Stool has appearance of scrambled eggs, turns green on standing.


Stool heavy like lead.

Stool square as if craved with a knife. Stool when eating (Ferr., Trom.). White stool, chalk like stool (Calc. carb., Podo., Sil.). Stool escapes when passing flatus. Urging from flatus, must cross legs to prevent stool escaping.

Stool so flat at times looks as though passed through a machine. Stool three sided like a file. Yellow, soft, wedge shaped stool, like an almond nut, without power to expel. Stool looks like a bunch of grapes pushed together.

Stool covered with slime, or may pass pieces of slime.

Stool sticky, hard to pass, a lot of sticky small marbles.

Stool passes better when standing (Alum., Caust.).

“Not done” sensation after stool.

Odor of stool like ROTTEN CHEESE, very foul, mouldy. Flatus has rotten cheese odor.

STOOL RECEDES (Nat. mur., OP., SIL., Thuj., Psor., Pyrog., Tub.).

Bloody mucus stools every fifteen or twenty minutes, involuntary during sleep, changing during sleep did not waken the child.

Excoriation of skin about anus, skin like raw beef.

Although inveterately constipated bowels will move if excited or going anywhere unusual.

Prolapse of rectum during stool. Piles protrude like a bunch of grapes (AEsc.).

Piles prolapse, SORE, bleeding. Stool cannot pass because piles are so large. Sharp stitching pain in piles so severe will jump out of chair or off feet with the severe knife like pains.

URINARY ORGANS: Nocturnal enuresis in children, urine stains diaper red.

Child strains at stool to pass urine, cries before urinating.

Frequent and profuse urination. Sudden desire as if urine were at meatus urinarius, must urinate as soon as thought comes to mind or has enuresis.

Urine dribbles when bowels are constipated.

Urine green.

MALE SEXUAL ORGANS: Fig wart on glans penis, with discharge from its surface smelling like fish brine.

Scrotum itches from exposure to air.

Childs parts smell of fish brine even after bathing. FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS: Great desire to place hand on vulva as all parts seem relaxed and unsupported (Lil. tig., Murex).

Soreness of uterus and bearing down < motion. walking, misstep, jar, > lying down and rest in general.

Menstrual pains relieved when flow appears (Lach., Zinc.).

Leucorrhoea smelling like FISH BRINE, like thick glue, with swelling and itching of labia and perineum, < bathing.

Leucorrhoea changeable in color, milky, yellow, < during stool, odor of old cheese.

Female parts smell like sweetish pus. VOICE, LARYNX, TRACHEA: During respiration larynx moves up and down (Alcohol, Ant. tart., Lyc., Op., Sulph. ac.).

Stuttering, stammering, whizzing speech, nasal, hoarse,.

husky voice; slow to begin speech, cannot get out first words unless he sings them (Lac.can.).

Raw feeling in trachea, relieved after expectoration of large chunks of mucus.

RESPIRATION, COUGH, ASTHMA, onset at any time, closes lips tightly during paroxysm, breathing through the nose, kneels on mothers lap, laying her head on mothers shoulder, or kneels on bed with head bored in pillow, FISHY ODOR FROM MOUTH BEFORE PAROXYSM.

Hacking cough from trachea after rising in morning, also in evening.

Cough, continued slight hacking without expectoration.

Chest, continued slight rattle even when in apparently good health.

Rattling cough, child gags and vomits a mouthful of stringy mucus.

Cough < laughing, talking, in a warm room in morning,> open air.

Sweet expectoration (Stann., Zinc. Chr.).

OUTER CHEST: Itching eruption on sternum.

NECK AND BACK: Neck so weak and emaciated that child can hardly hold its head up.

Skin about neck wrinkles and hangs in folds (Abrot., Ars., Iod., Nat. mur.).

Emaciates from above downward.

Pain between scapulae, < motion, whole left scapular region very sore. Pain between inferior angle of left scapula and spine, dull hard ache only RELIEVED BY PRESSING AGAINST SOMETHING HARD, will reach over left shoulder with right hand in order to press spot; also in a less degree relieved by heat.

Aching under right scapula.

Dampness between scapulae.

Deep seated pain in muscles along spine, < left side,
Back very weak in lumbar region as if it would break, comes on in morning after rising, gets gradually worse until noon, then gradually better until free from all pain by 6 or 7 p.m. He could tell when it was noon the back was so painful.

Sensation in lower back as if vertebra were gliding past each other, < rocking in chair.

Sacro-lumbar backache burning > gentle exercise, > lying flat on back.

Sharp pain in back from least turning, must hold self stiff and turn whole body in order to look around, pain < moving shoulders or lifting arms.

Lumbago. Pains in back < putting hands behind him, or raising arms, < while sitting.

Aching in muscles of back with stitches upward, < motion.

Cold sensation in lumbar region as from a cold cloth.

Itching pimples on coccyx. Small boils on back that do not mature.

Catch in back on reaching or straining.

UPPER LIMBS: Constant pain in right shoulder joint, < motion, cannot raise arm or put it back, pain acute on putting hand behind body or on head, with sense of coldness from elbow up. Pain in left shoulder, extending to chest, > heat, sits with back to heat.

Profuse sweat in axilla, excoriating (Sepia) (offensive sweat in axilla from least nervous excitement, Sepia).

Gooseflesh on arms (Ham., Sulph.).

Cracks in hands exuding watery fluid and blood, forming crusts.

Burning, smarting, soreness in deep angry, ragged cracks on hands, < cold weather. Knuckles of fingers crack and leak (Merc., Sulph.).

On putting hands together they sweat so profusely it drops from them, (Rheum, sweat of palms, when pressed together). Profuse sweat of palms, cold clammy hands.

Hang nails.

Boils on wrists do not mature, hard and painful but not very red, pain extends to axilla. Itching pimples on upper arm.

Hands as cold as though handling ice. Burning of palms, hot to touch.

LOWER LIMBS: Sore bruised sensation whole length of limbs.

Burning in feet especially soles, wants to put them in cool place, in water, or to uncover them. Child kicks the covers off in coldest weather.

Childs legs emaciated, can neither walk nor stand alone at 16 months, Child often falls while at play.

Feet cold in winter, burning in summer. Cold, clammy feet.

Feet offensive in spite of washing, foot sweat offensive (Bar. carb., Kali carb., Maland., Puls., Sil., Tell., Thuja). (Malandrinum, toes feel as if scalded and itch terribly underneath, compelled to change shoe twice a day, < by bathing in cold water. Profuse foot sweat with carrion like odor, toes so sore unable to walk, only > when feet are bared and elevated, thing and sweating would return as soon as feet hung down.

Foot sweat corrosive, eating the lining of the shoes (Sec. corn.), sweat and excoriation between the toes (Bar. carb., Nit. ac., Sil.). Foot sweat stiffens the shoe, sticky. Feet cold, damp, offensive, stockings stiff and sticky, as if full of gum.

Sweat on balls of feet, balls of feet burn and ache, changes shoes several times a day.

Childs soles burn all the time, hot to touch.

Cramps in feet in bed at night, they are so cold.

Feet restless, never still a minute.

Eczema of toes with offensive, sticky foot sweat. SLEEP: Twitching and jerking cause waking with a start. Moaning and starting in sleep. Child is restless during sleep and wakens cross and crying (Lyc., Tub.). On waking child rubs nose and eyes with fist (Scilla). Wakens screaming with fright.

Sleep restless, tossing, wakens at 3:30 a. m., wakens with arms under head.

Cannot bear anyone to lie close or touch him.

Dreams of robbers (Mag. carb., Nat. mur.), must search the house, dreams of murder or having committed murder. FEVER: Chilliness all day, < in warm room. Chilly all the time, mixed with flushes of heat.

Chills at irregular times, may come at night in bed, spreading from below up, chills < from motion, even turning over in bed.

Chill at 8:30 a. m., at 5 p. m., every day at same hour, or every other day, postponing two hours.

CHILLY, craves warmth, but head may feel better in opens air.

Coldness along the spine > by external heat (Caps.), with gooseflesh on back and arms.

Sweat on side lain on (China, Nit. ac., Benzinum, sweat on up side).

Sweats most where limbs come in contact or cross each other.

Profuse night sweats, most profuse on head, neck and chest during first sleep, wetting the pillow and clothing.

Sweat from above downward over entire body. Wants to move to a cool part of the bed.

Clothes feel damp (Calc carb., Sep., Tub.).

According to Dr. Gundlach, the prover, Sanicula spring water has cured many cases of chronic chills and fever. SKIN: Itching, ill nourished skin, itching < by scratching, itching < at night.

Intertrigo, skin in a very high state of inflammation, extending down the thighs, child cries during urination. Rhagades and roughness.

Neurotic eczema with an appearance of psoriasis. When first seen FACIAL eruption of 6th cycle in 8 weeks. Lesions with inflamed base, white crust. Silica given and failed, Sanicula CM cured promptly.

Margaret Burgess Webster