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Homeopathy treatment for Coryza from the Homeopathic Therapeutics by Lilienthal. Homeopathic remedies for the treatment of Coryza…

Aconite [Acon]

Coryza caused by cold, dry winds; dry at first with violent headache, roaring in ears, fever, thirst, sleeplessness; heat and sense of fulness in nares, and muscles sore all over body so that sneezing forces him to support chest; fluent coryza with frequent sneezing and dropping of a clear, hot water; inner nose red, swollen, interfering with breathing, (>) in cool room and open air.

AEsculus-hip [Aesc]

Dryness of posterior nares and throat, with sneezing, followed by severe coryza, stinging and burning pain; fluent coryza, dull frontal headache, thin, watery discharge, burning and rawness, sensitive to inhaled air, mucus drops down and causes choking; haemorrhoidal complications; great nervous prostration with pain in small of back.

Ailanthus [Ail]

Coryza, with rawness inside of the nostrils; the whole nose and upper lip covered with very thick grayish-brown scabs; fluent nasal catarrh, with sneezing; chronic nasal catarrh, with difficult breathing through the nostrils.

Alumina [Alum]

Great accumulation of mucus in the evening and in the morning on walking, with frequent hawking and difficult discharge of dry, yellowish-green mucus, with weak or entire loss of smell.

Ammonium-brom [Am-br]

Sensation of hot air passing up the throat, stinging in fauces with inclination to cough, (>) by sneezing; nose stopped up, then clear discharge.

Ammonium-carb [Am-c]

WINTER CATARRHS. Cold commences in head, nose stopped up at night, can only breathe with mouth open (with shut, awakes as if smothering); followed by profuse discharge of sharp burning water in daytime, which is apt to run down in throat; frequent sneezing with epistaxis, when blowing nose; (<) towards morning, 3 A. M.; dry and tickling cough with much oppression of mucus in chest and rawness down trachea and bifurcation of bronchi; sensitive to cold air, (>) in warm room.

Ammonium-mur [Am-m]

One nostril stopped up during the day, both nostrils at night; loss of smell; hoarseness and burning in larynx; watery, acrid coryza, corroding the lip; itching in nose and frequent sneezing; burning in eyes and lachrymation at night; sensation of coldness between shoulders; throbbing in tonsils; mouth and throat full of viscid phlegm, difficult to bring up.

Anacardium [Anac]

Dryness and obstruction of nose; frequent sneezing, followed by the most violent flowing catarrh, with lachrymation, firm, tough mucus in fauces, and expectoration causes gagging and retching; loss of smell, though nose is not obstructed, or hallucinations of smell; irritation to sneeze with the cough; loss of memory; anthropophobia.

Antimonium-crud [Ant-c]

Coryza, fluent or dry; sensation of coldness in nose when inspiring air; nose painful when breathing, as from inhalation, of cold air of acrid vapors; SORE CRACKED AND CRUSTY NOSTRILS and corners of mouth; stupefying dull headache, especially on forehead.

Antimonium-sulph aurat [Ant-s]

Increased mucus, sometimes offensive, from nose and throat, with loss of smell and impeded respiration in the morning; BLEEDING FROM NOSE ON WASHING.

Antimonium-tart [Ant-t]

Stoppage of nose, alternating with fluent coryza, sneezing; fluent coryza and chilliness, with loss of taste and smell; epistaxis, followed by fluent coryza, with sneezing.

Aralia-rac [Aral]

Coryza, with frequent sneezing; excessive, morbid sensitiveness to slight depressions temperature; shortness of breath.

Apocynum-can [Apoc]

Violent irritation of the nasal mucus membrane, nostrils and throat filled with thick, yellow mucus, on waking in the morning, and great thirst.

Argentum-nit [Arg-n]

Coryza with stupefying headache over the eyes, has to lie down; violent itching of nose, must rub it constantly; nasal discharge like boiled starch; sneezing, chilliness, lachrymation, sickly look; sense of smell blunted.

Arsenicum [Ars]

Fluent coryza, with frequent sneezing without relief; hoarseness and sleeplessness, with swollen nose; stoppage of the nose, with copious discharge of watery mucus and burning in the nose, with soreness of the adjacent parts; buzzing in the ears; headache, with beating in the forehead and nausea; relief by warmth; prostration (Kali cy.); sneezing in cool air, after leaving a warm room; generally (<) from cold, except headache, which is temporarily relieved by cold washing and permanently by walking in cold air.

Arsenicum-iod [Ars-i]

Frequent sneezing, severe coryza with catarrhal tendency; pungent irritation about nose and eyes and an irritating about nose and eyes and an irritating watery discharge.

Arum-triph [Arum-t]

Nostrils raw and bloody, the left discharge continuously; discharge of burning, ichorous fluid from nose, excoriating nostrils, upper lip and corners of mouth; nose stuffed, can only breathe with mouth open, bores and picks in nose, (<) mornings; sneezing, (<) at night; can hardly talk on account of phlegm in back part of throat. Snuffles of babes.

Asarum-europ [Asar]

Dry coryza, left nostril stopped up; fluent coryza with deafness and sensation as if the ears were plugged with something.

Asclepias-tub [Asc-t]

Snuffles of children, fluent coryza with much sneezing; itching of nose and face; blowing of blood from one nostril.

Baryta-carb [Bar-c]

SMELL EXTREMELY SENSITIVE; coryza, (<) mornings; nose and upper lip swollen, nostrils reddened, sore, crusty, secretion of an unpleasant odor (Calcarea, Graphites); for scrofulous children large abdomen; sneezing causes concussive pain in brain; catarrh of posterior nares; scabs in posterior nares; frequent epistaxis.

Belladonna [Bell]

Smell acute, at other times dull; smell as of herring-brine or sour beer; frequent sneezing when dry, with tickling, especially in left nostril; one side of nose stopped up; suppressed catarrh with maddening headache.

Benzoic-acid [Benz-ac]

Seems to smell dust, cabbage or something stinking; a coldness in head from every exposure to cold, renewed daily; sneezing with lightness of head and hoarseness morning.

Bromium [Brom]

Fluent coryza with frequent violent-sneezing; corrosive soreness under nose and the margins of the nose; fluent coryza with scabby nostrils; every attempt to wipe the nose is followed by a discharge of crusts and blood (scrofulous children); yearly cold, with sore nostril and difficult breathing: catarrh in fauces; heavy PRESSURE IN FOREHEAD, AS IF PUSHING THE BRAIN OUT OF THE ROOT OF THE NOSE; sensation as if the air-passages were full of smoke, with dryness and burning in mouth.

Bryonia [Bry]

Severe dry coryza with catarrh of the frontal and maxillary cavities and severe drawing-tearing, twitching and stitching pain in affected parts; or fluent coryza, beginning with violent and frequent sneezing accompanied by stitching headache when stooping, hoarseness and altered tone of voice; profuse nosebleed, catarrh extending to chest.

Cactus-grand [Cact]

Dry coryza, must lie at night with mouth wide open; and fluent coryza; discharge of blood and mucus when blowing the nose; sensation in face as if a spider web were sticking here and there; hoarseness, cough weak, toneless.

Calcarea-carb [Calc]

Sudden, violent, fluent coryza with dropping of water from nose; much sneezing; heat in head; mouth dry; heat and chill alternately; pain over root of nose; neck stiff; inertia; takes cold easily; postnasal catarrhs.

Calcarea-phos [Calc-p]

Fluent coryza in a cold room; stopped in warm air and out-doors.

Calcarea-sulph [Calc-s]

Coryza with thick, yellow, lumpy discharge; during day right nostril discharges watery mucus, left dry; at night left discharges and right nostril is dry; edges of nostrils slightly sore, excoriated.

Camphora [Camph]

FLUENT CORYZA ON SUDDEN CHANGE OF WEATHER; violent stitching or crawling, from the root of the nose almost to the tip; stopped coryza; chilly sensation prevails.

Carbo-veg [Carb-v]

Itching of nose, particularly around nostrils; ineffectual desire to sneeze, with crawling in left nostril; severe coryza with hoarseness and rawness of chest; watery fluid discharge from nose of stoppage, (<) evenings; lachrymation and biting pains in and above nose; catarrhal aphonia; general debility: (<) in warm, moist atmosphere.

Causticum [Caust]

Coryza with hoarseness and catarrhal aphonia; frequent sneezing with pains in chest; fluent coryza with pain in chest and limbs; itching of tip of nose and alae, as well as inside; rawness and burning under sternum.

Cepa [All-c]

Acrid watery discharge from the nose, it drops from the tip of the nose; in the evening, sometimes with a pain in the larynx as if it would be torn; cold after damp northeasterly winds; cold begins mostly in left side and goes to the right; catarrh, with epiphora and smarting of the eyes, with violent sneezing; he must take a long breath and then sneeze accordingly; spring coryza; tingling and itching in right nostril, with burning acrid discharge; aggravation evenings an in warm room; feels better in fresh air; violent; laryngeal cough; temporarily relieved by eating apples.

Chamomilla [Cham]

Coryza first dry and obstructed, followed by scanty, moderately acrid discharge; irritation to sneeze, with crawling; dry heat; hoarseness; produced by tenacious mucus in larynx and trachea, with an almost uninterrupted tickling irritation, provoking a cough; dyspnoea; pressure on thorax and sternum; feeling as if coryza would appear; cold occurring on cold, windy days.

Samuel Lilienthal
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal (1815-1891) was from Germany, and became a pioneer homeopath in America. He received his Doctor of Medicine Degree from the University of Munich in 1838. After he moved to the United States, he was hired as Professor of Clinical Medicine at New York College for Women, and also as Professor of Mental and Nervous Diseases at the New York Homeopathic College.
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal was the author of many great books including “Homeopathic Therapeutics”. For many years, with the support of Dr. Constantine Hering, he was the editor of the North American Journal of Homeopathy. Dr. Lilienthal passed away on February 2nd 1891 in San Francisco.