Any acute disease which persists without signs of improvement for months and years tends to becomes engrafted upon. !the system, menacing the well being and even the life of the patient.
It takes the patients of a Job and the wisdom of a Solomon to handle and cure chronic disease in this age with all the drug manufacturing houses advertising in the newspapers that he has specifics for every condition including pain.
Only today I received an air mail letter from a patient 200 miles away whom I had treated only two days ago for adhesions all through the abdomen. After going into her case thoroughly, I had concluded she was suffering from chronic gonorrhoea. This I could not tell her as her husband, her was with her.
Her sinuses were inflamed, her throat dry and sore, she had constant distress from gas in the bowels, and because of this she always slept on her abdomen. Medorrhinum 200., a single dose was given.
She developed what she thought was a cold as soon as she left my office, her sinuses were discharging and there was some pain. Her whole condition seemed to be much worse. Should she take the usual pill prescribed by her doctor for such cases, or should she wait for such cases, or should she wait for the fever to subside of itself?.
As homoeopaths we seldom stress the diagnosis, because the real cause of the chronic disease often dates back years to some error in judgment or some acute condition which was improperly treated.
I have in mind a patient who is practically an invalid. Twice I have prescribed for him; each time my prescription had brought out one of the most complete eczemas I have ever seen; and each time he called in another doctor who took him to the hospital, treated him with local applications which after a couple of weeks suppressed the eczema again. A wonderful cure and a cure he will always remember!.
Two years ago I treated a man for cancer of the stomach. I tried to obtain as complete a picture of his conditions as I could bring our, and after giving him a thorough examination, my diagnosis was cancer of the stomach.
Now, of all cancers, I often feel that carcinoma of the stomach is the most amenable to cure. I gave this man a hypodermic of the 6x of Glyoxylide and asked him to report to me in three weeks.
There was great improvement in the stomach but he said, “Doctor, I find I have to use too much of my foot medicine now.” He had been born in Russia and, while serving in their army, the doctor surgeon told him to paint his feet with formaldehyde occasionally and it would end his bad foot sweat. I tried to explain to him that the suppression was the cause of his cancer, but could not convince him that a harmless painting of his feet with this medicine, which he had used for over fifty years, was harmful. No, he preferred to continue the use of the formaldehyde. I refused or treat him any more, and six months ago he died of cancer of the stomach.
It isnt classical remedy which is used in every case which cured the chronic disease. No, it is the remedy so seldom used, the one with the peculiar symptom which straightens out the case and makes the patient your friend forever.
Last month an old patient came to me in great distress. He was having trouble urinating, and had been to a young doctor who had used all the remedies and adjuvants he could think of, including dilation of the urethra with long forceps which of, including dilation of the urethra with long forceps which he forcibly used in the prostatic urethra. Now he insisted on surgery.
I gave him Arnica first, and it afforded much relief, but a peculiar symptom bobbed up ” The easiest way for me to urinate is to get on my hands and knees and put the top of my head on the floor.” Now isnt it strange that a silly symptom like that would lead to the prescribing of Pareira brava? However, it took the swelling our of the prostate.
Last Monday one of the first patients I ever had-over fifty three years ago-came from the western slope over Monarch Pass to fee me. For three weeks he had been in the Colorado State Hospital. He had been examined by four different services: General Medicine, Genitourinary, Surgical, and X-ray. All had stated the they found no disease, and had finally given him a tablet for relief of pain on the left side of the abdominal wall. I decided it was a neuralgia of the crural nerve, possible due to a strain. Any how, just the fact that it was worse at night, and was relieved by walking made me prescribe Rhus tox.
The homoeopath needs only to hunt out these peculiar symptoms as told by his patients and then fit them to the remedy and he has done more to cure the chronic ailment of that patient than a hundred dollars worth of examinations as given in the multiple clinics of today. Some years ago I had a patient who had lived in Colorado for years.
We dont have primary malaria out here, yet this patient was having classical chills every other day. The patient had been raised on the river bottoms in Missouri and had had chills until they moved to Colorado. I ascertained that he had recently been back to Missouri on a visit. He also complained of stiffness, and yet felt better on motion. The chills came on at four or five in the morning. Now he had taken quinine himself, but had not taken any Rhus tox., which was the remedy for the condition.
This paper is rather a negative one. I do not describe sordid cases of chronic suffering I have miraculously cured, but I have tired to impress you with the fact that we have the cure on record in our Materia Medicas if we will study the symptoms of the patient and apply them as given in our study.
There are some new methods of meeting baffling disease which are open to us and which do not obstruct our methods of cure. On the contrary, they very often bring out the clear cur symptoms of one of our remedies, and grateful help to cure the disease.
All of these things which are not detrimental to our law of cure, we should adopt, but never allow them to displace it. There are literally thousands of doctors using these methods, who are led by them to believe in Homoeopathy, and would like to tale a course in some of our homoeopathic colleges, but are prevented because we have no undergraduate colleges which advocate only Post Graduate study.