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Best homeopathic remedies for Coryza from the book Therapeutic Pointers to Some Common Diseases by E.A. Farrington…

   Nasal Catarrh.

Aconite [Acon]

      Indicated in the acute cases provoked by cold, dry winds or checked sweat. Nose is dry and hot, with most violent throbbing headache,(<) in open air or it may be fluent and hot, with frequent sneezing. The muscles all over the body feel sore, sneezing forces him to support his chest. There are fever, restlessness, etc.

It should also be given where the Coryza is suppressed due to dry, cold winds add there is red face, fever, etc.

Allium Cepa-An excellent remedy for excoriating Coryza. The nasal secretion is watery and acrid and the lachrymation mild and bland [Euphrasia-just the reverse]: Rough, raw feeling in throat and cough provoked by tickling in the larynx and causes a feeling as if the larynx would split, and it makes the patient cringe.

Note of warning; Although it quickly stops the nasal catarrh it frequently seems to drive the trouble to the chest. Phosphorus appears to stop this action of Cepa.

Alumina [Alum]

      Indicated in children, with great dryness of the nose, formation of scabs and remotely, thick, tenacious yellow phlegm of mucus, which is difficult of removal.

Ammonium Carb [Am-c] Useful in catarrhs, worse in winter, nose stopped up,(<) at night, awaking the patient from sleep, gasping for breath, (<) 3 to 4 A.M. Cough dry, tickling, hoarseness, chest oppressed with mucus. Nostrils raw and sore, some times in children a discharge of bluish-colored mucus [Ammonium Mur., Arundo, Kali bichromicum, Nat. Arsenicum]. At times the discharge from the nose is scalding, excoriating the upper lip, with burning in the throat and along the trachea, dry, night cough which seems to threaten suffocation: there is copious flow of saliva, with consequent expectoration and beating like a pulse in the chest.

It is particularly suited to Winter Catarrhs; the sputum a slimy and contains specks of blood.

Ammonium Caust [Amm-c]

      One of the best remedies in the whole Materia Medica, when with the stoppage of the nose, excoriating discharge and rawness down the sternum, there is aphonia, with burning rawness in the throat.

Ammonium Mur [Am-m]

      Stoppage of one nostril at a time usually both stopped up at night; discharge of bluish mucus or scalding watery discharge making the inside of the nostrils and upper lip sore and raw; severe burning in the throat, which is swollen, so that the patient cannot open his mouth; the mouth and throat are filled with viscid phlegm, which the patient expels with great difficulty. There is throbbing in the tonsils, which is characteristic of this remedy.

Anacardium [Anac]

      Indicated esp. in the aged, when the coryza is complicated with palpitation of the heart.

Antimonium Crudum [Ant-c]

      See Graphites.

Antimonium Tartaricum [Ant-t]

      See Natrum Arsenicum

Arsenicum Album [Ars]

      An excellent remedy in ‘winter colds’. The nose feels stuffed up all the time, yet it discharges a thin, watery fluid, which excoriates the upper lip-this is accompanied by a dull, throbbing frontal headache; repeated attacks of this kind of catarrhs, result in the discharge of a thick, yellowish muco-purulent matter and ulcer and scabs form in the nose. Sneezing is a prominent symptom, which does not give any relief; it seems to start from irritation in one spot in the nose, which remains as annoying as before the sneeze.

If often follows Ipecac., in the catarrhs of fat, chubby children, where the nasal discharge is apt to be watery, hot and burning, causing redness and excoriation of the upper lip and is associated with violent and spasmodic sneezing.

Arsenicum Iodatum [Ars-i]

      Closely resembles Arsenicum Has the same thin acrid discharge, but with marked involvement of the lymphatic glands.

Arum Triphyllum [Arum-t]

      Excoriating Coryza in children [Ail.]. The saliva also is acrid. The corners of the mouth are sore, cracked and bleeding. The child is irritable and restless.

Aurum Metallicum [Aur]

      Esp. indicated in scrofulous or mercurio-syphilitic patients, with foetid nasal discharge. The nostrils are sore and cracked.

Belladonna [Bell]

      It is to be given in acute Coryza, if the head is intensely hot, and the throat red and the tonsils swollen.

It also follows Calcarea Carb. well.

Bromine [Brom]

      Useful when the discharge is profuse, watery and excoriating and is associated with a heavy pressure in the forehead which seems to be pushing the brain down and out at the root of nose. The nostrils alternately, seem to be stopped up. Smarting soreness inside the nose and around the alae nasi. Later, ulcers form in the noose, with the escape of crusts and scabs, which are blown out and are always bloody. Every attempt to blow the nose is followed by a discharge of crusts and blood. Esp. in scrofulous children.

Bryonia [Bry]

      It is indicated when there is great dryness of the mucous membrane of the nose, with hoarseness and sneezing: or more frequently when the discharge is thick and yellow. It is also indicated when the discharge above mentioned has been suddenly suppressed, and as a result, there is dull, throbbing headache, just over the frontal sinuses.

Bryonia, however is not often indicated in catarrhs, with out some stomach and bowel symptoms.

Calcarea Carb [Calc]

      Indicated in Coryza or chronic nasal catarrh in scrofulous children. The nose is stopped-up with thick yellow pus. An offensive odor, as of rotten eggs, gunpowder or manure from the nose. Often nose-bleed in the morning. The wings of the nose are thickened and ulcerated. There is apt to be moist, scurfy eruption about the nostrils.

Belladonna follows Calcarea well.

Chamomilla [Cham]

      It is indicated in catarrhs or colds of children, esp. brought on by cold-windy days.

The nose is stopped-up and yet there is dropping of hot, watery mucus from the nostrils, with sneezing and a dry, teasing cough, which keeps the child awake or many occur during sleep, or a rattling cough, as though the bronchi were full of mucus.

Chlorine [ ]

      It is indicated in Coryza, with a watery discharge from the nose, which is thin and excoriating, making the nose sore, both inside and about the alae nasi.

Cinchona or China [Chin]

      It is useful when the Coryza is suppressed and as a result, there is headache, (<) in open air [Aconite-better], and (>)from pressure.

Cinnabaris [Cinnb]

      Indicated in Coryza characterised by a sensation as of a great pressure across the bridge of the nose, which is frequently associated with swelling and great dryness of the throat-the latter more annoying at night, wakes the patient from sleep and enlarged tonsils which are redder than normal.

Cyclamen [Cycl]

      It seems to be suited to nasal catarrh, when there are: Loss of taste and smell, and thick discharge just like that of Pulsatilla Spasmodic sneezing. Aversion to open air.

Dulcamara [Dulc]

      Dry Coryza, agg. from cold, damp weather, or from changes from hot to cold weather, esp. if these changes are sudden-the very central point around which all the other symptoms of the drug group. Usually associated is sore-throat, with stiffness of the neck.

Euphrasia [Euphr]

      It is indicated in Coryza, which is perfectly bland, with lachrymation which is excoriating [Cepa-the reverse].

Gelsemium [Gels]

      A fluent, excoriating Coryza, which makes the nostrils and wings of the nose raw and sore, often with neuralgia of the head and face. Frequent paroxysms of sneezing esp. in the morning and sore-throat, with difficulty in swallowing. Dry, teasing and tickling cough, with very little expectoration. Sensation of dryness in the mouth, although it is not dry. Sensation, as if hot water were passing over the mucous membrane of the nostrils,(>) when near fire. General prostration.

Graphites [Graph]

      It is useful in nasal catarrh, often found in scrofulous cases, when there is extreme dryness of the nose, which alternates with the discharge of lumps or clinkers or very offensive and bloody discharge. The borders of the nostrils are sore and scabby and crack readily [Ant.c., Arum T., Calcarea Carb.]. The sense of smell is too acute. The patient can not bear the odor of flowers.

Hepar [Hep]

      It is often indicated when the abuse of Mercury has developed in the system a susceptibility to cold.

It is indicated in the ordinary catarrhs or what is commonly called ‘cold’, with aching through the body, but seldom in the incipiency, in the advanced stage of what has been termed ‘a ripened cold’, when phlegm has formed. The nose is swollen and sore to the touch, esp. in the inside of the alae or wings of the nose. There may be boring pain in the ethmoid and exquisite soreness. These colds for which Hepar is the remedy are re- excited by any exposure.

Note of warning: If it is given at the commencement it frequently spoils the case. It is more suitable in the advanced stage.

Ipecacuanha [Ip]

      It may be used when: The nose feels, as if stuffed up; there is often epistaxis, loss of smell, nausea and some catarrh of the bronchial mucous membrane.

E. A. Farrington
E. A. Farrington (1847-1885) was born in Williamsburg, NY, on January 1, 1847. He began his study of medicine under the preceptorship of his brother, Harvey W. Farrington, MD. In 1866 he graduated from the Homoeopathic Medical College of Pennsylvania. In 1867 he entered the Hahnemann Medical College, graduating in 1868. He entered practice immediately after his graduation, establishing himself on Mount Vernon Street. Books by Ernest Farrington: Clinical Materia Medica, Comparative Materia Medica, Lesser Writings With Therapeutic Hints.