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Best homeopathic remedies for Paralysis from the book Therapeutic Pointers to Some Common Diseases by E.A. Farrington…

Aconite [Acon]

      It is a remedy for complete motor Paralysis traceable to cold, esp. to dry, cold winds, and suits well in the beginning, when accompanied by coldness, numbness and tingling [Cann. I., Staphysagria] of the affected parts. It is followed by Causticum, Rhus Tox., or Sul.

Even Paraplegia and the various forms of local Palsies, as facial Paralysis, may yield to it, when associated with the characteristic coldness and tingling of the affected parts and when traceable to exposure to dry, cold winds.

Apis [Apis]

      It has often been successfully employed in Paralysis following devitalizing affections, such as Diphtheria or Typhoid Fever, and also when meningeal effusions remain after Meningitis. The patient is either nervous, restless and oversensitive, or hot and drowsy, whether thirsty or not.

Arnica [Arn]

      Indicated in Paralysis following Apoplexy, (<)on left side.

Argentum Nitricum [Arg-n]

      It may be called for in Paralysis, such as follows exhausting disease-Post-Diphtheritic Paralysis for example [Gelsemium].

Baryta Carb [Bar-c]

      It may be used for old people when they suffer from Paralysis (more or less severe), particularly Paralysis following Apoplexy. The patient is childish, and has loss of memory, trembling of the limbs and well-marked Paralysis of the tongue.

It is also indicated in Paralysis of the tongue, in children of half-imbecile character. The mouth remains partly open and saliva runs out freely. The child has a silly, vacant look.

Belladonna [Bell]

      May be indicated in Paralysis following Apoplexy [Opium].

Carbo Veg [Carb-v]

      It is indicated in the threatened Paralysis of the whole system which is sequel to some severe disease. Here it is complementary to Phosphorus.

Causticum [Caust]

      It is indicated in Paralyses of single parts or single nerves or in general, which may be caused either by deepseated nervous disease, or very characteristically, by exposure to cold, particularly to the intense cold of Winter, when the patient is of rheumatic diathesis. It has more contractures or spasms and acts preferably later.

In Paralysis from dry, cold winds, it is suited more when the Paralysis become chronic and refuses to yield to Aconite.

In Paralysis of rheumatic origin, it compares favorably with Rhus Tox. and Dulcamara.

It may also be indicated in paralysis, which arises from

Apoplexy, not for the earlier symptoms, but for the remote symptoms when after absorption of the effused blood has taken place, there still remains Paralysis of the opposite side of the body. Here it is similar to Baryta Carb.

It is useful in paralysis of the facial nerve (facial paralysis) or in ptosis, particularly when they are result of exposure to dry, cold winds.

It is still further called for in paralysis of the tongue (when the power of deglutition and speech are more or less destroyed), in paralysis of the lips and in Glosso-pharyngeal paralysis. The larynx and bladder may be attacked. These are the illustration of the local palsies which come within its range.

In paralysis of the tongue it may be required to be followed by: Baryta Carb, Dulcamara, MurexAcid or Stramonium

Cocculus [Cocc]

      It is a certain and frequent remedy in Paralysis originating in the diseases of the spinal cord. It is esp. indicated in the beginning of the trouble, whether it results from functional or from severe organic disease of the spinal cord, such as, spinal irritation from loss of seminal fluid, softening of the spinal cord or Loco-motor Ataxia. It is esp. indicated in these cases, when the lumbar region of the spine is affected.

It is also indicated in functional motor Paralysis [Conium, Gelsemium] and is a prominent remedy in Post-diphtheritic Paralysis [Gelsemium].

In functional Paralysis that may come from fatigue or from mental emotions, it may be indicated [Collinsonia, Ignatia, Nat. Mur., Phosphorus, Stannum]. It is also indicated in Hysterical Palsy.

Colchicum [Colch]

      It may be indicated in Paralysis from exposure [Nux. v.]. In paralysis of the tongue, it has loss of sensibility of that organ [Arsenicum].

Collinsonia [Coll]

      It may be indicated in functional Paralysis that may come from fatigue or from mental emotions [Stannum].

Conium [Con]

      It is indicated in paralysis which spreads from below upwards, the lower part of the body giving out before the upper. In it, sensation is but little involved [Cocc., Gelsemium].

Curare [Cur]

      Paralysis of motion, without any disturbance of sensation [Strych.].

Dulcamara [Dulc]

      It is esp. indicated in the beginning of the Paralysis of rheumatic origin, provoked by exposure to a damp and cold atmosphere, particularly when there have been changes from tolerably warm to cold and wet days. It is in these cases followed by Rhus Tox.

It is also indicated in Paralysis of the tongue, with impaired speech, in damp weather; in hyperaemia of the spinal cord with the paretic state belonging to the disease, when caused by lying on damp, cold ground and intensified by every return of damp weather; and in Paralysis of the bladder,(<)by damp weather.

It is also of use in Paralysis of the lungs, in old people esp. if the symptoms are(<) by change in weather.

Gelsemium [Gels]

The Paralysis of the motor nerves is the prominent and universal symptom of this remedy. It is indicated only in functional Paralysis [Oleand.]. It is also indicated in Paralysis, after emotions of a depressing character, in hysterical women.

In Post diphtheritic Paralysis it is one of our most valuable remedies [Ant., Tart., Calcarea Carb.]. In one very severe case of this disease under my care it effected a perfect cure; the symptoms were: Insufficient strength to hold herself up. This spine in the upper cervical region bent backward. One side of the body paralyzed. No control over the muscles, the child shuffled along when attempting to walk; fell to the ground, when attempting to turn around. Speech thick and heavy; marked strabismus. Sensation nearly perfect. I ordered the child to be stripped twice a day, laid on the bed and thoroughly rubbed. I gave her Gelsemium internally and under the use of it she made a perfect recovery.

Hyoscyamus [Hyos]

      It is indicated in Paralysis of one or more muscles following maniacal attacks.

Lachesis [Lach]

      May be indicated in Paralysis following Apoplexy.

Natrum Muriaticum [Nat-m]

      It may be indicated in functional Paralysis that arises from fatigue or mental emotions or from onanism [Stannum, Staphysagria].

In Paralysis from emotions it is indicated when the arm almost loses its power after a fit of anger; it is esp. indicated in partial Paralysis from weakness of the spine, when it arises from grief, anger, etc.

In Post diphtheritic Paralysis you may use friction with Salt to great advantage.

Nux Vomica [Nux-v]

      It is indicated in Paralyses, which early destroy motor, rather than sensory activity [Conium, Gelsemium]. It is indicated in Paralysis from exposure [Colchicum, Causticum]. and that following Apoplexy [Arnica, Lachesis, Rhus Tox.]. It is also indicated, in partial Paralysis dependent on exhaustion.

Oleander [Olnd]

      It is an important remedy in Paralysis, implicating sensory as well as the motor nerves, and which is usually preceded by vertigo and depression of the sensorium and is painless. One or the other limb is attacked.

Phosphorus [Phos]

      It is useful in Paralysis from loss of animal fluids as blood, semen or milk or too frequent child-bearing or too rapid growth in the young; cases arising from enervation or from softening of the brain with trembling, may call for it [Zincum met.]. It may also be indicated in functional Paralysis, that comes from fatigue or mental emotions.

It tends towards complete Paralysis and in threatened Paralysis of whole system Carbo Veg. is complementary to it.

Physostigma [Phys]

      It is indicated in spinal Paralysis [Strych.]. with: Trembling; so feeble that he can hardly talk; finds difficulty in making the muscles obey the will [Conium, Gelsemium]; unsteadiness when walking with eyes closed.

Plumbum [Plb]

      It is indicated in Paralysis from diseases of the spinal cord, when that structure has undergone fatty degeneration or Sclerosis. The first characteristic symptom is wrist-drop, from Paralysis of the extensor muscles of the wrist (which it has cured)-this extends to other parts of the body, always involving extensor muscles in preference to flexors and then characterized by the atrophy of the affected parts. There appears on the border of the gums a blue line, known as the gingival line.

It suits very nicely in Paralysis associated with tremor, following Multiple Cerebro-spinal Sclerosis.

It is also indicated in Paralysis from softening of the brain and is similar to Zincum, having nearly all the symptoms of that

remedy, but there is in addition, atrophy of the paralyzed part with pains in the atrophied limbs alternating with colic.

We often find it indicated in Paralysis with contracture.

Rhus Tox [Rhus-t]

      In various forms of Paralysis it may be indicated, esp. in rheumatic patients, when the trouble has come on from over- exertion or exposure to wet, as from lying on the damp ground.

E. A. Farrington
E. A. Farrington (1847-1885) was born in Williamsburg, NY, on January 1, 1847. He began his study of medicine under the preceptorship of his brother, Harvey W. Farrington, MD. In 1866 he graduated from the Homoeopathic Medical College of Pennsylvania. In 1867 he entered the Hahnemann Medical College, graduating in 1868. He entered practice immediately after his graduation, establishing himself on Mount Vernon Street. Books by Ernest Farrington: Clinical Materia Medica, Comparative Materia Medica, Lesser Writings With Therapeutic Hints.