In the illiterate alone can we forgive the ridiculous confounding of “homoeopathic” and “small”, because to them the very essential distinction between health and disease, between drug and nutriment and finally between the laws and conditions of dead in contradistinction to living nature are wholly unknown, and they are therefore in this respect anything but responsible.

MIND: Mentally there is instability of purpose, constantly changing work, impossible to keep his mind on one subject, even in conversation, undertakes many things, completes none, starts to do something and forgets what it was. (Kali phos. starts to do something, drops it to try something else, then returns to first task).

Restless desire to go from place to place (Calc. phos., Tub., desire to travel), restless but not relieved by moving.

Depression and sense of impending misfortune. (CALC. CARB., CHINA SULPH., PSOR., Kali phos.)

Misconstrues the actions of others.

Fears he is losing his reason (CALC. CARB., CANN. IND., CIMIC.) Feels like cursing (Anac., Lil. tig., Nit. ac., Tub.).

Stubborn and touchy. Child headstrong and mulishly obstinate, irritable, willful, cries and kicks and throws himself backward, wants to be in constant motion day and night, nothing pacifies, does not want to be touched (Ant. crud., Ant. tart., Cham., Cina), or looked at (Ant. crud., Ant. tart., Cham., Cina, Iod.).

Great aversion to darkness (Grindelia, Med., Stram.), or to remaining in dark room. Feels that someone is sneaking up behind her when walking in the dark (Med. fear of the dark, thinks someone is behind her, hears whispering).

Dreads her work because she feels so exhausted, lack of energy with irresistible desire to lie down, > in the open air, < in a warm room (Kali sulph., Lyc., Nat. mur., Puls.), drowsy and sleepy.

SENSORIUM: Dr. Gundlach, who proved Sanicula, had served six years in the U. S. Navy and had suffered from seasickness all this time. He could not ride in a train or a closed carriage without having to vomit, he could not endure the downward motion of an elevator, it produced a feeling as if everything gave way under him, and as if the top of his head would fly off (Bapt., Cimic., Iris., Syph.). All of these symptoms were removed by proving Sanicula. (Cocc., Petr., Tab. are to be compared in seasickness).

Child dreads downward motion, clings to the nurse (Borax, Gels.).

Head in a whirl, feels half crazy with it.

Vertigo after eating (Grat., Nux vom., Puls.), vertigo on first rising in morning.

INNER HEAD: Headache begins in cervical region, extending to forehead and eyes (Sang., Sil., Spig.), with sensation of contraction of scalp and desire to elevate the eyebrows.

Headache < by motion, < misstep of jar of any kind, < noise, < light, < leaning head forward, < DRAFT TO AIR, especially cold air, wraps head up even in summer to protect it from the wind (PSOR.), > riding in open air (Puls. > by walking slowly in the open air), (Nit. ac. > by riding). Cannot stand cold air about back of head or neck. Sensation as though wind passed through head.

Dull frontal headache, dull pain in frontal sinuses, < stooping, < laughing, < pressure. Sensation as if scalp were all drawn up to vertex.

Wants head cool, cant stand heat of stove about the head, but warmth relieves body pains.

OUTER HEAD: Child cannot hold head up, neck is so weak and emaciated (AEthusa, Calc. carb., Lyc., Nat. mur., Puls., Sil.).

Child sweats profusely about back of head and neck during sleep, wetting pillow all around.

Small boils on head which do not mature.

Hair dry (Calc. carb., Kali carb., Psor., Thuja), lustreless (Kali nit., Psor.). Dandruff on top of head. Scalp itches on getting warm. Hair seems electrified, making a crackling noise when combed. Falling out of hair (Fluor. ac., Graph., Sil., Thuja).

Crusty eruption on scalp.

EYES: Conjunctiva very red < when child has been playing.

hard. Lids agglutinated every morning with brown matter, so profuse that it runs out on pillow. Eyeball covered with mucus which obstructs the sight and must be wiped away.

Photophobia < from sunlight (Graph.).

Eyelids burn, exude a sticky substance which dries on margins into white scales, awakens with dryness of whole eye as if sticking to lid.

Catarrhal ophthalmia with profuse yellow discharge.

Great photophobia without much inflammation (CON.).

Rapid winking, spasmodic opening and shutting of eyes (Lac can.). Must close eyes continually.

Discharge from eyes thick yellowish, greenish matter, excoriating every part it touches.

EARS: Eustachian catarrh with stuffed feeling in left ear.

Soreness behind ears with discharge of white sticky, gluey substance (Graph., Psor.).

NOSE: Honeycomb like scabs from anterior and posterior nares, nose sore, stuffed up with yellow scabs or green crusts. Crusty sores in right nostril (Aur., Iod.).

Discharge from nose yellow green with streaks of blood, thick, yellow, ropy, tenacious mucus from posterior nares, must be pulled out with fingers and stretching two or three feet without breaking (Kali bich., Hydrast., Sang.).

Thin, acrid discharge from nose, nose obstructed, must breathe through mouth.

Fluent coryza < eating (Carbo an., Clem., Nux vom., Plb., Psor., Sil., Zinc. ox.).

Green yellow discharge excoriating nostrils and lip.

Child rubs nose constantly, looks frightened.

Water smells like old, musty rain water.

FACE: Face pale, often ashen. Thin or old looking with dirty brownish skin (ARG. NIT. < about neck). Face deep yellow.

Copious dandruff in eyebrows and beard.

Pimply face.

Constantly picking large scabs on upper lip until they bleed.

MOUTH and TONGUE: Tongue coated yellow, breath foetid. Dark brown streak down center of tongue in morning on waking.

Tongue furred and dry as leather, so dry it sticks to the roof of the mouth (Bry., Nux mosch.), no thirst.

Mass of ulcers under tongue and inside of lips. In ulcers under the tongue Fluor. ac. and Lyc. should be compared. Ringworm on tongue (Nat. mur., Ran. scler., Tarax.).

Child protrudes tongue, cannot take nourishment on account of pain. Burning of tongue, must protrude to keep it cool.

Roof of mouth raw and ulcerated < hot drinks. Burning in mouth > by cold water or drawing in cold air (Phos. < breathing in cold air). Great dryness of mouth, no thirst.

Profuse salivation. Sore mouth of children with appearance of curdled milk.

Aphthae on lips and in mouth which can be scraped off with finger.

Fishy odor from mouth before asthma paroxysms.

THROAT: Dryness of throat, constant desire to swallow and moisten parts but cannot. Can swallow solids better than fluids (Lach.). (Sang. dryness not > by drinking).

Cold sensations as though a piece of ice had been held there.

Throat feels too large.

Throat and posterior wall of pharynx of a purple color (Lach., Ail., Bapt.).

Coughs out tough blood streaked clinkers in the morning. APPETITE: Craves bacon (Calc. phos., Mez., Rad. met.) cold milk (Chel., Phos., Rhus tox., Tub.), wants all food cold, craves salt (Nat. mur., Phos., Verat. alb., Med.).

Loss of desires for bread unless fresh baked (Chin., Nat. mur.).

Child wants to nurse all the time, is never satisfied yet loses flesh (Iod., Nat. mur., Tub.), irritable and cross vomits large tough curds, no rest day or night, always < from 9 p.m. until after midnight.

No appetite, no desire for anything but water, drinks little and often, water is vomited as soon as it reaches the stomach (Ars., Cad. sulph., Bism., Pyrog.).

STOMACH and HYPOCHONDRIA: Stomach sensitive to pressure. Pain from epigastrium down through bowels into right testicle.

Tremor in stomach. Quivering form stomach up to throat. Full feeling in stomach and abdomen, full up to the neck.

Qualmishness < after eating, oily food disagrees.

Shooting in right hypochondriac region.

Soreness through stomach and region of liver, liver enlarged with great tenderness to pressure or jar, could not laugh without supporting stomach and bowels with hand,> when stomach was full, < empty stomach.

Gurgling in left hypochondrium passing down descending colon, often with acute pain followed by soreness, < after meals or the rumbling in the intestines may be relieved by eating. Faint and weak after eating, must lie down.

ABDOMEN: Gurgling in the abdomen like distant thunder. Gurgling and whistling in the abdomen, afraid to move for fear it will be heard.

Abdomen bloated as if it would burst.

“Pot bellied.” Children, abdomen is the largest part of them.

STOOL and RECTUM: Most obstinate constipation, resembling Alumina in total lack of desire for stool and complete inactivity of rectum. Takes hold of seat with both hands and strains until it seems as if the head would burst (Alum.), on stopping straining to get breath stool recedes (Op., Sil., Thuja), even a soft stool requires a great effort to expel. Goes a week without desire for stool.

Stool must be removed mechanically (Sel., Sil.) Stool so large and painful feared she would rupture sphincter, causing GREAT PAIN IN WHOLE PERINEUM, had to restrain urging, and pick away small grey balls composing stool.

Burning in rectum and perineum for hours after stool (Sulph., Nit. ac., Ratanhia).

STOOL IN ONE LARGE HEAVY MASS, IMPACTED (Calc. carb., Sep., Sel., Sil., Pyrog.).

Stool feels full of jagged particles, very painful, lacerating anus, sensation as though passing sticks (AEsc., Hell., Iris, Rat., Thuja).

Stool greyish white balls looking like burnt lime, hard and crumble to pieces when pressed. Smell like rotten cheese (Bry., Hep., Tub.), no amount of washing will get rid of odor (Sulph.).

Margaret Burgess Webster