There was dryness of the air-passages; excoriated sensation in the upper chest; great weight on chest; these was extreme difficulty in breathing and sharp, cutting, lancinating pains in the left side of the chest; so that he could not lie on this side; the act of coughing caused pains in distant parts, especially the head and abdomen; the bronchial respiration was attended with crepitation and rattling.

Case No. V.

Babu Mahit Ch. Sen, aged twenty-eight, was attacked with a common cold on the 10th of March, 1920. He attended office as usual until the 12th of March. On the 12th of March the cough, which was loose, became suddenly day and distressing, associated with chest pains. On the 14th of March, he had a severe chill with vomiting and was now in deep water, facing a severe pneumonia. MARCH 15, 1920, 10 A.M.

I was called in to see him this morning and noted the following symptoms:

Fever: The temperature was 105.8.

Respiratory Organs: There was dryness of the air-passages; excoriated sensation in the upper chest; great weight on chest; these was extreme difficulty in breathing and sharp, cutting, lancinating pains in the left side of the chest; so that he could not lie on this side; the act of coughing caused pains in distant parts, especially the head and abdomen; the bronchial respiration was attended with crepitation and rattling.

Head : There was terrible headache.

Stool: The bowels had not moved for the last three days.

Tongue:There was a thick, yellowish coating of the tongue; it was very dry, with great thirst.

Face: The face was flushed and denoted extreme anxiety.

Mind: He was slightly delirious and was not conscious of his surroundings.

I prescribed Tuberculinum 200 and asked the attending physician to give him one dose only when the fever began to decline.

MARCH 16th, 11 A.M.

I examined the patient this morning and found him almost in the same condition as before, and, therefore, I gave him another dose of Tuberculinum 200, as the temperature was not 103.8.

MARCH 17th, 11 A.M.

The temperature was 99.2; the patient was much better than before, and the fits of coughing was less distressing; he had passed a normal stool this morning; there was no thirst, and he did not experience any pain while coughing; he could answer my queries correctly and intelligently; the tongue was clearer than before; there was not the least oppression of breathing.

No further doses of the remedy were given.

I had no occasion to repeat the medicine, as the effect of the previous dose continued and my patient was perfectly convalescent within six days.

Case No. VI.

Mrs. S.C.Roy was attacked with pneumonia on the 2d of April, 1920, and was treated by some allopaths for ten days. I was called in to see her on the 13th of April, 1920. I detected the following symptoms.

Fever: There was high fever, temperature being 105.

Respiratory Organs: The cough was loose and the chest was full of mucus, with fine rattling rales; the patient was too much exhausted to raise the right side of the chest were present.

Face: The face was pale and covered with clammy sweat.

Abdomen: The abdomen was distended.

Pulse: The pulse was 140 per minute.

Mind: The patient was comatose.

Tongue: The tongue was enveloped with a white coating.

Cough: There were terrible coughing fits; the expectoration was yellowish and viscid.

I left one dose of Tuberculinum 200 and asked the attendant to give it when the temperature began to decline. APRIL 14th, MORNING.

I was informed that the powder was given to the patient at 2 P.M. yesterday. The patient began to perspire copiously at 5 P.M., and the temperature was found to be 99.2.

This morning the temperature was 98.4; the patient had passed a normal stool; the coma had disappeared; there was no oppression of breathing and no stitching pains were present. In short, the patient was better in every way.

Placebo was given.

APRIL 15th.

There was no rise of temperature yesterday. The patient was doing well. No further medicine was needed.

Mr. Roy had been a great hater of our remedies. He had no faith in homoeopathy. His wifes recovery made a lasting impression on his mind-so much so that he promised to open a Homoeopathic Charitable Dispensary in a place which was to be selected by me.

Case No. VII.

Babu Hari Har Chowdhuri, a millionaire of the town, was seized with a sudden cold on the 14th of November, 1920, while he was returning from Allahabad. He had fever on the 15th of November, associated with slight cough. As he had no faith in homoeopathy, he placed himself under the treatment of the principal of the Calcutta Medical College. There were half-a-dozen more allopaths to minister to his sufferings. But unfortunately the disease increased by leaps and bound and the case was pronounced to be hopeless on the 20th of November, 1920. It was at this juncture that his son sent his powerful Sunbeam car to my place and asked me to go to his house at once.

I saw the patient on the 20th of November at 4 P.M. The following symptoms were present:

The patient was senseless; the fever was 105.2; the tongue was brown and fissured; there were sordes on the teeth and there was extreme prostration and cold, clammy perspiration all over the body; the pulse was almost imperceptible; there was spasmodic cough with deep, rough voice and with yellowish, fetid expectoration; physical examination revealed that both the lungs were affected; symptoms of hepatization were present; the respiration was very difficult and gasping; the patient was moaning and groaning; deglutition was painful; low, muttering delirium was present; also diarrhoea, stools being watery, brownish and very offensive.

In fact, the condition of the patient was so very bad that I could not hold out any hope of his recovery. However, I spent the whole night at the bedside of the patient. I prescribed Tuberculinum 200 at 5 P.M.

8 P.M.- The temperature was 104.8; no more offensive stools; groaning less than before.

10 P.M.- The temperature was 101.8; the pulse was perceptible; the respiration was somewhat normal and the patient was found to be sleeping.

2 A.M.- He was still sleeping.

NOVEMBER 21, 1920, 8 A.M.

The temperature was 98.6; the pulse was normal; the patient was conscious of his surroundings; there was no more fetid expectoration; the stool was healthy and there was no difficulty of respiration; the condition of the lungs was much better than before.

Placebo was continued.

I was obliged to stay there for three days more.

There was no rise of temperature and the patient made a rapid recovery.

Case No. VIII.

Mr. H.E.Lewis, aged twenty-seven, had influenza on the 10th of August, 1920. There was watery nasal discharge; pains all over the body; temperature was 102.8; terrible headache. Took some allopathic medicines which stopped the nasal discharge suddenly, but brought on spasmodic fits of coughing and pains in the left side of his chest, And in addition the fever rose to 104.4. The allopathic doctor tried his best to bring down the temperature and to alleviate the suffering, but unfortunately all his attempts proved futile. The patient was growing worse constantly.

I was sent for on the 16th of August at 11 A.M., when I noted the following symptoms.

Physical examination revealed that the patient was suffering from pneumonia, there was complete consolidation of the left lung; the respiration was difficult and increased in frequency to 60 per minute, with the complaint of soreness and pain; the cough was dry and incessant and the expectoration was muco-purulent and sometimes blood-streaked; the heart systole grew weaker, together with feeble pulse; there was dyspnoea and loss of appetite; the temperature was 104.8; the patient was restless; thirst was very great; there was cold sweat on the forehead; the facial expression denoted extreme anxiety and hopelessness.

I left one dose of Tuberculinum 200, with instructions to give it when the temperature was on the decline.

As the temperature was never found to come down below 105.6, the medicine was given 8 P.M., when the temperature was 104.2. AUGUST 17th, 2 P.M.

The temperature was found to be 98.6 at 8 A.M. this morning, and since this there has been no rise of temperature. The patient was not at all restless; the thirst entirely disappeared; there was cough, but it was less than before, the reception was almost normal and without difficulty; the soreness was less.

9 P.M.- There was a slight rise of temperature.

AUGUST 18th, 10A.M.

The temperature was normal.

Another dose of Tuberculinum 200 was given.

AUGUST 19th, 9 A.M.

Yesterday there was no rise of temperature and there was no cough; the soreness was gone; the lungs were clear; the expectoration was white mucus; appetite was good.

No further doses were repeated and the patient made a complete recovery within a week.

Case No. IX.

The second daughter of Babu Hem Chandra Roy Chowdhuri, aged eight years, had an attack of double pneumonia on the 20th of October, 1920.

The girl had not experienced any prodromal symptoms, but the attack was sharp and violent.

She had high fever, associated with severe, flying chest pains, which symptoms continued for three days. On the 25th of October the temperature rose to 105.4, with extreme restlessness. The best allopaths treated her until the 28th of October, but the sufferings went on, increasing in spite of their strenuous efforts.

The patient was placed under my treatment on the 29th of October at 2 P.M., when my examination revealed the following symptoms:

Sarat Chandra Ghose

Corresponding Member of the British Homeopathic Society, French Homeopathic Medical Society, and Hahneman Institute of Brazil.