Is it humanly possible to be able to remove a direct pathogenesis of a drug which that drug is positively incapable of reproducing, artificially, on or in the normally healthy human body? In all cases, curative or palliative, it is that direct, primary pathogenesis that must be removed, or allayed and only the indicated drug can possibly do that with safety. Other methods of medical healing can and do suppress these pathogenesis, but always with risk and danger to the individual on whom they are used. Is that, then, an improvement on Hahnemannian homoeopathy? All the propagandistic literature put out by these self-styled modern homoeopaths is but a stab in the side of homoeopathy, a nail in its not far distant coffin.

Is it humanly possible to cure, remember I said cure, not merely suppress or divert, a case by ignoring all that we can possibly know of disease, its symptoms, that little simple TOTALITY brought out by the DIRECT action o the drug on the normally healthy human body? Did you ever see a drug directly produce gross pathology, or morphology, without first producing that direct, primary drug pathogenesis and making its disturbance manifest by symptoms long before the gross pathology, or morphology, took place? Then, if these invisible, but appreciable, pathogenetic symptoms must appear before the gross pathology and morphology appear, is it not of more importance that we note these things rather than their end products?

When that direct primary pathogenetic group is eliminated just what else is going to sustain these end products? Why, in the presence of a leak, spend your time in simply mopping up the water, why not repair the leak, save the damage and the time? If the leak is repaired the water will dry up of its own accord. It is time enough to pay our attention to the end products after the cause is removed and nature ceases to act and carry away these end products.

I fully agree that homoeopathy is not A system of medicine. On the contrary, it is the ONLY system of medicine known. There is no other. Every method of medical healing to be curative must operate according to natural law. What other method, than homoeopathy, does this? Only our blind ignorance of homoeopathy makes it appear otherwise to us. Its greatest “fault” lies in its simplicity, and in the fact that it does not lend itself to the spectacular. It cannot be faked in order to extort money from disease victims.

The apparently otherwise brightest minds have failed to see it in its right light. In-born misinformation and false education are most difficult to dislodge, if they can possibly be dislodged at all. We are, as yet, unable to separate the cause from the effect, or even see the great importance for this separation, or to distinguish the material from the immaterial, therefore we must continue to take our homoeopathy with a strong seasoning of rank allopathy in order that it may appease our perverted taste, even though it spoil the homoeopathic dish.

No, dear reader, we as homoeopaths are NOT getting anywhere, and never will until we make up our minds to study and learn all that we possibly can about homoeopathy; until we unite and present a bold front for its defense and propagation; until we insist on practising it as Hahnemann directed; and cut loose effectively from allopathy. Homoeopathy has nothing in common with allopathy, except the material from which drugs are extracted. True homoeopaths have nothing in common with allopathies, unless it is a wholesome disrespect engendered by the allopaths on one side in reprisal for the superior success of homoeopathy.

Beginning with the institution of a certain regime in the American Institute of Homoeopathy the prestige of homoeopathy hit the toboggan, and it has been on the downward grade ever since. An apparent hand in glove agreement with the allopathic associations has cost us our men, our new recruits, our prestige, our institutions, our contributions, our journals, our honor, our recognition, our legal standing, our separate state boards, and the right to grade our own institutions. In other words, we have allowed the allopaths to cut out our very heart without even a feeble protest.

Until we can make up our minds to unite for our common cause, until we put up an honest to goodness fight for our inalienable rights, until we practise Hahnemannian homoeopathy with a firm desire to study and understand it, we may just as well fold our tents and steal silently away, for all money spent on present methods is good money and valuable time wasted. The old guard of real fighters is about gone. The new recruits, mostly inferior men, who will be unable to stem the downward tide, will, in all probability, live to see homoeopathy pass from their feeble grasp. A. PULFORD.

In the homoeopathic school we seek to assist Nature; and under the guidance of the natural, vital and truly physiological law of the similars, we learn how to cleanse the streams by purifying the fountain; and in the homoeopathic medicines we are furnished with the only possible and efficient means for the only sufficient end, the complete restoration of health.- H.N. GUERNSEY, M.D., 1866.

H.A. Roberts
Dr. H.A.Roberts (1868-1950) attended New York Homoeopathic Medical College and set up practrice in Brattleboro of Vermont (U.S.). He eventually moved to Connecticut where he practiced almost 50 years. Elected president of the Connecticut Homoeopathic Medical Society and subsequently President of The International Hahnemannian Association. His writings include Sensation As If and The Principles and Art of Cure by Homoeopathy.