Case 2: Miss Pinninger, age six, sent me by a chiropractor. We found a thick, dark gray, leathery membrane extending from nares to larynx; putrescence and excessive fetor; salivation; epistaxis; ulceration; excoriating sanious discharge from nose; heart extremely weak < exertion; great prostration; coldness; tendency to cyanosis. Membrane in fauces looked as thick as one;s thumb. She received just seven powders of Merc. cy. 30x, and made a complete recovery.

Just what in the forgoing cases would indicate antitoxin in preference to the remedies given? Were the two cases so near alike that the same remedy would have cured them? Or that it would take a highly trained mind to discover either the difference of the two cases or the allopathic and the homoeopathic treatment of the same? Or are they not so dissimilar that even a wooden Indian could not escape noticing them? Have we come to the stage where curative medicine has become a crime and that it is the sacred duty of a certain part of our profession to suppress it on all and every occasion?

Are we to sacrifice our “high and only mission” to politics and ignorance medical? God knows medically we are ignorant enough without making ignorance compulsory. There is nothing intelligent about the use of antitoxin, it is wrong in theory, in principle and in fact, and worst of all unnatural. “Thou shalt not commit adultery.” Are we above the law? Just what is polluting the human blood-stream with horse-serum?.

The wise homoeopath, brothers Raisbeck, Raue, Harkness, Mitchell and all other proponents of antitoxin to the contrary, will stick to homoeopathy and the indicated remedy as against antitoxin, live for them, fight for them and he will have no regrets. “Ignorance of the law excuses no man,” neither does it prove the law false. What is true of the law is true of homoeopathy. Get acquainted with your materia medicas. The trend of disease is to recovery, then why not give it a chance? Finish the unfolding of homoeopathy, then if it is found wanting it will be ample time to chase after false gods. Homoeopathy is no system for anyone to espouse who is not on speaking terms with hard work, for it will at all times justify its cause for existence if given even half of chance.

Homoeopathy has reached the stage which religion is said to have reached in the Episcopal church. It is related that an elderly colored woman strayed into an Episcopalian church during a series of noonday meetings. The rector said something that appealed to the lady, whereupon she said loudly-“Paze de Lawd!” The sexton remonstrated. Soon again, louder than ever-“Paze de Lawd!” The rector and congregation became annoyed. The sexton tapped the old lady on the shoulder and said: “You must either keep quiet or leave the church,” She replied” “I kaint keep quiet, Is he got ligion.” To which the sexton rejoined: “If you have got religion, this is no place to show it.” The old lady now knows just how a real homoeopath feels in his State or National Society.

Again, brethren, which shall it be-homoeopathy, energy and medical intelligence, or allopathy, indolence and medical ignorance?.

Alfred Pulford
Alfred Pulford, M.D., M.H.S., F.A.C.T.S. 1863-1948 – American Homeopath and author who carried out provings of new remedies. Author of Key to the Homeopathic Materia Medica, Repertoroy of the Symptoms of Rheumatism, Sciatica etc., Homeopathic Materia Medica of Graphic Drug Pictures.