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It is often followed well by Arsenicum in catarrhs of fat, chubby children.

Kali Bichromicum [Kali-bi]

      Indicated in dry Coryza, with tickling in the nose and sneezing, these being esp. marked in open air. The secretion from nose is ropy and stringy, which may or may not be offensive. Bluish- colored mucus. The inspired air feels cold [AEsc., Cist., Hydras., Coral.R., Lithium carb. Carb.].

Kali Carb [Kali-c]

      It is indicated in Coryza, with hoarseness or loss of voice. The patient catches cold art every little exposure to the fresh air- a very strong symptom. Associated with these, there are often a sensation in the throat, as though there were a lump there, which must be swallowed. Stinging pains in the throat when swallowing [Apis]. The patient has a tendency to obesity and is rather weak in muscular development.

It is also indicated in a more chronic form, when the nasal passages are obstructed, and the patient can only breathe with mouth open. The obstruction is (>) in open air, but returns as soon as the patient enters a warm room. The discharge is either foetid green mucus or in the morning the nose is swollen and red, and there is a bloody discharge. There is a sticking sensation in the pharynx, as from a fish -bone lodged there, whenever the patient is cold-a good symptom for Kali Carb.

Kali Hydroiodicum [Kali-h]

      Coryza or catarrh, occurring repeatedly in patients who have been mercurialized; every little cold or exposure or every damp day causes the nose to become red and swollen and profuse, acrid, watery discharge flows from it. The eyes are hot, they smart and lachrymate and become puffed. Neuralgic pains in one or both cheeks. The patient is alternately chilly and hot, the urine is high-colored and scanty, and there is usually some sore-throat. Every exposure provokes a return of these symptoms.

It is the best drug we have for the repeated catarrhs, which may follow the abuse of Mercury and there is scarcely and any drug, which will cure these quicker than will Iodide of Potassium.

Kali Sulphuricum [Kali-s]

      Useful for catarrh with thick, yellowish-green (more apt too be yellow) nasal discharges, when the patient is (>) in open air and (<) in the evening [Pulsatilla].

Lachesis [Lach]

      It is suitable for a cold, which occurs in relaxing weather- consequently in the Spring of the year. Watery discharge from the nose, which is often preceded by throbbing headache, worse in the left temple and forehead, and relieved as the Coryza establishes itself. Accompanying this Coryza sometimes there are vesicles about the nose, redness, puffiness of the face and lids, creeping chills over the body, palpitation of the heart and great relaxation of the whole system.

It may also be useful when the Coryza had been suppressed.

Lithium Carbonicum [Lith-c]

      Nose, red and swollen. Dryness of the nose when in the house, mucus dropping from it when in open air. Sensitiveness of the mucous membrane when the inspired air is unduly cold.

Lycopodium [Lyc]

      May be thought of, particularly when the nose is stuffed up and the child cannot breathe. The child starts up from sleep rubbing its nose.

Mercurius [Merc]

      It is indicated in nasal catarrh, which are provoked by damp, chilly weather and by the damp cool evening air, and also aggravated thereby. The nose itches and burns and feels stuffed up, and with this there is a thin Coryza. The throat feels raw and sore. There is aching in various joints. There may be with these a hot feeling, the face flushes up and gets red, perspiration breaks out, but it gives no relief.

It may also be given, when the cold is ‘ripe’ and the nasal

discharge is yellowish-green, thick and muco-purulent [Kali Sulph., Pulsatilla].

In suppressed Coryza, it relieves a pulsating headache with pressure towards the nose, (<) when warm in bed and from damp, windy weather.

Mercurius Corrosious [Merc-c]

      It has been used successfully when the accumulation of mucus in the nose is quite thick, in fact, almost glue-like.

Natrum Arsenicosum [Nat-ar]

      It is indicated in Coryza, in the initial stage of which, there is a copious discharge of watery fluid from the nose and yet the nasal passages feel stuffed up: this is accompanied with a dull supra-orbital headache, compressive pain at the root of nose, dryness and smarting of the eyes, injected conjunctivae, flushed and puffy face and dryness of the throat, and sometimes a good deal of sneezing, which is provoked by the least draft or inhalation of cold air. All these symptoms are worse in morning and forenoon.

Later, the mucous secretion becomes thicker, when tough, yellow or yellowish-green mucus drops down from the nose every morning, and its removal is followed by bleeding. At night and in the morning the nose is stuffed up, so that the patient breathes with mouth open [Antim tart., Lachesis, Opium, Sambucus and Sul.].

Natrum Carb [Nat-c]

      The catarrhs curable by Natrum Carb. are not commonly met with, but when they do occur, there is no drug that can take its place.

The Coryza is fluent, and is provoked by the least draught of air and seems to have a periodical aggravation every other day.

Chronic cases of nasal catarrh call for it, when the discharge is yellowish-green or hard foetid lumps; the tip of the nose is red, and the skin peels off.

Natrum Mur [Nat-m]

      It is indicated in catarrhs, with mucous secretion abnormal in quantity, rather than in quality and accompanied by paroxysms of sneezing. Fluent Coryza alternates with dry Coryza. Every exposure to fresh air gives the patient cold. The wings of the nose are apt to be sore and sensitive. Almost always loss of smell and in acute cases frequently loss of taste.

Nitric Acid [Nitr-ac]

      It is indicated in Coryza, particularly when it is associated with some malignant disease, ass Scarlatina or Diphtheria.

Nux Vomica [Nux-v]

      It is suited to the initial stage of the ordinary Coryza, particularly when it has been caused by exposure to dry, cold

winds or by sitting in cold places, esp. on cold steps. “Fluent coryza during the day, followed by dry catarrh at night.” A stuffed up sensation in the nose at night and in the open air with no secretion whatever;fluent Coryza during the day and in the warm room. It is associated with: Sneezing; watering in the eyes: soreness, roughness and a harsh, scraped feeling in the throat; aching all over the body and chilliness, (<)from moving, even when covered up warmly in bed.

If despite the use of Nux vomica, the cold travels downward and involve the chest, I have found Phos, to follow well.

Penthorum Sedoides [Pen]

      It is useful in the incipiency, when there is rawness in the nose and throat. A constant wet feeling in the nose, but without Coryza. Later, there is a formation of thick, purulent discharge, just as in Pulsatilla

Phosphorous [Phos]

      We do not find it often indicated in nasal catarrh except it be chronic, when it is indicated by the color of the discharge, which is green mucus and blood-streaked.

It follows well Nux when despite the use of the same the cold travels downward and involve the chest. It is also used when Allium Cepa quickly stops the nasal catarrh and seems to drive the trouble to the chest, Phosphorus appears to stop this action of the former.

Pulsatilla [Puls]

      It is the remedy for a ripe cold, when the nasal discharges are thick, muco-purulent, yellowish or yellowish-green or green and the patient is better in the open air and worse in evening [Kali Sulph., Mercurius], but they are never irritating, and are perfectly bland.

In Chronic Nasal Catarrh it is also indicated by the character of the discharges above-mentioned and loss of taste and smell [Cycla.].

Coryza is also a prominent symptom in Measles, when Pulsatilla is indicated.

Note of warning: If Pulsatilla is prescribed in the beginning of Coryza it usually spoils the case. It should not be given in the beginning of a cold, unless the temperament and other symptoms decide.

Quillaya Saponaria [Quill]

      It cures cold, contracted in warm, relaxing weather. There are: A stuffed sensation in the nose; muscular languor, desire for rest and quiet, general bruised feeling, even of the eyelids, etc.[Gelsemium].

Ranunculus Sceleratus [Ran-s]

      It may be indicated in ordinary catarrhs, with sneezing, fluent Coryza, pains in the joints and burning on urination [Ranunculus Bulb.].

Rhus Tox [Rhus-t]

      it is indicated in Coryza with copious discharge and redness and oedema of the throat.

Rumex Crispus [Rumx]

      It is indicated after catarrhs, when still there exists its characteristic cough, i, e, a teasing, persistent cough, (<)by cool air or by anything which increases the volume or rapidity of the inspired air, or a violent spasmodic cough.

Sambucus [Samb]

      It is indicated when the child starts up suddenly, as if suffocating.

Sanguinaria Canadensis-Coryza, with fluent and excoriating discharges, with soreness and rawness of the nose.

Senecio Aureas [Senec]

      It is useful, when there is a tendency to catarrh of the nose, throat and lungs, particularly in women esp. who are nervous and excitable-this catarrhs are intimately related to the irregularity in their menstrual effect and they suffer much from sleepnessness and scanty menstruation and are apt to be tearful. There is teasing cough, with stitching pains in the chest and blood-streaked sputum. These symptoms become modified or cease, after the onset of their menstrual flow.

E. A. Farrington
E. A. Farrington (1847-1885) was born in Williamsburg, NY, on January 1, 1847. He began his study of medicine under the preceptorship of his brother, Harvey W. Farrington, MD. In 1866 he graduated from the Homoeopathic Medical College of Pennsylvania. In 1867 he entered the Hahnemann Medical College, graduating in 1868. He entered practice immediately after his graduation, establishing himself on Mount Vernon Street. Books by Ernest Farrington: Clinical Materia Medica, Comparative Materia Medica, Lesser Writings With Therapeutic Hints.