Burning, tensive pains in ovary, especially the right, relieved by hot applications, Arsenicum 6x, three tablets once in three hours. The reader should bear in mind the fact that four-fifths of the cases of cancer of the female breast are rooted in the uterus or ovary, from this you will see how silly it is to cut out a growth in the breast and not to remove the cause.

(From The Homoeopathic Recorder, December, 1917).

Calcarea carb. is one of the principal remedies used by the homoeopaths in the treatment of consumption, and the indication for the remedy is clearly defined as follows:.

There is soreness of the walls of the chest, profuse purulent sweetish expectoration and haemorrhages.

Thirst, hectic fever, night sweats, especially about the head, with cold hands and feet. Calcarea carb. 6x, three tablets once in two hours.

I have had lady patients with enlargement of ovary, complain of a grumbling pain in the ovary. They stood stooping over it hurt them to stand up straight. This indicates Tr. Thuja 30x. Now if I find a dusky hue to the face, and a dark red discoloration on the abdomen over the region of the ovary that makes the indication for Thuja still stronger.

I can generally tell by the appearance of a womans face if her ovaries are enlarged or not. A stinging pain in the left ovary relieved by cold applications indicates Tr. Apis mel. 3x, 20 drops in half a glass of water, teaspoonful every hour. Throbbing pain in ovary in acute ovaritis, Tr. Belladonna 1x is the remedy, 5 drops once an hour.

Burning, tensive pains in ovary, especially the right, relieved by hot applications, Arsenicum 6x, three tablets once in three hours.

Pain in ovaries, especially the left, labour-like pains, os uteri feels open, pain relieved by flowing, Tr. Lachesis 30x, 10 drops once in three hours.

Pain in ovary relieved by pressure, Palladium 6x, three tablets once in four hours.

Ovarian colic or neuralgia relieved by bending double and warm applications, stitching pains deep in right ovary. Tr. Colocynth 3x, 20 drops in half a glass of water, teaspoonful every hour.

Induration (chronic) of the ovary calls for Aurum met., Nat. mur. 3x (double chloride gold and sodium), three tablets one hour after each meal. Our doctors should learn how to treat the different ovarian troubles, and not send them away to the surgeon to be mutilated, unsexed and degraded.

The reader should bear in mind the fact that four-fifths of the cases of cancer of the female breast are rooted in the uterus or ovary, from this you will see how silly it is to cut out a growth in the breast and not to remove the cause. It is a waste of time to try to cure any case of cancer of the breast until you have got the uterus and ovaries in a normal condition. I learned this fact years ago in the bitter “school of experience”. I want to warn the reader to look out for your cases of congestion of uterus or ovary.

Dont leave them until you are sure that you have conquered the trouble, for in my experience I have seen cases of the above condition neglected or improperly treated drift into the “suicidal mania”, and the next report would be that the patient had committed suicide.

Eli G. Jones