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Homeopathy Remedies for Croup

Anshutz gives a useful therapeutic differential diagnosis of the condition Croup, with the most useful homeopathic remedies. Therapeutic byways by E.P. Anshutz, published in 1900….

Carbolic acid [Carb-ac]

      When antitoxin was new Dr. D.F. Shipley wrote that Carbolic acid 3x to 6x would do all the antitoxin does, at much less cost and very much less danger. Give it internally. Not lower than 3d potency.

Coal oil Two drops of coal oil on a lump of sugar is better than intubation in croup, or diphtheria, according to the Pennsylvania farmers’s wives.

Alcohol [Alco]

      In a medical journal Medorrhinum Brief, and credited to Dr. Guernsey, of Philadelphia, it is said that alcohol 87 or 95 per cent. diluted one-half with water and given in small but repeated doses will soon clear away the malignant symptoms of diphtheria. Also of typhoid and scarlet fever.

Lemons A German doctor claims to have treated 80 cases of diphtheria with lemon juice alone and lost only one case. He used it diluted with water, as a gargle, or patient could suck a little of the juice from the lemon.

Sassafras tea made from the bark of the roots of the sassafras tree is an old country preventive when diphtheria is about. They say those who drink it occasionally may have some sore throat, but no membrane ever forms.

Sulphuric acid [Sul-ac]

      A.Dr. Greathead, of Australia, years ago, said that 4 drops of Sulph. acid in a tumblerful of water, given in tablespoonful doses, coagulates and loosens the membrane so that it is soon easily coughed up. Seems to act like antitoxin.

Tarantula Cubensis [Tarent-c]

      Dr. Frerdley claimed that this remedy, Tarantula cub., 6., potency, would give relief in the worst cases of diphtheritic fever and, alone, would cure. Give frequently until relief is apparent. This for malignant diphtheria.

Kali muriaticum and Ferrum phosphoricum [Kali-m]

These two drugs, Kali mur. 6x and Ferrum phos. 6x, in half hourly alternation, are said to be near a specific for the ordinary run of diphtheria cases. It is the biochemic treatment of Schuessler.

E.P. Anshutz
Edward Pollock Anshutz – 1846-1918. Editor - Homeopathic Recorder and author of New Old and Forgotten Remedies. Held an Hon. Doctor of Medicine from Hering Medical College.