Hpathy Needs Your Help!

Notes By The Wayside

In very many years experience in the practice of medicine I have learned one fact, viz., that the higher a doctor is in his profession the more foolish mistakes he is apt to make. I see examples of this in everyday life. For the above reason I do not place much dependence on the opinions of the so – called leaders in the profession.

In the month of April I had an urgent letter from Dr.R.C.Ghose, Calcutta, India, requesting me to send him an article for his journal on “The Prevention and Cure of Smallpox,” also a definite treatment “for measles.” He says that during the months of January and March they have an epidemic of smallpox and measles, which causes the death of millions of people every year.

I sent him an article that will show the doctors in India what homoeopathy can do to prevent the people taking the smallpox and a definite treatment for the cure of the disease when they do take it.

In December of this year an All India Homoeopathic Congress will be held in Calcutta, India, the first one ever held in that country. They intend to invite an American physician of world – wide reputation to preside over their Congress. This will be a great honor for the man they will choose.

I had a letter from a student of mine, Dr.N.G.Vassar, Ridge way, Ohio, he says, “That during the epidemic of the Flu a year ago, when hundreds were dying from the disease, I had over 1,250 cases, only lost two patients, and they were past help when I saw them.” During the of March I was called to Newark, Ohio, in consultation with Dr.C.S.Emery, Toledo, Ohio. The physicians who had seen the case had failed to make a definite diagnosis.

I found the patient a dentist, a brother of Dr.Emery, confined to the bed, very much emaciated. A pain below ensiform cartilage, going through to the back. He had vomiting spells of liquid – like coffee grounds. He also had hemorrhages from the stomach and bowels. Only a very little nourishment could be retained on the stomach. Only a very little nourishment could be retained on the stomach. There seemed to be a doubt in the minds of the doctors who had examined him, whether it was cancer or ulceration of the stomach, for he had symptoms of both disease.

A careful reading of the pulse showed a fulness and some tension, which indicated a focus of congestion or irritation in some part of the body. The pearly tint to the whites of the eyes showed a drain upon the system from hemorrhages. A careful examination over the region of the stomach revealed no induration as we usually get in cancer of the stomach.

My diagnosis was ulceration of the stomach and small intestines. For treatment the received Tr. China 1st x, 5 drops before each meal for the drain upon the system from the hemorrhages. For the vomiting Nux vomica 6th x, three tablets every three hours. The pain in the stomach called for Argentum nitricum 6th x, three tablets three times a day after meals. For the hemorrhages (if he had any more) Tr. ipecac 1st x, five drops every half an hour.

The patient was put on a restricted diet so as to give the stomach as little work to do as possible. The patient began to get better from the very start of the treatment. No more vomiting or haemorrhages, and but very little pain in the stomach and bowels. In weeks time I left off Argentum nit. and gave Kali bichromate 6th x, three tablets after meals.

Later reports from the sick man show decided improvement; he goes down town to his office, and is gaining in weight and strength.

From Newark, O., I went to Toledo, via “Ohio Electric Railway. ” I was with Dr.C.S.Emery (a very wealthy and prominent regular physician of that city) for ten days, giving him a course of instruction on the definite action of remedies. The doctor has a big practice, also a sanitarium in Florida and one on the Maumee River near Toledo. Dr.Emery is a good dentist as well as a good physician.

Dr. J.H.Gardiner, Stoyerstown., says: “He regards Calcarea fluorica 3d x, two or three times a day, as the best remedy to prevent an attack of apoplexy, also he considers it the remedy for arteriosclerosis. It will produce elasticity in blood vessels and arterioles, thus preventing a rupture of the same.” The above is a valuable hint from a good prescriber.

During the month of April I had the pleasure of meeting Dr.T.H. Carmichael, of Philadelphia, in consultation on a case in Lansdowne, (a suburb of Philadelphia). The doctor read me a very good paper he is read before the County Medical Society.

During my visit to Philadelphia in May I had the pleasure of meeting the members of the firm of Boericke & Tafel at their store, 1011 Arch. St. I found them very pleasant men to talk with. I have used the remedies of the above firm for fifty years, and always found them to be absolutely reliable.

I also had the pleasure of meeting the grandson of Dr. Constantine Hering, the father of homoeopathy in this country. He is a very bright brainy man, man is the editor (on a large salary) of the Comic Section of the Hearst newspapers.

In May I was called to New London, Conn., in consultation with Dr. Carl Williams. Dr.Williams is a brainy man, editor and translator of “Therapeutics of the Respiratory Organs.” by Dr.Cartier. It is a book that our doctors should read to get well posted on how to cure the above diseases. Boericke & Tafel have the book for sale.

I also met Dr. Myron H. Adams with Dr.Williams. Dr.Adams knows materia medica as very few men do. He is the author of “A Practical Guide to Homoeopathic Treatment.” a book on Domestic Practice, a book every family ought to have.

It is not often that three authors meet in consultation, but we smoked the pipe of peace (that is I did the smoking) and made good medicine.

In very many years experience in the practice of medicine I have learned one fact, viz., that the higher a doctor is in his profession the more foolish mistakes he is apt to make. I see examples of this in everyday life. For the above reason I do not place much dependence on the opinions of the so – called leaders in the profession.

I have never allowed myself to be influenced by the diagnosis or prognosis of any doctor I dont care how high he stands in the profession I form my own diagnosis and prognosis if I think there is a chance (be it ever so small) of curing the patient. I am willing to take that chance and fight it our on that line. Just as long as the system will respond to the remedial action of your remedies, dont give up the case. Give the remedy or remedies that are clearly indicated and fight it out on that line. Remember it is said, “That the Almighty hates a quitter!”

Sometimes children get a cold and have swelling of the tonsils. I usually prescribe Tr. phytolacca 1st x, five drops three times a day. Remember the pulse that indicates valvular disease of the heart. It is a jerking pulse with quick forcible beat, followed by abrupt cessation for one or two beats. That kind of a pulse indicates structural lesion of the valves of the heart.

Do not forget Calcarea fluorica 3d x, as the basic remedy in valvular disease of the heart.

I expect to be in Elyria, Ohio, at the office of Dr.Carl P. Reefy, from June 13th to 20th, 1920, to lecture to a class of physicians.

I am open to engagements of that kind during the summer months.

In your cases of consumption when the patient is nearly well but has loss of appetite, give Tr. hydrastis, three drops three times a day. When there is a burning pain in right ovary as if from fire, worse after midnight, relieved by heat, Arsenicum 3d x, is the remedy needed.

I have never had any faith in vaccination as a prevention against smallpox. If the doctors in this country were compelled by law to vaccinate every body free, you wouldnt hear a word in favor of vaccination as a prevention against smallpox. The following taken from The Inquirer, London, England, tells how the vaccination works out in everyday practice.

Eli G. Jones