Op.: pains press, squeeze, shoot from different places. to bladder and tests; Pareira: pain down left ureter to. groin; chronic; excruciating, haemorrhage from ureters. provoked by passage of stone; urinates on all fours:. Phos.: congestive and inflammatory symptoms; purulent. and chalky sand y sediment; Sars.: during passage of. stone; excruciating pain right kidney downward; pain at. conclusion of urination almost unendurable; Senec.:. kidneys and ureters inflamed after passage of stone;. Staph.: after domestic disturbances or indignation:. Tab.: pain violent along ureters, cold, weak, deathly. nausea.) (In all cases of colic, or other clinicals. herein mentioned, consult the Essentials and Important. symptoms enumerated above.).

CONFINEMENT: After tedious and difficult labor. Delirium,. talks about death. Any trouble that includes the above. Essentials.

CONVULSIONS: The convulsions arrested by Acon. do not rest. on a chronic constitutional base but are of recent. origin, as in the puerperal state and are caused by. sudden nervous shock, fright, face red, hot and sweaty,. with the above Essentials; these symptoms cover the. puerperal state too.

CONJUNCTIVITIS: (See under Inflammation: Conjunctiva).

CORYZA: From cold, dry winds or checked sweat; comes on in. the night after taking cold from exposure, especially. if too thinly clad; pressing shooting pain in. forehead; headache and roaring in ears; hoarse and. rattling; violent throbbing in head, better in open. air; muscles sore, must support chest when sneezing;. especially useful for rosy, chubby, plethoric babies;. CHECKED: Headache; better open air; worse talking; DRY:. Headache, roaring in ears, thirst, restless, sleepless,. nares hot and dry, chill and fever, from above causes;. FLUENT: Frequent sneezing; dropping of clear hot water;. mornings; incipient; chills and fever; from. above causes.



PHTHISIS: Sleepless from fright, fear or anxiety, fear of future, profuse sweat during sleep. Consult above Essentials.

PILES: Bleed, hot, sting; stinging and pressure in anus; sharp stitches; blood bright red. Consult the above Essentials. BLADDER: Haematuria and burning distress in urethra, and above Essentials.

PLEURISY: (See Inflammation: Pleura, above).

PLEURODYNIA: From exposure to cold after being overheated, with the above Essentials.

PREGNANCY: Dreads excitement or many people. Has ;no affection for anyone. Toothache. Jaundice. Must rise each night between 12 and 3 a.m. to urinate; dysuria. Heart beats quicker and stronger with anxiety about it. Consult above Essentials.

PROLAPSUS UTERI: Sudden, cold sweat, inflammation, bitter vomiting, or skin may be dry, with or without haemorrhage, genitals inflamed, nervous excitability, and above Essentials.

RHEUMATISM: Urine scanty, red and hot; ACUTE: Knees swell, pains cut, throb and sting, sleepless, had to sit up, pain intolerable, affected parts lame and numb, pains tear, wander, better profuse sweat. ARTICULAR: Swelling red and hot, or pale, shifts from joint to joint, especially if from suddenly checked sweat or by dry, cold winds or air. MUSCULAR: Great agitation of heart; of back and limbs. In all cases consult the above Essentials. Acon. is rarely useful in true Arthritis.

SCIATICA: As of ice water running down nerve, with above Essentials.

STOOL: Green masses, like chopped spinach. Bloody, slimy mucus. Small and Watery. Worse after getting wet.

CHOLERA: Vomits and purges green water, skin cool, dry or cold and viscous, or cold to touch, but patient feels as if burning, collapse; INFANTUM, or summer complaint: Stools like chipped spinach; MORBUS: Acon., when indicated, will often cut short an attack without the aid of any other remedy if given in the beginning.

DIARRHOEA: Bilious; of infants, colic, no position relieves; after a chill or fright; from hot days and cold nights (inflammatory); from getting wet; in summer from cold drinks or checked sweat; stools watery, green, or slimy, bloody; violent pain in bowels, tenesmus also between stools. Most of the bowel complaints of children come on form intense heat, the child cries and complains much, bites its fists and is sleepless. DYSENTERY: During hot days and cool nights, stools scant, loose frequent, tenesmus, or small, brown, painful, at last bloody, violent pain in rectum; in autumn, stools scanty, bloody, slimy and much tenesmus (Merc. follows well). Given early, when indicated, it will cut short an attack without the aid of any other remedy. It is also a valuable intercurrent when Merc. cor. apparently indicated, fails. It closely resembles Dulc. and it is followed well by that drug, also Bell.

SYNCOPE (Fainting): From fright, palpitation, numb, tingles (cardiac hypertrophy). (Other remedies, in brief, are: Ars., frequent, from least motion, before and after vomiting (haematemesis); Bry., morning on rising; (Carb. veg. after); sitting up (diarrhoea); Camph., cold, cold sweaty skin, face red but pale if raised; pulse thready, though icy cold throws clothing off as soon as strong enough; Cact., suffocation; Carb.veg., from abuse of Merc.; eructations; while lying in bed; after sleep; after rising (Bry.: on); China, metrorrhagia; Cocc., hysterical; nausea; Coff., from sudden emotions; Dig., preceded by dim vision, pulse slow, irregular, complains of nausea and deathly weakness at stomach; Hep., evenings, from least pain; Hydr. ac., (See Laur.); Ign.,……

hysterical; sobbing; Ip., haemorrhage, vomiting, clean tongue; Lach., during menses in nervous women, nausea, palpitation, vertigo, faceache; Laur., long lasting faints, no reaction, face pale blue, if one drinks water it rolls audibly into the stomach; Linaria, faints dead away without apparent cause; Mosch., suffocation, convulsions; Nat. mur., vertigo; Nux, after vomiting or diarrhoeic stool, or pain during labor, very sick or weak after attack, pain above eyes, tendency to attack morning, nausea, also from strong odors; Nux Mosch., disposition to, in hysteria; Op., from fright especially if Acon. fails, whenever he attempts to rise from bed, with sudden return of animation when lying down; Phos. from odor of flowers, gas, ethereal oils, turpentine, etc.; Phos. ac., from weakness after loss of blood or other animal fluids; Puls., close room, better open air; Sec., during labor; Sep., kneeling in church; Tab., vomiting; Trill., haemorrhage in flabby subjects; Verat., cold sweat especially on forehead, vomiting).

TETANUS (Tetanic convulsions): Face drawn and rigid, with above Essentials. Impending, muscles tense, tingling and numbness. As preventives we have, Acon. as above, Bell., Cic., Hyper. (excruciating pain in wound), Sil., and Verat. vir. (Other remedies, in brief, are: Aesc., after constriction in stomach; Amyl., violent after a burn; Ant. tart., with trismus; Arn., traumatic (Hell., Hyper.); Ars., sudden jerkings through whole body, drawing in limbs during menses, writhes; Bell., infantile with trismus; Calad., idiopathic or traumatic; Camph., of arms and hands; of lower jaw; in measles; of new-born; Cham., after measles; Chin. sulph., during labor; Chloral., sudden, traumatic, in infants and newborn; Cic., traumatic; in cerebrospinal meningitis; Cup., bending head back, urine escapes;, acute hydrocephalus; Guarea, hysterical; Hep., newborn; Hydr. ac., in cholera; during diarrhoea or dysentery; traumatic; respiration hurried, labored, worse night, dropping off to sleep; Ign., after fright, frequent inclination to yawn; Ip., from swallowing tobacco, bluish red face; Lach., peculiar look, remissions midnight until noon; Laur., cholera; Led., puerperal; traumatic, begins in wound, parts become cold as ice; Mosch., sudden contraction of larynx as from fumes of sulph; Natr. carb., left side; Nux, traumatic; interruptions of a few minutes during which muscles relax; clonic spasms especially severe with opisthotonos; Nux mosch., hysterical headache; Plat., wild shrieks alternating with catalepsy; Stram., with trismus; Verat., with trismus).

TOOTHACHE: From dry, cold winds, or taking cold in raw winds, or during pregnancy; in young plethoric persons; neuralgic; throbbing in left side of face usually, or right to left, one cheek intensely red, congestion to head; pains are intense cutting, shooting in hollow tooth, or even in sound teeth, affecting whole head. A comforting remedy when applied to a hollow tooth on a pledged of cotton. Consult the above Essentials.

TRISMUS: With the above Essentials.

VERTIGO: From congestion, as in sun; on stooping; staggers to right; as if drunk; with nausea worse rising from a set, less walking and none sitting; epistaxis; black before eyes on shaking head; after fright, anxious as if dying; must lie down; on rising from lying, red face becomes pale, or he becomes dizzy and falls over again; often nausea and vanishing of sight or unconscious; from sudden suppression of menses from cold; or from a fall or concussion, face pale or red, but no stupor.

WORMS: Seat; accumulation of water in mouth; region of navel hard, swollen; urging; slimy stools; anus itches, tingles intolerably night; child sleepless. Consult above Essentials.

Alfred Pulford
Alfred Pulford, M.D., M.H.S., F.A.C.T.S. 1863-1948 – American Homeopath and author who carried out provings of new remedies. Author of Key to the Homeopathic Materia Medica, Repertoroy of the Symptoms of Rheumatism, Sciatica etc., Homeopathic Materia Medica of Graphic Drug Pictures.
Dayton T. Pulford