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Remedies Indicated in Coryza

Pulsatilla. Indicated in coryza with fluid discharge which soon changes to stopped up nose with loss of appetite and smell; discharge thick-yellow or greenish or foetid odor. (Hering.). The patient with fluid coryza feels best in open air, worse entering warm room; evenings the nose is stopped up. When the inflammatory stage of coryza is passed and frequent mucous discharge has set in, Pulsatilla often relieves in a few hours.

Arsenicum where the nose is stopped up and yet running with acrid discharge causing burning pain both inside and outside the nose; insomnia without special reason; epistaxis; patient is restless (Hering). Woman of 42 complains of chronic coryza alternating with fluid discharge, burning in nose. Corroding discharge making upper lip sore, causing crust which at times was moist, again dry. Arsenicum 30., two doses cured. Peculiar for Arsenicum is the corroding discharge with burning; nose seems stopped up, yet runs.

Belladonna. Swelling of nose with coryza, especially indicated if nostrils are swollen and sore, with redness; heat and pain in nose; burning, stitching, dryness. Sense of smell either acute or weak. (Hering.)

Cyclamen. Frequent sneezing with mucous discharge; nervous headache and pain in ears for ten years; finally Cyclamen cured quickly. (Malaise.)

Euphrasia. Coryza with copious mucous discharge; eyes affected, and lachrymation. (Hering.)

Hepar sulphur. Coryza in patients who have taken much mercury, or where mercury has been given without result; every cold draft causes coryza or headache; or if only one nostril is affected; headache worse from every motion. (Hering.)

Ignatia. Coryza in nervous patients who are hysterically excited and complain of frontal headache. (Rummel.)

Ipecacuanha. Man of 25 suffers from chronic coryza. Nose always stopped up; loss of smell; head heavy; dry cough, or scanty expectoration especially nights during long lasting attacks; painful thrusts in head and stomach ending in nausea and vomiting, followed by general perspiration and exhaustion. Ipecacuanha 30. cured.

Mercurius often indicated in common coryza especially if many people suffer from it; much sneezing and dripping; nose swollen and sore; foetid nasal discharge with nocturnal perspiration; fever; patient does not like to be alone; thirst; dislike of warmth, but does not stand cold well. Later Hepar is often indicated. (Hering.)

Nux vomica. Fluid coryza during the day, stopped up evenings; mouth dry without much thirst. Chest dry; stools hard. (Hering.) Indicated in first stage of coryza with more inflammatory symptoms; nose dry; little mucous discharge. (Tietze.) A strong man, blacksmith of sanguine temperament took cold, coryza with severe inflammatory pains in right frontal sinus, pain tearing as if in bone; eyelids red; nose stopped up, dry; aggravated from heat of stove and in morning. Pulse hard, full, fast. Constipation. Aconitum 24. morning and Nux vomica 30. evening improved by next morning and cured quickly.

Pulsatilla. Indicated in coryza with fluid discharge which soon changes to stopped up nose with loss of appetite and smell; discharge thick-yellow or greenish or foetid odor. (Hering.). The patient with fluid coryza feels best in open air, worse entering warm room; evenings the nose is stopped up. When the inflammatory stage of coryza is passed and frequent mucous discharge has set in, Pulsatilla often relieves in a few hours.

Girl of 18, delicate, quiet disposition, suffered from chronic coryza. Symptoms. Has suffered from coryza for several months with yellow-greenish, purulent, foetid discharge; nose swollen, itching evenings. Loss of appetite; confusion as if drunk, better in open air, worse in warm room. Menses delayed, scanty, pale, followed by leucorrhoea. Extremities heavy; evenings chilly without thirst; looks pale and suffering; anxiety; depressed mood and tearful. Pulsatilla 9c. one drop, cured completely in a few days. (Stapf).

Woman of 34, previously menstruated regularly, took severe cold with suppression of menses, followed by heaviness in head, coryza and total loss of smell and taste. Continued use of Pulsatilla 3c brought profuse nasal discharge of yellowish-green mucus, with return of menses, taste and smell. (Genzke.)

In the second stage of coryza with yellowish-green discharge, and leading in chronic form to ozaena, with relief in open air, but aggravated evenings and in room, Pulsatilla is indicated, especially in female patients of mild, quiet disposition with scanty or lacking menses.

Sambucus is indicated in suckling babies whose nose is stopped up with thick mucus making nasal breathing practically impossible; patients starting from asleep as if choking. Sambucus 3c helps quickly. (Tietze).

Woman suffering from chronic coryza, filled with tough mucus often preventing nasal breathing; can not breathe through mouth; after 8 sleepless nights patient is irritable, desperate. Sambucus 200c gave sleep the following night. (Gross.)

Generally during the first stage of coryza Nux vomica is indicated; in the second stage Pulsatilla; in nervous patients with hysterical excitement and dull frontal headache Ignatia; in patients who previously had been treated (for other conditions) with much Mercurius, or if Mercurius had been given and failed, Hepar sulphur should be chosen, especially when cold air causes headache (aggravated by motion).

Frequent sneezing: Cyclamen, Mercurius. Stopped up nose: Ipecacuanha, Nux vomica; or nose stopped up and then runs: Pulsatilla; if stopped up, yet runs; Arsenicum; stopped up during the day, runs evenings: Nux vomica. If stopped up evenings and in room, but runs in open air; Pulsatilla; if stopped up so, breathing is difficult, especially in children; Sambucus; if only one side affected: Hepar.

Watery discharge drips from nose: Mercurius; copious discharge with flowing tears: Euphrasia; acrid, burning discharge: Arsenicum; if discharge is thick-green: Pulsatilla; foetid: Mercurius.

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