recommended for epilepsy of children.

Atropinum sulphuricum: See Belladonna.

Baryta carbonica 30X: Must be remembered in arteriosclerotic epilepsy.

Belladonna 6X. to 30X.: Congestion to brain with intensely red face are prominent. Mental emotion, dentition and suppressed skin eruptions seem to play a role. It is especially indicated in fresh cases. The brain irritation manifests itself also in night fear. Always it concerns plethoric persons. Every touch aggravates the attacks.

Bufo 30X.: Epilepsy in the wake of inflammatory brain conditions in children, but a role is also played by reflexes from worms or from sexual organs (menstruation, sexual intercourse, masturbation and disturbed generative power). Moon changes are supposed to favor appearance of attacks.

Calcarea carbonica 10X. to 30X.: Must be remembered as a constitutional remedy after previous rachitis or scrofulosis; especially indicated in childrens cramps during puberty (anaemia). Chronically suppressed discharges are accused as causative, as also mental emotions. As especially characteristic is mentioned the sensation as if a mouse were running along arm. Full moon and solstice said to be times of aggravation. Special attention must be paid to a basic dyscrasia. Diarrhoea or copious menses are not rare.

Calcarea phosphorica 10X. to 30X.: It is similar to the former, only characteristically modified by the phosphor component.

Camphora 3X.: Recommended as prophylactic in epilepsy. It is especially to be remembered in brain affections.

Caulophyllum 3X.: Has reflex attacks from the uterus.

Causticum: 10X. to 30X.: An antipsoric remedy indicated by previous suppression of skin diseases. Menstruation is profuse especially at puberty; acne; constipation may be a contributory cause, as also fright. It is a remedy for chronic cases.

Chamomilla 4X. to 30X.: It is indicated in reflex attacks especially in nervous, irritable persons, prominently in children during dentition (sometimes with diarrhoea), or in women in child-bed.

Anger and colds may bring on spells. Characteristic is one cheek red, the other pale.

Cicuta virosa 4X.: Its proving gives a typical picture of epilepsy with purplish face; unconsciousness; biting or tongue; attack followed by severe exhaustion. It is also of value in eclampsia of infants and during pregnancy, as also in attacks during delivery and the lying-in period. All convulsions a very severe.

Cimicifuga racemosa 3x.: Valuable in reflex convulsions from the female sexual sphere.

Cina 4x.: Scrofulous children with worms.

Cocculus 10X. to 30X.: Reflectoric convulsions from delayed or scanty menses or from great exhaustion or long loss of sleep; severe nausea and vomiting.

Cotyledon tincture: It recommended for relief of attacks (dose 3 drops three times daily) and has been reported curative; as characteristic has been mentioned the sensation as if part of body were absent.

Cuprum metallicum 6x. to 30x.: This is a recognized convulsion remedy for attacks beginning in the fingers, followed by blue face, foaming at mouth, rolling of eyes. The attacks are preceded by nausea, retching of mucus; or formication on arms and hands, or sensation as if fingers were dead; deep sleep follows. During intervals patient are easily frightened; numbness of hands. The attacks may be due to suppressed skin eruptions, to emotional upsets or menstrual disturbances. It should also be remembered in local cramps (calves); it is indicated in eclampsia and in convulsions from brain diseases.

Curare 3X.: Acts in circumscribed, but also in general forms of convulsions, often surprisingly, but must not be given for too long a time.

Ferrum cyanatum 4X.: It has been much recommended generally. The tonic component of Ferrum combines here with the cyanate which acts on the brain.

Graphites 6X. to 30X.: Is a constitutional remedy principally in attacks during menstruation and when other Graphites symptoms are present.

Helleborus niger 4X.: Must be considered in convulsions emanating from the brain, with crying out, rolling of eyes, masticating motions and great weakness leading to collapse. (Meningitis in its different forms, hydrocephalus, etc.).

Hyoscyamus niger 4X.: Intense psychic and motoric excitation, is especially valuable after mental emotions, but also in pregnancy. The attack is preceded by severe vertigo or seeing sparks; during attack biting of tongue, foaming at mouth. Very distinct for this remedy is the deep sleep following the spell. Disturbance of intellect is often present.

Hypericum perforatum 4X.: Traumatic epilepsy.

Ignatia 10X. to 30X.: Important is the mental emotion preceding, which may lead to twitching of single facial muscles, even to the twitching of the entire body. It is especially suitable for children and women of changeable disposition (neuropsychopathic constitutions) along the line of hysteria.

Indigo 4X.: Is mainly recommended in convulsions from worms, but is also valuable where the brain is affected.

Ipecacuanha 4X.: Reflex convulsions from intestinal causes. Kalium bromatum 3X.: Epilepsy during menstruation with intense irritability.

Lachesis 10X. to 30X.: Here also reflex conditions are prominent especially from the genital system, not only in the female (menstrual epilepsy), but also in the male sex. The general symptoms of the remedy must be present.

Nux vomica 10X. to 30X.: It also is indicated only in reflex epilepsy, in which alcohol and sexual irritation are important moments. The general moods and other Nux vomica symptoms must be observed (gastrointestinal).

Oenanthe crocata 4X.: The toxicological picture corresponds exactly to the epileptic attack. Aura is generally absent; the seizure begins with sudden loss of consciousness. It also has attacks in sleep.

Opium 6X. to 30X.: Its action is well known in ailments following fright and vexation. It is also indicated in fright in the nursing mother. Only acute cases are suitable for the remedy; characteristic are loud snoring after the attack due to severe cerebral irritation.

Paris quadrifolia 4X.: It has the important characteristic of weight in the occiput. Cramp especially in fingers with boring of finger nails into palmar surface of hands while clenching fists.

Platina 6X. to 30X.: Its relation to the sex in women and boys seems to be important. The often present hysterical laughter and crying indicate the genesis of the attack.

Plumbum 30X.: Is only indicated in seizures from grave brain ailments manifested by following paralytic weakness of extremities or tongue.

Pulsatilla nigricans 10X. to 30X.: Only constitutionally indicated if menstrual difficulties coexist.

Secale cornutum 4X. to 30X.: Characteristic is great chilliness but patient does not want to be covered. Attacks are accompanied by quick exhaustion, are less general than local, and come in rapid succession.

Alexander Zweig
Zweig, Alexander 1881-1934
Alexander Zweig (born June 11, 1881 in Oels [1] , † July 1, 1934 Hirschberg ) was a German physician, homeopath and medical writer.
In 1906 Zweig settled as a practical doctor in the Silesian Hirschberg, where he finally became the owner of his own sanatorium. In addition to his work as a doctor, Zweig did well as a medical writer: Until the 1930s, he published a number of medical reference books and guides.
Author of :
Nervous Diseases: A homeopathic-clinical compendium of the most important nerve diseases. J. Sunday, Regensburg 1927.
Small Vademecum: Introduction to Homeopathy. Willmar Schwabe, Leipzig 1927.
Instructions for the study of practical homeopathy for physicians. J. Sunday, Regensburg 1927.
Local spasm forms (employment spasm, swallowing, calf cramp) and their treatment. Dr. Madaus & Co., Radebeul 1929.
Soul disease. Dr. Madaus & Co., Radebeul 1930.
Allergic diseases and their homeopathic treatment. O. Enslin, Berlin 1930.