ASTHMA: From active hyperaemia of lungs or brain, or after emotions, or the suppression of an acute rash; face. red, eyes starting, can talk but little at a time, as. of a band around the chest, muscles feel rigid,. occasional vomiting, it wakens one (See also Essential. and Important above); after the paroxysms yellow or blood streaked sputum; pulse small, intermits,. irregular.

BILIOUS FEVER: (See Fever, Bilious).

BRONCHITIS (See Inflammation: bronchi).

CATARRH: Acute, with the above Essentials; Gastric: From. exposure, or the checking of acute eruptions, or. chilling stomach suddenly by drinking ice cold water;. Sharp, acute inflammations; retches, vomits bile or. blood, or ineffectual urging to vomit after stomach is. empty (See above Essentials).

CHILL: On least motion; sudden, evening followed by heat;. alternating with heat, terminated by sweat; violent at. beginning, more evening after lying down, often one hot. cheek and contracted pupil, or hot forehead and ears;. alternating with heat, all night, with desire to be. uncovered by gets chilly thereby. (Consult the above. Essentials).

CHOLERA: (See Stool: Cholera).

CHOROIDITIS: (See Inflammation: Choroid).

COLIC: Violent, inflammatory, after a cold; forces one to. bend double but without relief, involves bladder with. constant ineffectual urging to urinate, constriction in. hypogastrium in region of bladder; of INFANTS: Child. bites its fists; with above Essentials. (Other remedies. in brief are: Bell.: pain comes and goes suddenly,. bends forward, face re, pupils large; Bor.: screams. during downward motion; Cham.: angry, cross, draws up. legs, better carried; Chloral: threatens convulsions;. Coloc.: writhes, doubles up, draws up legs, better. pressure or carried on shoulder of nurse; if it fails. to cure or even give quick or prompt relief and the. attacks return, consult especially Kali carb. or. Stann.; Ign.: if mother or wet nurse suffered from. grief; Illicium. an.: 3 month colic, especially colic. returning at regular hours; Ip.: and indigestion from. acids, unripe fruit or beer; Iris: flatulent, better. bending forward, and discharging flatus; Kali brom.:. periodical 5 p.m.; Mag. phos.: flatulent, draws up. legs, better heat and pressure; Nux vom.: from. stimulating food taken by mother or wet nurse;. constipated, much flatus; Nux mosch.: transient. paleness, lassitude, faint; Staph.: from indisposition. of mother or wet nurse.)

HEPATIC (Gallstone colic):. with the above Essentials. (Other remedies, in brief,. are: Bell.: clutching, clawing pains, come and go. suddenly, red face; Berb.: pains radiate in all. directions; Calc.: darting pains, right to left,. profuse sweat; Card. m.: pains pressive, drawing,. stitching; Cepa: pains begin in hepatic region and. spread over abdomen, worse about navel; Cham.:. irritable, snappy, uncivil; Chel.: every 2 weeks;. chilly; pains across gall-bladder, extends quickly. downward across navel to intestines; constant pain. under lower angle right scapula; clay-like stools;

China: periodic; pains shoot, parts extremely sensitive. to touch; Chloroform: intense pain, tympanites,. restless, Cholest.: said to be almost specific for. gallstone colic, relieved after Card. m., China, Nux,. Pod., and other apparently indicated remedies failed;. to be considered when it is impossible to obtain. symptoms. By no means use morphine until this remedy. has been tried; Dios.: pains cut, squeeze, twist,. often extend to nipple; Elat.: dull pain in right. hypochondria; cutting in bowels; Nux: sudden severe. pain in right side, spasms abdominal muscles, stitching. pain in liver; Sang.: skin and urine dark yellow;. Staph.: after domestic disturbances or indignation).

MENSTRUAL (Dysmenorrhoea): Bends double, with the above. Essentials. (Other remedies, in brief, are: Alum.: with. prolapsus; Apis: congestive; discharge scanty, slimy. blood; ovarian neuralgia; Arg. nit.: day before menses. (Lach. 1st day); Arn.: bruised pain and general bruised. soreness; Ars.: burning, cutting, stinging in. epigastrium, sides and back ; Bell.: bearing down,. spasmodic, labor-like, congestion to head, face deep. red, pains come and go suddenly; Bry.: membranous;. bruised pains, worse least motion; congestion to head;. Calc.: membranous; labor-like; from excitement, cramp. at beginning, cutting;

Carb. veg.: bruised pain; desire. to be fanned; Caust.: on appearing, cutting, tearing;. Cham.: after anger, labor-like, back to front, uncivil;. Cim.: bearing down, labor-like, rheumatic, down thighs;. Cocc.: contractive, on every motion and breath, cramp,. cutting, as if parts were crushed between stones; worse. motion, cold and contact; Coff.: cramps, bends double,. throws herself on ground; Coloc.: cramps, cutting,. sometimes worse after eating and drinking, bends. double, better pressure; Collin.: pelvic and portal. congestion, piles diarrhoea and loss of appetite; Con.:. bearing down, labor-like; drawing in legs; shooting in. left chest or pain around heart;

Croc.: bearing down; dark stringy blood; Crot. hor.: at. beginning; in lower abdomen and down thighs; Cup.: cramps, to. chest, causing nausea and vomiting; Cyc.: flow ceases. during pain; Dulc.: in cold, damp weather; takes cold easily; Erig.; with haemorrhage; Ferr.: face flushes. easily, deep red; must move slowly; Gels.: neuralgic;. rheumatic; labor-like; to hips; bearing down;. congestion to head, face deep red; cramps in legs;. Graph.: labor-like; obstinate megrim; Glon.: discharge. scanty with epilepsy; congestion to head; throbbing. instead of flow; Ham.: inflammatory; neuralgic;. irritable ovaries; Helon.: delicate, chlorotic women of. lax fibre; Ign.: labor-like; contractive;; crampy;. pressive, better pressure and lying, irritable nervous. system and sighing; Ip.: sick headache; Kali bich.:. membranous; eruption and periostitis;

Kali carb.:. chilly; griping and pressure in abdomen and groins down. thighs; Kali iod.: urging to urinate which disappears. with onset of flow; Kreos.: with stitches in sides;. Lach.: first day; bearing down; crampy; flows but one. hour every day; the smaller discharge the grater the. pain; on stooping violent pain in left ovary; pains run. upward; Lil. tig.: cutting in bowels, limbs clammy,. thin leucorrhoea; Mag. carb.: at beginning; drawing in. sides; Mag. mur.: better having back pressure; Murex:. like something pressing in a sore sport during first. part of period, which sometimes returns; Mag. phos.: and during flow; better heat and pressure; Natr. carb.:. bearing down, labor-like; Natr. sulph.: scanty menses;. constipation;

Nit. ac.: bearing down; cramp as if. abdomen would burst; Nux: bruised pain, congestion to. head and irritability; Nux: bruised pain, congestion. to head and irritability; Nux mosch.: at onset;. bearing down; stitches in lower abdomen worse sitting;. better external heat; Oleum an.: cutting, menses too. early; Petros.: strong, plethoric women; Plat.:. pinching; Puls.: bearing down, labor-like; chorea; sick. headache; pressing in abdomen and small of back, down-. ward; like a stone; restless; tearful; Rhod.:. rheumatic;

Rhus: membranous; rheumatic; Sang.: sick headache;. Sars.: begins mornings; Sec.: bearing down; cutting. tearing; cold sweat; averse to covering Senec.: urinary. symptoms; Sep.: at beginning; bearing down, labor-like,. lower abdomen down thighs; discharge scanty; Sulph.:. pain small of back; labor-like; drawing; discharge scanty; Ust.: congestive with ovarian irritation;. Verat.: neuralgic; chilly; cold; cold sweat, especially. on forehead; prolapsus; Verat. v.: preceded by. troublesome strangury; congestive; plethoric women with. strong constitutions; Vib.: membranous; neuralgic;. cramps; irritable ovaries; Xanth.: inguinal region, run. along course of genitocrural nerve; agonizing, drives. one almost distracted; abundant discharge; eyes. congested, photophobia; face flushed and feverish.).

RENAL: Acon.: with the above essentials. (Other. remedies, in brief, are: Arn.: agonizing pain back and. hips; generally bruised, sore and sensitive to. pressure; Bell.: spasmodic crampy, clutching pains,. come and go suddenly, face red; Benz. ac.: urine deep. red or brown and of a very highly urinous odor; Berb.:. pains in loins and hips; or radiate in all directions;. Canth.: cutting, contracting pains ureters to penis;. Caps.: spasms of bladder; Carb. an.: ineffectual. urging, painful pressure in loins, groins and thighs;. Cham.; cross, irritable, uncivil; Chloroform.: during. passage of stone; restless, tympanitic, intense pain;.

Dios.: pain from crest of right ilium, right leg and. testicle to renal region, or in a spot over crest of. right ilium to renal region and down right leg and into. right testicle; itching; skin bathed in clammy sweat;. loud moaning, trembles, writhes about bed; Lyc.: pain,. especially right ureter, near hip, to bladder, not. extending beyond median line, after catching cold; red. sand in urine; Mag. phos.: spasmodic pains better heat. and pressure, urine clear like water; Nux.: after. anodynes; pain right kidney to genitals and right leg. better lying on back, worse rising and walking; unable. to lie on right side; sweat; constant urging to. urinate; Ocim.: right side: violent vomiting; red sand. in urine; especially if subject to pain in ureters;

Alfred Pulford
Alfred Pulford, M.D., M.H.S., F.A.C.T.S. 1863-1948 – American Homeopath and author who carried out provings of new remedies. Author of Key to the Homeopathic Materia Medica, Repertoroy of the Symptoms of Rheumatism, Sciatica etc., Homeopathic Materia Medica of Graphic Drug Pictures.
Dayton T. Pulford