Sleepless:excessive wakefulness after midnight,. anxiety,restless, continued tossing about. Dreams:. vivid of days occurrences; anxious, night, wakes with. a start; long anxiety in chest taking away breath and waking him; anxious, heavy with oppressed. chest. Awakened: by asthma, nightmare, startings and. cough.

CHILL: Shuddering lying down night. Sudden, evening followed. by heat. After violent chill, dry heat, dyspnoea,. lancinating pains through chest.

HEAT: Face hot, hands and feet cold; mostly evening. Thirst. for beer, or burning thirst.

SWEAT: Profuse, warm, even hot. Free. Long continued general. sweat, sourish odor. Affected and covered parts sweat,. like to be uncovered. Wore sweating, better after. Cold. Bad effect of suppressed sweats, as: catarrh,. fever, local inflammations.

SENSATIONS: Pains intolerable. Stitches here and there. Stinging and burning as if in skin. Formication,. numbness and tingling. As if bruised or beaten in. different parts.

TISSUES: Seldom useful in typhoid states. Acts more on. arteries. Plethora; active capillary congestion. Local. congestions and inflammations. Complaints in joints;. crack, cramp, shoot, loss of power; drawing in joint and aponeurosis. Glands pain, hot, swollen.

SKIN: The nervous sensations, especially the formication and. the sleep sensation, point to its use in certain. neurosis. Tingling over whole surface. Dry. Swelling:. red, shining, hot, violent pains. Prickling, fine, as. from needles here and there. Erythema from suns rays;. papular. Rash: of children; scarlet, high fever (but. seldom used in scarlet fever).

GENERAL: Heat as well as cold is injurious to the Acon. patient. Tension, both mental and physical. Numbness in. limbs and other parts as if bound tightly. Time of. aggravation at night, about midnight. Very useful in. childrens diseases with high fever and great restlessness. Persons: dark hair and eyes, plethoric, who come. down violently; strong, robust; rigid fibre; who lead. sedentary lives; rugged children. Crawling, tingling. like ants along the nerves. More indicated in women and. children than in men; sensitive, excitable, vigorous. women. Trembling, tingling, convulsion of muscles.

INDIVIDUAL: FEAR OF DEATH PREGNANCY; while walking across a. busy street. Formication of head, better heat. Heat of. heat as from a hot iron around it. Pain in head, OVER. EYES FROM COLD, DRY WINDS. Cramping pain in head from. suppressed catarrh. Eyes INFLAMED FROM COLD WINDS, LIDS SENSITIVE TO COLD AIR. As of cold air on tongue. TEARING PAIN IN TEETH ON GOING TO BED. Tingling in oesophagus. STOMACH INFLAMED AFTER COLD THINGS; burning pain after fright. PAIN FROM ABDOMEN TO CHEST DURING. STOOL. Anxious urging on BEGINNING TO URINATE. URINATION INVOLUNTARY WITH THIRST AND FEAR. Menses. suppressed by a cold bath. Dry cough from change of. temperature. Inflammation of heart, must lie on back. with head raised; of upper right lung. SHARP CUTTING. PAIN IN CHEST AFTER CHILL. Rawness in chest after change of temperature. Palpitation on becoming chilled.

AS OF BOILING WATER POURED INTO CHEST. Numbness and. loss of sensation of back to lower limbs. Coldness of. limbs, better motion. Formication in fingers when. writing. Numbness of gouty lower limbs and legs. STITCHING PAINS; hot in toes. Paralysis of upper. limbs during meningitis. TINGLING FROM FEET UPWARDS. Shaking chill, night, on lying down. Burning, dry heat. extends from head and face, thirst for cold drinks. ONE CHEEK RED AND HOT, THE OTHER PALE AND COLD, IN FEVERS. Copious sweat and urine with diarrhoea. Faint, better continued walking.

LEADER: Delusion that he was about to die. Nervous. excitement. Fear in a crowd; of death during labor,. predicts the hour. Vertigo, sways to right. Boiling. sense in head. Stitching pain in eyes on motion, eyes. red after injuries; sensitive to cold air. Dry coryza. from cold, dry winds or currents of air. Face as if. large. Pulsating pain in face. Pain in sound teeth;. from, or in raw or cold, dry winds. Blood oozes from. throat. Burning pain in navel region. Stool like. chopped spinach. Urine retained every time child takes. cold; also in new-born infants. Tension in bladder. Child urges to urinate ineffectually. Inflamed ovaries. from checked menses. Sharp pain in uterus.

Dry trachea. Loud, barking cough. Palpitation during. day; also after fright. Sense of hot water in chest. Toes cold. Left forearm numb; also legs on sitting. Chill and fever alternate, night. Faint after urinating.

MISCELLANEOUS: ABUSE of Acon. calls for Sulph.

AILMENTS from Acon.: CHAM., CIMIC., COFF., NUX, Petr.,. Sep., SULPH. Antidoted by: Acet. ac., Alcohol,. Paris, Vin.

ANTIDOTES: BELL., CHAM., COFF., Morph. (secondary. symptoms), NUX, Petr., Sep., SULPH., VERAT.

COMPARE with: Op, and Stram. in effects of fright, but. these lack the agony of Acon.; Sulph. which is the. chronic of Acon.; Camph., better uncovering; Gels.,.

effects of bad news, fright or anger; China, white.

stools; Bry., diarrhoea from anger; Hep., effects. of cold, dry winds; Bell., Cham., Coff., Ferr. phos.

COMPLEMENTARY to: Arn. bruises; Coff. sleepless, fever, pain.

intolerable; Sulph. high in all cases.

FOLLOWED BY: ARN., BELL. (gastric states, and after. pulmonary febrile affections); Bry., Hep., Iod. (chest), Ip., Puls., SEP., SULPH.; colic: Ars.;. cough: Bry., Spong.; croup: Bry., Spong.; croup:. Hep. or Spong.; Strangury of child: Puls.;. dysentery MERC., Sil.


Related to the other Aconites. Acids, wine, coffee, lemonade and acid fruits nullify its action. From too many doses, or if given too strong and patient is slow in recovering from attack, or if the patient himself has taken it unwisely, Coff. or Nux will often set matters right.

Aconite means without dust. It grows on dry rocks almost devoid of earth. Its flower is the shape of a monks hood. Some of its principles are said to be contained in Hell., and in one variety of Staph. It is claimed in Persia and Switzerland the tops have been eaten as greens. Elephants are said to eat it with immunity. Tension, both mental and physical, characterize Aconite. The Acon. patient comes down suddenly, violently, and recovers rapidly, usually with a copious sweat. One cheek red, the other pale, with anxiety and chilliness, always indicates Acon. Acute symptoms occurring during a chronic disease often require it.

CLINICAL: Any disease that includes the above Essentials.

ABORTION (Miscarriage): Impends from fright, anger or. vexation, excited circulation and rapid respiration. Giddy on rising from lying cannot remain up. Often. afraid to get out of bed, to move, to go from room to. room, or to go out doors (See under menses).

AMENORRHOEA: (See under menses).

ANGINA PECTORIS: Intense pain in all directions, especially. down left arm and with numbness and tingling; anxious,.

colds, fear of death, cold sweats and feeble pulse. (See above Essentials).

APOPLEXY: Unconscious as if dying; speechless; congestion,. anxiety; face hot and dark red or pale; carotids throb;.

pulse full and strong or weak and rapid; worse toward. evening; limbs cold, left side lame, eyes stare, brain.

burns. (Other remedies in brief are: Apis; complete. stupor, Op. failing; Arn.: face paralyzed; paralysis. left side; pulse full, strong; stertorous breathing;.

aching soreness all over; bed sores from readily; Bar. carb.: of old people and drunkards; Bell.: early. convulsions; paralysis follows; Caust.: paralysis of. opposite side of body; Hell.: idiocy follows: Hyos.:.

Convulsions; Lach.: threatens in drunkards; of. drunkards; convulsions; paralysis follows; Nux:. paralysis follows; Op.: convulsions; face red; stertorous breathing; tetanic rigidity; threatened in drunkards, occiput feels heavy as lead, stertorous. breathing, free sweat which does not relieve, spasmodic. jerking of limbs,numb, variable pulse; Rhus: hemiplegia. of right side follows; Stront. carb.: threatens;. violent congestion of head, face gets hot and red. every time patient walks; mere exertion increases. circulation upward toward head; Tab.: deathly pale;. cold sweat breaks out over whole body).

ASPHYXIA: Newborn, hot, purple hued, pulseless and. breathless, or nearly so, (Other remedies, in brief,.

are: Amm. carb.: from charcoal fumes; Amm. tart.:. atelectasis; from drowning; from accumulation of mucus;.

in oedema pulmonum; in impending paralysis of lungs in. pneumonia; coma; delirium; face pale or dark red, lips. blue, muscles twitch; pulse threadlike in newborn, rattling of mucus in throat;

Arn.: from blows or falls; from charcoal fumes; in newborn; Bell.: newborn; face very red , eyeballs much.

injected; Bov.: from charcoal fumes; Camph.: newborn,. apparent death; Ant. tart.: failing; Camph.: newborn,. apparent death; Ant. tart.: failing; Carb. sulph.: From. alcohol or charcoal gas; China: from loss of blood; in. newborn from loss of blood of mother, or if infants is. pale; Chlor.; in laryngismus stridulus; Cochl.:. apparent apoplectic death after haemorrhage from nose. and lungs during whooping-cough; Hydr. ac.: during. cholera; coma; respiration gasping, irregular; body. cold and blue, distress about heart and repeated weak. spells; Hyper.: after a fall with shootings and. jerkings; Ip.: from mucus during influenza; Lach.:. apparent from drowning; after a jealous quarrel; Laur.:. cholera; newborn, face blue, muscles twitch, gasping. without really breathing; Nux: from a stroke of. lightning; Op.: from carbon gas; from hanging; newborn;. Tab.: speedy collapse; freely developed).

Alfred Pulford
Alfred Pulford, M.D., M.H.S., F.A.C.T.S. 1863-1948 – American Homeopath and author who carried out provings of new remedies. Author of Key to the Homeopathic Materia Medica, Repertoroy of the Symptoms of Rheumatism, Sciatica etc., Homeopathic Materia Medica of Graphic Drug Pictures.
Dayton T. Pulford